Trancing rabbits

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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2005
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, , United Kingdom
I've been trancing my bunny to clean up her chin after surgery for an abcess. Some books say dont trance them it's stressful and others say it doesnt bother the rabbit.

In my opinion she is much happier if she istranced, because she hops about and has something to eat afterward, where as if we dont trance her she fights against us all the way, gets really stressed, and runs off afterward and refuses to come out for supper.

It also lets us get her chin nice and clean and get a proper look at it.

Is it very bad to trance a rabbit to keep her wound clean?

I have been told that a rabbit goes into a trance when they have been grabbed by a predator. They stay still until the predator doesnt grip them as hard and then they can run away.

But if they get really upset when you have to do something, then I probably would put them in a trance.

But thats just me!:colors:
In general, I am against trancing because it invokes natural danger responses, thus causing stress. However, in the situation that you are describing, I think trancing is far less stressful than any alternatives. I would say keep doing what you're doing:)
Both my rabbits hate being on their backs and struggle, so I don't even attempt to trance them. I think it's ok for short periods of time.
My rabbits hate it. I think they feel betrayed. But it's more important that you keep her still while you clean her wound, so in your case trancing is good.

How is she doing, by the way? It sounds like the surgery went okay.
Thanks everyone.

She is doing ok after her surgery. She seems happy and plays outside- does binkies and flops on her side, and she eats well. I think she will have chronic problems as there was bone invovlement but the wound is nice and clean with not much coming out now.

She is going fora second opinion to another vet Friday.

Best wishes

Liz and Flora
lovelylionheads wrote:
Sorry but im new could someone explain what "trancing" is please?? thankyou xx

Trancing is when you flip a rabbit over on it's back and calm it down, so it's like it's asleep. This article explains how to do it:

Some rabbits enjoy it. Others don't. Trancing is a prey response. They would normally do it if they're caught by a predator and being carried but aren't dead yet. As soon as the predator's grip on them changes, the rabbit makes a sudden dash for freedom. I've found trancing to be stressful for my rabbits, and they do make that sudden dash at the slightest shift in how I hold them. Then they glare, thump, and flick their back feet at me. Although like I said, some rabbits do enjoy it.

I am having a difficult timegrooming myJersey Woolybelly and feet. Would trancing help. What is youradvice? He wiggles and squirms everytime I try to flip himover and gets tickled if I try brushing him by proping him on his hindlegs. How do I do it? I am afraid he willget matts. Please help.


Hi, you might find that you get more responses if you make a new thread that is specifically for your problem :)

With regards to trancing, try looking in the bunny 101 forum as there is stuff in there that can help you :)