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Manhattan has a paper towel roll, a wickerfeeling carrot that my boyfriend got at Petco, these little weeblepeople I used to play with when I was a baby, and the cap from thoseiced tea concentrate bottles. He loooves all of them.

Gabby wrote:
this is by far my bunnies fav toy, it is a wire ball


followed by hanging toys made with these



Santa Claus heard that!!

Shhhhhh...everyone's currently sleeping in Tucker Town.

Carolyn wrote:
Gabby wrote:
this is by far my bunnies fav toy, it is a wire ball


followed by hanging toys made with these



Santa Claus heard that!!

Shhhhhh...everyone's currently sleeping in Tucker Town.
So what are the favs in tucker town?? LOL i justbought a few wire balls tonight.. they never seem to have more than 4at a time in the store.. but i also got one for the bun at work, he wasso bored today he destroyed his cage.. well he ripped everything up andmade a right old mess LOL One the girls asked me what hisprobwas i said he's bored lol
Carolyn wrote:
*nepo* wrote:
Are catnips good for bunnies?

Hi *nepo* :)

What are catnips?


I think he means "catnip", the herb that cats are attracted to. I wouldn't think it has any effect on bunnies.
Hey Gab! :dude:

Yup. He was bored. When they have a cow like that, you know that they're playin prisoner with the tin cup on the cage.

Tucker's favorite toy seems to be tossing his food bowl across thecage. :? Other than that, his favorite toy is Miss Smiley. I'll have totake a picture of them sometime. She's a stuffed smiley face withballerina slippers, gloves and a bow on top of her head.

Fauna's is a parrot toy with a ball inside. No doubt, she loves whipping that thing across her cage.

Cali's favorite toy at the moment is the end of a paper towel roll. Shestarts chewing on it, but stops as if she doesn't want to hurt it.

Carolyn wrote:
Hey Gab! :dude:

Yup. He was bored. When they have a cow like that, you know that they're playin prisoner with the tin cup on the cage.

Tucker's favorite toy seems to be tossing his food bowl across thecage. :? Other than that, his favorite toy is Miss Smiley. I'll have totake a picture of them sometime. She's a stuffed smiley face withballerina slippers, gloves and a bow on top of her head.

Fauna's is a parrot toy with a ball inside. No doubt, she loves whipping that thing across her cage.

Cali's favorite toy at the moment is the end of a paper towel roll. Shestarts chewing on it, but stops as if she doesn't want to hurt it.

aww yes you need to take pics, and what a gentle giant too cute
m.e. wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
*nepo* wrote:
Are catnips good for bunnies?

Hi *nepo* :)

What are catnips?


I think he means "catnip", the herb that cats are attracted to. I wouldn't think it has any effect on bunnies.

Personally, I wouldn't give it to my bunnies if that's what *nepo*meant. I don't know how or if it's treated and would be concerned as arabbit's system isn't like a cat's system.

Besides, truth be told, I'd rather my rabbits be sharp rather thandazed. You can get so much love and laughter out of them when they areon their toes.

Let's face it, it's Gotta be fun to binky! Who needs catnip toys when a Binky comes naturally?!


Oh Gabby,

Cali is such a beast...and such a BAYYYBeeeee.

UN - Believeable!!


Sebastian has a plastic multi-link chain that I found in the babydepartment and he loves to drag it around. He especially likes to dragit up to his top level and then drop it off the ledge to clatter to thebottom of his condo. He loves the noise! Then he runs down his rampsand does it all over again! He has some plastic baby keys that he likesto carry around and shake. He likes the bar thingy with the bell in itthe most. We tought him to "throw it". We would roll it to him and he'dnudge it. The first time he picked it up and dropped it we got the ideaof a fetch type of thing. We started repeating "throw it" when he'ddrop it. Pretty soon whenever we'd roll it to him and say "throw it"he'd pick it up and swing his head and toss it! I think he really likesthe sound it makes. I'm sure he likes the interaction with whomeverhe's getting the attention from too! All our friends always get a kickout of a bunny that plays games!



OK thanks Carolyn I justwanted to knowbecause a catnip would be good tochew on and dig on, since Nepo is a chewer and a little bit of adigger.:)
Well I know that catnip is a perfectly safe herbfor people to eat, it's a perrenial herb in the mint family.Many people grow it themselves (it grows so fast, it's often considereda weed); there is only a small window in growth when the herb isdesirable by kitties though, so most people will buy it. The dried ismore potent than the fresh, but some people notice just as much of areaction with the freshly-grown variety.

I doubt highly that it would have the smae effect on rabbits as it doeson cats. The chemical nepetalactone is what triggers the response.Apparently, it somehow kicks off behaviors in cats that are sensitiveto the chemical. But it only affects felines. Large cats, such astigers, may be sensitive to it as well. (hehehehe....imagine a "high"tiger)

Not all cats will respond to catnip, and they usually have to be over ayear old to develop a "taste" for it. Catnip triggers an exaggeratedpredatory response, making the cat super playful and they may evenchase phantom prey. Study after study has proven that catnip is not atall harmful to cats, they may even enjoy using it and will not becomeaddicted (if used too often, they may simply stop reacting).

So, that said, I doubt it would have any effect on rabbits, but I don't know if the actual herb itself is safe for them to eat.
I use the toilet paper rolls and the paper towelroll centers she has a rattle carrot she throws around and wood blocksshe chews on and I am so glad I grabbed two phone books in thebeginning of the year cause she chews on one and the other ishidden.

My magazines are no longer readable cause she has chewed them all toheck and she chews on the newspaper as Im sitting on the floor readingit she's so funny! Its like how dare you pay attention to this and notme.

And when Im clipping my sunday coupons she gets right on top of my stack and tries to eat them!

Wiffle ball I never thought of I'll have to look into that! Baby toys are great too!

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