** " I have never, ever heard of any 3 year old doing so much damage.." **
Maddi please feel free to come meet my 3granchildren lol You want tosee 3 kids under the age of 4get into trouble you should seethese 3 and they are 4 ,3,2 in age ,4 yr old with asplit face from a glof club , ( walked r ight intoit ) . 3 yr old flying down a ramp with aBig Wheel ( trike type bike ) 2 yr old falling head firstinto the Bait tank , 2 yr oldopening the rat cage and gettinbitten by the Mother Rat . 7 Yrold falling off the arm of a couchand breaking her wrist in 2 places, 7 yr old breeding a rabbitwith out supervision , oh hellI could go on and on, Now bear in mind all for thebreeding episode last time ( not thistime ) ALL of them weresupervised , closely Stuff happensin a blink theresactually no preventing it , When the 7 yrold leaned back while sittingatop the chair 3 yrs back Iwas standing right there ,wasnt fast enoughto grab her and save the fall .I really hate to break it tothe uninitiated but children underthe age of 5 can teleport , they canbe right there one minute andthen over there another and youwill never see them move!.