Update: the ups and downs of Beau's eye and other stories (RESOLVED)

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angieluv, very important to know the different approaches vets can take. Thanks for posting the information. Our sanctuary crew / foster clan, and family, all send support to you and Beau.

Is there anything I can do to help you get Beau back to Dr. Gengler?? Give him lotsa TLC and love for all his road trips. You are one special person!

Tonyshuman .. if any of your rabbits ever have dental issues go to Dr. Bill Gengler either at UWL or Verona. he is a keeper.:)

Thanks, angieluv. Luckily, no problems in that area for us yet, but with a nethie and a holland you never know. I hope Beau is getting better, and this other vet dentist doesn't sound all that bad if she goes to conferences and stuff. I'm sure she just made a "rookie" decision. Best of luck~~:pray::pray::pray:
TreasuredFriend wrote:
angieluv, very important to know the different approaches vets can take. Thanks for posting the information. Our sanctuary crew / foster clan, and family, all send support to you and Beau.

Is there anything I can do to help you get Beau back to Dr. Gengler?? Give him lotsa TLC and love for all his road trips. You are one special person!


Thanks so much for your offer to help, Treasured Friend. You are truly my bunny angel :angel:. Right now I will just take one day at a time and see how this plays out.

Thanks also for helping out Khermann3; I think you are RO's bunny angel :innocent

Beau is actually a little better today..eye much less inflamed and swelling going down
he is supposed to be on this treatment for 3 weeks so I have time tothink out my next move.
beau is still doin well...after reading Randy's note on Ronnie, however,I am a little worried that Beau is only on 1 drug rather than the "kick ass" combo that Randy usually uses.

WellI can only do what I can do!!
Sending lots of head pets, snuggles, to Beau and his mom, that he'll improve everyday.

You are a bunny's best friend miss :bouquet:Infirmary Advisory Mod -- and Willow/Daisy & Penn, Gabriel keeper.


RO is truly lucky to have such a caring community, knowledgable members, 'N' educational-info forum. nap and nibble in loving security, little Beau boy.
I haven't posted on Beau for awhile except that he bonded with Willow( that went to hell also but is another story)

About 3 weeks ago I went to another vet in the La crosse area as despite bicillin and and triple opthlmic salve twice a day Beau again had pus oozing from his left eye. She did a stain and it showed that he had a corneal ulcer.
She told me to stop all antibiotics , and gave me gentocin opthalmic salve for his corneal ulcer. After one week of the salve we returned for a visit and his ulcer was already healed, his eye looked clearer and I thought he was on the way to recovery
No sooner than I left the office (within the past week) his eye again began to look sore and had more pus.

Today we returned and I can tell that she has no clue what is going on and neither do I. She gave me tobramycin opthalmic drops ( is this even safe as I cannot find it) and told me to restart antibiotics and also to put warm water packs on his eye several times per day.
This is why I have not been on RO today plus a shelter obligation

If i could move to madison I would have vets who knew their stuff but here it is just guesswork.

despite all of this beau's attitude and appetite is great which makes me feel sad asI don't know what to do for something undiagnosed.

Just forge ahead and take one day at a time......
:(I'm so sorry. I know how it is to feel like we want to fix them and can't!

We're still trying to get Tony better. I'm hoping to take him to a specialist soon. I'm scraping together the money for the initial visit. We had a few unexpected bills and it's been tight anyhow so my "emergency fund" needs an "emergency fund" and we're already juggling a bit. They won't see anyone who doesn't pay their office fees up front. :?
I am up early as I have topick up a shelter bun from her spay later this AM
We are getting snow right now ...maybe 3-4 inches ..anyway it is snowing now.

I am trying to figure out what to do with beau.

I just watched a video on 'conjunctivitis in a young rabbit' which is in the library. suprisinglybeau's looks as bad as the baby rabbit's. I

I am not sure what the vet told me to do yesterday is the correct thing. Antibiotics drops every 3-4 hours and warm compresses about as often.
All this fooling around with it is making it look really more sore and irritated. believe me it is worse...pus just is coming out even after i just clean it.

What makes me really sick is that i think this is dental related. I don't wnat to take him back to the vet in training for dentistry as i don't think she is experienced enough.

I would like to take him to veronato the dentist but with the weather like this I don't think so
i even showed jim beau's eye yesterday and , to be honest, I think that he would go to veronaif the weather cleared because i think he even thinks it looks terrible.

