Tummy virus going around? UPDATE GOOD!

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I'm very happy for you and Loki. New to the group and everyone has been so wonderful with the "newbie" that is me.. Bunnies I have found tend to make you nervous as you want to get them to the bunny flop daily (always feel I have failed Baxter! in some way when he doesn't do this for me).. I am very happy that you can have at least a moment from worry.
I was following this thread, hoping that Loki would pull through. I'm now so glad to see that this is nothing serious and he's fine!

I am soooooooooooooo glad for you all that Loki is going to be ok. What a relief!

I hope he comes home and is the life and soul and gets Mocha under control.

That really is great news.
Yeah, we'll see about Mocha. I think she's getting depressed without him now, it's just hard to tell since she's always such a cranky little diva!

Morning Loki update: He's eating on his own! Again, his vet doesn't come in till later this afternoon and she'll check him and decide if he can come home now. But he probably can.
Hopefully Loki will come home today and it will help both him and Mocha get back to rights.

Maybe she is just after your attention. :p
Loki's home. He is doing fine, but we will have to syringe at the least antibiotics into him for the next two weeks. He hopped around and checked the place out. Mocha wouldn't leave his side for fifteen minutes. Not until she was able to chin him from cheek to, well, cheek. Loki ate some veggies when I presented them. Mocha, not to be out done, also ate some, though half heartedly. They are now in the pen together and are very careful to be close to each other. More maybe later.
Oh, my baby! I'm so glad Mocha's not angry at him.

BTW, did Mocha eat all of her pellets and veggies from this morning? And when does he need the next antibiotic dose, since you'll be asleep when I get home? Painkillers?
He is suppose to have the antibiotics twice daily (in fridge. Don't know if it needs to be in there, but it is) yet tonight and the meloxicam once daily (on lamp stand) yet tonight. They were so busy that I wasn't able to talk to the doctor, but the care sheet (on lamp stand) says we are still suppose to be force feeding critical care (30-40 cc) until his appetite completely returns. Also to give the vet an update in two days.

Here is the bill for all to gawk at and be envious over. Also, I heard the receptionist talking on the phone about Patrick getting a vet appointment when I was there.

Services by Heather Bixler

04-07-08 Loki
1 Health Check 6 Panel
[align=right]36.00[/align] 04-07-08
1 Blood Draw
[align=right]11.00[/align] 04-07-08
1 CBC Inhouse
[align=right]24.00[/align] 04-07-08
1 Rabbit and Rodent Examination
[align=right]18.50[/align] 04-07-08
1 Office Call
[align=right]11.75[/align] 04-07-08
1 Subcutaneous Fluid Admin.
[align=right]21.50[/align] 04-07-08
40 Trimethoprim/Sulfa 240mg/5ml #75540
[align=right]11.00[/align] 04-07-08
1 Critical Care Diet (Herb.) 5oz Orig. #75
[align=right]10.30[/align] 04-07-08
2 Meloxcam 1 .5mg/ml 32ml Oral Susp. #75541
[align=right]7.74[/align] 04-07-08
0.90 Metoclopromide 5mg/ml
[align=right]4.00[/align] 04-07-08
1 Progress Notes
[align=right]0.00[/align] 04-07-08
1 Hospitalization Per Day
[align=right]28.50[/align] 04-07-08
1 Radiographic Study 1 Region (2 views)
[align=right]82.50[/align] 04-08-08
1 Progress Notes
[align=right]0.00[/align] 04-08-08
1 Phone Call
[align=right]0.00[/align] 04-08-08
0.90 Metoclopromide 5mg/ml
[align=right]4.00[/align] 04-08-08
3 Isoflurane (per 5min)
[align=right]27.00[/align] 04-08-08
1 Molar Grind
[align=right]25.00[/align] 04-08-08
1 Radiographic Single View
[align=right]39.50[/align] 04-08-08
1 Progress Notes
[align=right]0.00[/align] 04-09-08
1 Progress Notes
[align=right]0.00[/align] 04-09-08
1 Hospitalization Per Day
[align=right]28.50[/align] 04-09-08
1 Progress Notes
[align=right]0.00[/align] 04-09-08
Visa payment
[align=right]-390.79[/align] Old balance Charges
Payments Discount
[align=right]New balance[/align] 0.00 390.79
390.79 10.00**
[align=right]0.00[/align] Your invoice total reflects our Client Class 1 discount.
Huh, somehow we became client class 1 people. Pictures soon to follow.

Mocha starting to chin.


Mocha continues to chin.


Still doing that chining thing, maybe with a little licking too.


This is the amount in mocha's bowl. Loki ate most of the left over greens after this.


I admit it - I did gawk.

I'm NOT envious.
For over two days of constant vet work, that is a pretty good bill. For six hours at the emergency all night vet only 60 miles away would have cost us close to a thousand dollars.
Darn it, I can't see the pics! I'll have to wait till I get home. *sigh*

And yup, Janet's (Myheart) Patrick is coming in, she got his appointment moved up to this Friday. Did you know she has to pay $50 just for a normal vet visit in Manitowoc???

I saw the Client Class 1 discount on Luna's last bill too. I should look at our older bills and see if that's on there. It might just be that Class 1=normal, or maybe we have a discount now because Luna was a foster? I did notice that the xrays looked cheaper than when Mocha got xrayed during a stasis episode.
Make sure you give Loki his meloxicam soon after getting home. He is starting to mope around. I think he is feeling the teeth problem again. Right now he is sitting on his shelf stareing straight ahead with his head slightly down. Remember, antibiotics, meloxicam, and critical care are all suppose to be syringed tonight. I would have started, but he was settling in for the longest time. Now that he is starting to feel the pain again, I have to go to bed soon.
Will do. I'm gonna pick up some more veggies and pumpkin on my way home too. I bet those pellets are too hard for his sore teeth right now. I'll try making some little mush balls with the Critical Care and see if he's interested in that too (yes I'll still syringe feed).
Argh, guess who's sick of being manhandled! I'm gonna go look at bunny burrito instructions because I must not be doing it right. Darn bugger keeps squirming out! And I'm supposed to give him 40 mLs Critical Care twice a day until he's eating normally on his own!?!
I have a rather non-traditional method of bunny burritoing (with a caveat, see below)because my squirmy bunnies do not trance very well and cutting toenails will wake them! I put the tranced bunny inside the sleeve of a sweatshirt. They can try to squirm on out, but as long as they don't get more than their front paws out, they're stuck in there. This is a really secure burrito, especially good for those bunnies that don't trance well.

And before someone gets worried about this being dangerous, I want to add that I'd be really careful about it though since it's a bit dangerous with some thrashing about, with the potential of somebunny getting hurt... so only under extreme circumstances do I reccomend the sweatshirt-sleeve-bunny burrito! It's also not the least stressful way to cut nails on a rabbit. ;)
I'm so glad him and Mocha are doing well. I love the pics of her marking him and making him hers again.

How is he today?

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