Update on Coco....taken a turn for the worse

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I've just watched CoCo's video--amazing! I am tearing up, so proud I am of her progress and bravery. She's one special bun, all right. She's living proof that no one should ever give up (on a goal, a dream, etc.).

PS: I've added CoCo to my bunny nab (or nap) list.

I'm in tears over the awesome progress she's making. This is WONDERFUL.

Way to go Coco.....you can do it girl!

Wow... that video was amazing! I teared up too...

I'm SO happy for you guys that Coco is improving so much... It's so nice to read a story heading towards a happy ending for a change as well :)

You guys are doing such a great job with her! She is such a lucky bun to have you and Nick looking after her... :hug:
The video is just great and she really looks like she is doing wonderful.

I'm so glad that she has recovered.

I would guess that exercise is good for her. If she does have some residual damage her muscles will adapt to the changes

She looks wonderful.
OMG! I just finished reading this post and I am so glad that Coco is recovering! I don't know what I'd do if that happened to my Toby! She is just adorable in that video! I almost cried 'cause she's so cute! :)

Congrats on her recovery and I hope that she keeps getting better! :biggrin2:
Oh My Gosh, I just watched the video
. What great way to start my day.

It's amazing how well Coco has recovered. The two of you have done such a great job helping her recover and believing that she would. You two are truely the best

Go Coco Go.


Hey Everyone, its been a long time since Ive posted! Im still in awe over all of the compassion from everyone.
As you can see from my video, she is doing alot better. Those legs just keep getting better. Every time I say to myself, that she will probably not get any better than this, she does.

I want everyone to know that I really thought the DR. opinion was a good one. He never said you MUST put her to sleep, but from the info I gave him, it was his best opinion. The only reason I didnt was because I saw a little flinch in her one leg the morning I was going to take her to be put to sleep, so I decided to wait a few days. That was a tough decision, because if she wasnt drinking or eating, which she wasnt, that could have made her miserable..she wasnt in any pain over the injury but the other stuff could have been VERY painful.

I really liked the place I went to,and I think its unfair if anyone would avoid the place because of the 'mis-diagnosis", which was NOT a mis diagnosis at all. He did say it was possible, but highly unlikely, and in the mean time, we would watch her suffer. I felt at the time that any effort to save her would have been selfish. But when I saw the flinch, then I realized I owed it to her to give her a few more days. By then, her eating and pooping/peeing had dramatically improved, so that part was out of danger.

This place I went to is really awesome, in fact, you can stay with your pet at any time, even when under surgery, you can be there to watch!!

Stephanie and I both agreed we didnt want Coco to live her life like this, so we were still unsure of what to do. Its very hard to figure out where the fine line is between Hope and selfishness!

Its now obvious that coco deserved the second chance.
She is NOT really totally out of the woods, but about 90% is. The only concern anymore is the grooming/bathing we must do, but Im starting to see her groom her back leg now a little. Weve been able to clean her better too.
At this point, there only slim chance of not keeping her would be if we decide she needs further care that we cant provide, but Im really feeling that is not going to be the case.
Im almost starting to think she may make a full recovery, where she can hop again!
Im not sure. I feel like she would have done that by now. Im going to continue to do PT with her and see if more recovery comes to those back legs. This video was the first time she did not Drag her legs behind her.

Thanks everone, and I am thinking of getting a Rabbit of my own now, there are some logistics that have to be taken care of, I work on computers, and there are TONS of wires all over. my room must be rabbit proofed first.
Take care everyone!
I agree that the response of the doctor doesn't make him a bad doctor. It happens all the time that situation can either become worse or better than predicted.

Nice to see you back Nick and hopefully we can advise you on how to rabbit-proof a rom.
Hey everyone, Coco is doing amazing. Her mobility is getting better and better! SHE did a MINI HOP!!!
She actually moved today with both back legs going at the same time, it was the first sign of a mini hop, and that we now thing she may end up on her way totally back to normal!!!

To think, she was only a split decision away from being put to sleep!!!
Only because there was some super slight movement in one of her legs the next morning, a friday, that we said lets wait until Monday. We didnt want her to suffer, but we felt we owed it to her to see!

Its amazing, and we will be posting a new movie soon to compare to the old one as to how much better she is getting.

The way she uses her back legs to walk is just amazing. She can actually move around really fast. Then today to see her do a small hop made me so happy and I had to share it with someone. So I called Ali =)

She did lose a bunch of fur on her bottom. The fleece I got for her cage works so good. Plus its super easy to wash and dry takes like 45mins tops. I was it every 3 days or so. I put newspaper under it. Today she acutally was able to lift her bottom off the ground when she peed. I kept a litter box in and just cut 2 of the sides off. She still poos and pees everywhere. The fur is starting to grow back and its not so bright yellow anymore. It was alot of work almost everyday washing and took atleast 2 hours to dry and brush her cuz half way through she'd pee on me. I'm so happy we found the right bedding. By the time i'd get her cleaned after working 10 hours it would be time for bed. I was really thinking that I was going to have to find her a new home because I wasn't sure I could care for her. But as the days go by she gets better and better.

I know Nick has said a few times we where going to have her put to sleep. I hate to even think about it now but at the time we really did feel like it was best for her. She was a mess and not eating, or acting like herself. But like I said every day she just contiunes to fight.

That is fantastic!!! I am so happy to learn of CoCo's amazing progress. She is a wonderful and super-hardy bun, to be sure! She's certainly taught me a thing or two about the tenacity of rabbits.

I can't wait to see the video of her progress!

That is great that she is continuing to improve. The video is amazing!!! I am so glad that she is mobile again!! What a lucky rabbit.:D
Hey guys Things are going pretty good. Nick has been working on Coco and Gator getting along so they can be out of the cage at the same time. So far its worked. I'd love for them to be bonded but Gator is Mr. Distructo and I have to use fleece for Coco cage still since she doesn't use a litter box. The other night she acutally got in and out of Gator's litter box so we put her back in her cage. She is using it but still going outside the cage too.

I am moving to my own Studio apartment on the 3rd of October. So once we get settled I'll have nick make a new video of her. I've very excited to have a bit more room. Plus its my 1st time having my very own place. Plus the landlord is cool about my rabbits. The studio has no carpet so it will be funny to see them walk on the flooring thats in there it looks like a wood floor but its Linoleum.
That sounds great!

I have linoleum that looks like a wood floor and it actually has little ridges in its surface that provides good traction for a bun to run!
keep us up-dated :)

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