Update on Coco....taken a turn for the worse

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things are not looking good for Coco. I feel like I'm losing her. She has unexplaned bald spots. I think she is hurting herself. I'll be consulting with her vet. I'm afraid this might be the end for her. Please pray for us.
Oh No, this isn't what I was expecting to hear :(. Is she still eating, pooping etc? I really hope that she is OK. i ?know you've probably thought of it, but there are a lot of Forum bunnies going through a bad moult - could the bald patches be from that?

Thinking of you - let us know what the vet says.

we noticed a few scratches on her last week, but yesterday i saw a few bald spots and she just wasn't acting liker herself. Today I came home from work she has a bald spot on the top of her head, and the other side is swollen and her ear is too. I have NO idea how this happened.
My rabbit Beau had a lot of teeth extracted about 5 weeks ago and just within the last week his face and eye became swollen . It wasn't exactly an abscess but we're treating it with antibiotics. Most likely an infection caused by the dental surgery

is the problem something that would show up on a pic?
this sounds very strange....
On a different Note, I'll post this here since this is where Nick said he wanted a rabbit. Well he's getting not 1 but 2! they are babies they will be ready in a few weeks for him to pick them up. Here a photo of one of them. Was told she/he is Red Mini Rex.


Well he wasn't really alarmed he think she was stung by something. It has gone down alot already. She is acting better too. The other bald spots he attributes to the fact she's multing. Said that if the swelling doesn't look better by monday to call him.
Good to hear that she is acting a bit better. I guess if she was stung, then it would hurt her and perhaps cause her to try and get rid of the pain. Perhaps now the initial stage is over, she can recover (if that makes sense).

keeping everything crossed for you guys


ps - That is one very cute baby!

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