Tummy virus going around? UPDATE GOOD!

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I wondered that. We'll see. Both of them are feeling much better but not 100%. Mocha acted a little too happy last night, I think cause she doesn't have to work at pooping anymore, but she was also letting the anal gland stink fly a ton and I don't remember her ever doing that before. I hope she takes Loki back!:shock:

Flashy wrote:
Do you think maybe Fey and Mocha went off their food because they sensed Loki was not right?
Sounds like you're going to be in a bit of a stink for a while with Mocha doing that. Maybe she might need a couple of bonding sessions but hopefully she will take him back.
Morning update- he's alert and was syringe fed again recently. His vet isn't in till 2, but she swung in this morning to check on him and plans to xray him again before calling us to decide where we go from here.
I'm so glad he is alert. That's a good start. I hope the next update is a positive one too.
We just got back from visiting him. He seems to be doing pretty good so far. He was alert and interested in us, wanting nose rubs and trying to figure out where the heck he was. I brought a variety of foods in incase he decided to start eating on his own.

We'll hopefully know more later today when Dr. Bixler xrays him again.
It's really good he is perky. Fingers crossed the x-ray comes back useful.

I had to come on quick to write this because naturestee is at work right now. The x-rays today didn't show crap. No, seriously. The lump yesterday just isn't there today. It disappeared. The doctor thinks that she mistook the one lump of poo in an otherwise empty belly for a problem (which in a way is, just not the same one). They also found out three molars were starting to grow into the jaw, so they ground down the molars and as long as he starts eating, we can take him home tomorrow.
Mr Stee - so good to see you posting again!!!!

Thanks so much for letting us know.
Well, I finally got a hold of James. I'm at work (with nothing to do and nobody around), and I thought he only worked till 6- turns outhe worked till 9.:p

The diagnosis? Loki's full of crap! No really, that's what the mass was. It's apparently all gone now as it didn't show up in today's xray at all. But they did xray his head and found that some of his molar roots are getting pretty long, so they ground his molars down to hopefully slow that. Looks like he'll be needing regular dental checkups too. Maybe I'll start a club for dental-challenged dutch!

They are keeping him over night, but he will probably be able to go home tomorrow. I don't know if he's eating on his own yet since when James talked to the vet Loki was still groggy from anesthesia.

This is a BIG load off my shoulders. Would you believe I've been researching veterinary cancer treatments?:embarrassed:

I'm ready for my cancer/abscess free bunny to come home now!
LOL James! We posted at the same time. Seriously, I have NOTHING to do! I could leave right now and nobody's here to notice, and everything's done already. Although I'll go quadruple check...
I'm so glad that he didn't have a mass... what he has is bad enough but not even near as bad as having some kind of internal tumor.

I'm so glad that he probably will be coming home tomorrow. :D

Now you can relax at least a little bit:hugsquish:
Our rabbits are going to be the death of us yet. We all are suffering with nervous exhaustion
I am so glad to hear about Loki. I bet if Patrick underwent an x-ray at the same time they would have found the same thing with him. (By the way, he is doing sooo much better now with eating and pooing) Freaky how this all happened on the same weekend for both of us with similar results.... :?I am so glad you were there to support me through the ordeal because I really thought I was going to lose him so soon after Benjamin. Sometimes I get so tired of guessing what to do next, that I wish I had this type of resource and other bunny-people to rely on with questions and concerns some twelve years ago with Maggie.
angieluv said: Our rabbits are going to be the death of us yet. We all are suffering with nervous exhaustion
I thought this very thing this past weekend and lived to tell about it with nerves barely intact.

Thanks again Angela!!!! I am elated we all pulled through this one! :D


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