I cannot afford this either but i also cannot stand him in this condition.
The dentist in training had me put him on bicillin and the 2nd one had me take him off. She said yesterday I could put him back on if i wanted.
What a waste yesterday;
it was written all over her face that she was cluel less.
I'm going to try the new drops for the day..they sure aren't working as of now and then put him back on bicillin tonight or tomorrow.


Aw, I don't know what to say, other than to give you a hug! :hug:

I'm so sorry you're going through so much with Beau... and I'm sorry to hear his pairing with Willow didn't work out.

I really hope you can get something figured out for him.... I know you're doing more than your best in what must be such a frustrating situation!

I'm thinking of you guys....
I am so sorry to hear Beau's had this setback :(. I can only imagine how frustrated you must be, not being able to get a diagnosis. You've both been through so much.

I suppose, on the bright side, that at least he is eating and feeling OK in himself, which is a plus.

Hoping that someone can find a solution to this.

Maureen, did they ever check to see if Beau's tear ducts are plugged? That could be from overgrown molar roots or from dust or infection. Some vets are able to flush them out without anesthesia (wanna come visit me?). I think they can also check with the same dye they use to see corneal ulcers- if the duct is open you'll sometimes see a little dye come running out the bun's nose. I know it did for Dora- the vet wanted to make sure the duct wasn't plugged before choosing a treatment for her eye infection. If the duct is plugged it's just going to keep causing secondary infections.

Warm wet compresses on the eye can help some, try using chamomile tea instead of water to help reduce inflammation. It's safe for the eye and safe for them to eat so it's worth the try.

The vet I went to yesterday did try to flush his tear duct several weeks ago. She said that she thinks it'sprobably scarred. and closed (based on nothing other than ?)I tried to get her to try to flush it again yesterday but she didn't feel that she needed to although I read that sometimes it takes several attempts to unplug it. It is plugged as the dye doesn't come out his nostrils

She said "I usually get it the first time" ...and I didn't want to persue it with her. She is the only one here who can flush a duct as I called every vet clinic in this county and surrounding ones several years ago because jacques (RIP) needed tear duct flushes regularly .
i don't understand exactly why that would cause an infection like this as jacques had a runny eye but not a pusy eye???

i think maybe it is an infected tooth root, plugged duct and that type of thing combined. it could be the teeth on the Left side of his mouth as she did a lot of work on the right but not the left. he apparently (according to old records has a lot of infection generally in his mouth )

I really don't trust her enough to do anymore than this..
I guess that it just seems too consequential that this occured right after his teeth were done...

I started him on bicillin.

and maybe I'll try to call Dr gengler in Verona today or tomorrow as he is nice and willcall me back etc. I just wonder if he could do the teeth when the eye is so infected.

looks just like the open eye in the baby rabbit with conjunctivitis video

As for Willow....

She was eating all his food and blowing up like a balloon as he is free fed soft food. I devised a box that he could enter but that was too smalll for her.; he wouldn't eat normally in the box and I ended up having to separate them and thought they could be together a couple hours each night.
Well just the short time of having separate spaces and beau is chasing her and biting her and scaring her to death.
He is such a fool, could have had a nice female friend and acts like this....
naturestee wrote:
Maureen, did they ever check to see if Beau's tear ducts are plugged? That could be from overgrown molar roots or from dust or infection. Some vets are able to flush them out without anesthesia (wanna come visit me?). I think they can also check with the same dye they use to see corneal ulcers- if the duct is open you'll sometimes see a little dye come running out the bun's nose. I know it did for Dora- the vet wanted to make sure the duct wasn't plugged before choosing a treatment for her eye infection. If the duct is plugged it's just going to keep causing secondary infections.

Warm wet compresses on the eye can help some, try using chamomile tea instead of water to help reduce inflammation. It's safe for the eye and safe for them to eat so it's worth the try.

Our vet checked Benji's eyes for injuries with a blue dye....she also said that she would be able to tell if his tear ducts were clear if the dye came out his nose.
No injuries...no infection...but not much dye came out his nose.
Benji is sensitive to dust of all kinds. The vet guesses that his ducts may be small and any slight irritation causes him to over produce tears.
She said that tooth roots could be putting pressure on the ducts, but she really didn't see any serious issues with his teeth.
She didn't want to flush the duct unnecessarily, stating that it can sometimes cause scarring and could be detrimental in the long run.
We've stuck with a more conservative home treatment with good results.

Warm compresses of chamomile tea come highly recommended by Benji. :nod
He LOVES them!! I think the aroma is comforting to him as well as the warmth.
Loki's duct needed to be flushed twice to resolvehis problem.

So, when will you be moving to Sheboygan for decent, cheap vets?:biggrin2:

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