Update: the ups and downs of Beau's eye and other stories (RESOLVED)

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naturestee wrote:
Loki's duct needed to be flushed twice to resolvehis problem.

So, when will you be moving to Sheboygan for decent, cheap vets?:biggrin2:

Well then I will go back and get the duct done again ..after all she gets paid for it

Dr Gengler also called back .................
He doesn't know ifBeau's eye is related to his teeth because the teeth pulled were on the opposite side . He also said that he could figure out the whole eye thing if Beau came to verona and do dental work if Beau was strong enough for anesthesia. Beau seems fine right now in terms of activity and appetite and probably strong enough for surgery
I just told Jim about this and he said he wouldn't make the trip untilMarch because of the problems driving in this weather. :shock:

I will have to start chipping away at him to get him to break down re. the trip but I know that we won't go really soon.

In the meantimeI am making chamoille tea for an eye bath

Thanks Angela, Jim, Jen, Jan, Bo Bunny and everyone:)

Two very gross pics of beau's left eye and 1 of his right eye (which has cataracts but otherwise OK)

Don't look if easily grossed out
Now you will know why I am upset!




Well I have good news; didn't want to post if it was status quo

Beau has been on bicillin for several weeks now and his eye is improved from the above pics BUT it is stillstuck shut each AMwith pus.

Jim sees me very much anguished by this day after day even though I don't say a lot; I have been extremely upset that I cannot get to Madison to the dentist.

Well today he told me to go ahead and make an apptointment so Beau, Jim andIare going to the one person I know that can help him , Dr Bill Gengler from UWL Madison

Unless there is a snow storm we are going On Dec 17th .next Wed.

I just thought of something fun

would each one of your who reads this send Jim (my husband ) an e-mail thanking him for agreeing to take me (Maureen) and Beau to the dentist in Verona next Wed.
I think it would make him feel appreciated .....
Jim's e-mail address is

[email protected]



can't you tell I feel better already....:)
Thanks everybody ..
I was in hell here because not one of the vets have a clue..

but when I talked to Dr. Gengler on the phone he talked about how they could do something to visualize the tear duct etc. which is plugged up or scarred or???

plus I can have the left side of Beau's mouth done as the 1st dentist only did the right side lower molars.......... maybe Beau has infected toothroots affecting his eye. Dr G . has said on previous visits that Beau had infected tooth roots and generalized infection everywhere in his mouth
The eye problem may not be related to his teeth but to me it is just too much of a coincidence as Beau never had eye problems before before ..

Ijust looked at the above pics (when off bicillin) and realize that his eye really looks better now than a few weeks ago but it's like I'm trying to hold back a raging infection and I don't know where it's coming from....

I sure feel better that we're going
I sent an email! :D Bless your husband... what a lovely man :)

I'm so glad you're getting to the dentist.... it must be a weight off your mind. I hope it all goes well :hug:
Thanks Jen..

He came upstairs last night and told me he was getting e-mails from "your rabbit friends". I thought he might not like it that I publicized his e-mail address buthedoes like the 'Thank yous" ; he won't say it butI can tell.....

Thank you everyone.......:p

now if he backs out he has a whole army to contend with :biggrin2:
I had to change the appointment to Jan 7th.

Jim has the flu and can't drive ; it has snowed since morning (and still is snowing) so road conditions would have been bad

I was bummed but since it hasn't stopped snowing we couldn't have gone anyway ..
Beau is status quo :?
angieluv wrote:
I had to change the appointment to Jan 7th.

Jim has the flu and can't drive ; it has snowed since morning (and still is snowing) so road conditions would have been bad

I was bummed but since it hasn't stopped snowing we couldn't have gone anyway ..
Beau is status quo :?


Sorry for the delay but atleast is not getting worse. I know what it is like to want to get them in right that moment.
Well today I had a conversation withan associate of the dentist in Verona who is an exotics vet and on the HRS list.
This is what has happened in a week...
Beau's eyeball now has a red growth?? near the lower rim of the affected and inflamed eyelid. it is slightly protruding.

I noticed it when I was cleaning his eye the other day...
I just felt sick...........:(
I mean really reallysick because now this is not a tear duct , dental or conjunctiva problem that may be well clear up when beau's teeth are taken care of ;

now he has an eye problem..maybe an infection in his eyeball....

I thought I need more than the dentist nowI need the dentist and a vet just to treat the eye.
Dr gengler( is at the clinic only on Wed) because he is a professor at the University of Madison but Dr Barney Smith is an exotics vet who is strictly in Verona and works with Dr Gengler.

I talked to Dr Smith today about my fears that Beau will lose his eye and maybe his life if this infection spreads to the brain (it will in untreated eye infections ) so I have an appt with him next mon.

he will look at the teeth, take x-rays, figure out what the eye problem is and get everything prepared for Dr gengler working on the teeth on jan 7th.
i e-mailed new photos which are very terrible and I won't post them

Through all of this beau is still normal otherwise,eating pooping etc. It does hurt him when I wash his eye and put the salve in but he looks relaxed andfine otherwise.
Everyone pray that the weather is not terrible on Mon.Jim still has the flu but is getting over it
beau looks like his normal self and i cannot stand that this is going on and on and on

like living in a 3rd world country with a sick baby :(
angieluv wrote:
Beau's eyeball now has a red growth?? near the lower rim of the affected and inflamed eyelid. it is slightly protruding.

I don't know if rabbits can get it, but it sounds ALOT like papillary conjunctivitis. I don't see why rabbits could not get that- if his eye is already affected it could be conjunctivitis that caused this, or an infection that caused conjunctivitis.

Can you see what his current vision is like in that eye? Wave a flashlight in front of it in a darkened room and see how his pupil responds. That will give you a good indication right now if there may be an infection in his eyeball. He would either flinch at the light (not normal response) or his pupil will take forever to react.

I am glad you got an appointment for next Mon- that will be a big relief. Hoping you don't get a snowstorm...

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