Tummy virus going around? UPDATE GOOD!

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Aww...poor babies...what a rough week they've had!

I'm so happy he's home now, though, and they're settling in again.

Hope to continue to hear great news!!

Lots of love and nosey rubs to the buns,


P.S. Special hugs to you guys!
He's eating some, although you can tell his mouth is still sore even with the pain meds because he won't eat harder things like pellets or the stems from collard greens. Although I did catch him eating hay this morning! It's hard to tell how much he's actually eating because he's mad at me about all this torment and won't eat much while I'm looking at him. Sometimes I can sneak a peek at him eating if I go out the bunny room door, then peek through the doorway a few minutes later.

I'm still syringe feeding him per vet instructions, although to be honest I'm not feeding him the 40 mL/twice per day as she wanted. If his belly is full of Critical Care why would he bother to eat on his own? Not to mention that he gets so stressed out that he trembles the whole time.:(
I have never fed the amount the vet told me to feed for the same reasons. I sometimes feel that I will stress the rabbit out so much that I will do more harm than good. I give them enough but not anywhere near that muchjust enough to keep the gut moving
it really sounds like Loki is doing much better:D
Update time! I stopped syringe feeding Loki on Friday night. He's much happier now and binkies for his meals just like he usually does. They're still not eating all of their pellets, but I've seen Loki eating some. He still won't eat much if he knows I'm looking at him, the little bugger. I'm going to try taking him off the pain meds tomorrow and see how he does.

Oh, and Mocha loves the taste of Loki's antibiotics! It's some sort of sweet flavor, I think bubblegum? I caught her licking a little dribble off of the towel I wrap Loki in, and when I showed her the empty but not yet cleaned syringe she started chewing on it and trying to suck stuff out! If only Loki liked it that much!

Mocha and Fey are still up and down. I've stopped feeding the new hay bales and have gone back to my in-laws' bluegrass hay which the buns don't like as much, and I picked up some Sweet Meadow timothy hay at the store yesterday which they love. The way these guys eat hay I'll go broke buying pet store hay or ordering it, so I'm going to have to look around for some more hay bales. That'll be hard this time of year. Ugh.

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