** " Gypsy, I agree. Even though ivenever worked in rescue, I do have a general idea of what its like whenpeople dump unwanted accidental litters into rescues and sheltersbecause of this sort of thing. I'd rather see them go as pets toresponsible homes, or into my outlet so I don't have to worry aboutthem being abandoned or dumped somewhere. " **
Well said , Resuce canbeas heartbreakingand as wonderfull ascan be , I have a storyabout a Free rabbit that turnedup on mydoorstep justa few weeks ago ,theWoman on the phonesaid she had been givenfree rabbits by a familymemebr who thought her littleboy needed pets , ( Grrr ) wontgo there . She said she had toget rid of them asthe boy wasnt fond ofthem , So I said YesI would take one I only had 1free cage a t that time , I told herwhere to putHIM andto be sure to bring foodand water, and set him inthe garage where Iwould find it as soonas I returned home from work .
Needless to say I camehome from work went to thegarage Found the cage andprocedded to gett the cageprepared , got all that donewent over to take the littleguy out and WOW HOLD THEPHONE! something is amiss , theressomething moving in there !!!!! I start pokingaround and this womandidnt bring the male as she hadclaimed what she broughtme was A Female and 7babies!!!! talk about pissedoff well let me tellyou I was on thephone and letting the policeknow exactlly what shehad done , what shehad done was Abandon a motherand 7, 2 week old babies, Come to findout there was a male butit it mysteriously disapeared !, So I can assume shethought well we willjust dump these off and no onehome to know the differencetill its too late .
Iguess I kinda did getthe upper hand of that case , the policeturned her in at the Aspca .
Well said , Resuce canbeas heartbreakingand as wonderfull ascan be , I have a storyabout a Free rabbit that turnedup on mydoorstep justa few weeks ago ,theWoman on the phonesaid she had been givenfree rabbits by a familymemebr who thought her littleboy needed pets , ( Grrr ) wontgo there . She said she had toget rid of them asthe boy wasnt fond ofthem , So I said YesI would take one I only had 1free cage a t that time , I told herwhere to putHIM andto be sure to bring foodand water, and set him inthe garage where Iwould find it as soonas I returned home from work .
Needless to say I camehome from work went to thegarage Found the cage andprocedded to gett the cageprepared , got all that donewent over to take the littleguy out and WOW HOLD THEPHONE! something is amiss , theressomething moving in there !!!!! I start pokingaround and this womandidnt bring the male as she hadclaimed what she broughtme was A Female and 7babies!!!! talk about pissedoff well let me tellyou I was on thephone and letting the policeknow exactlly what shehad done , what shehad done was Abandon a motherand 7, 2 week old babies, Come to findout there was a male butit it mysteriously disapeared !, So I can assume shethought well we willjust dump these off and no onehome to know the differencetill its too late .