Well I know that catnip is a perfectly safe herbfor people to eat, it's a perrenial herb in the mint family.Many people grow it themselves (it grows so fast, it's often considereda weed); there is only a small window in growth when the herb isdesirable by kitties though, so most people will buy it. The dried ismore potent than the fresh, but some people notice just as much of areaction with the freshly-grown variety.
I doubt highly that it would have the smae effect on rabbits as it doeson cats. The chemical nepetalactone is what triggers the response.Apparently, it somehow kicks off behaviors in cats that are sensitiveto the chemical. But it only affects felines. Large cats, such astigers, may be sensitive to it as well. (hehehehe....imagine a "high"tiger)
Not all cats will respond to catnip, and they usually have to be over ayear old to develop a "taste" for it. Catnip triggers an exaggeratedpredatory response, making the cat super playful and they may evenchase phantom prey. Study after study has proven that catnip is not atall harmful to cats, they may even enjoy using it and will not becomeaddicted (if used too often, they may simply stop reacting).
So, that said, I doubt it would have any effect on rabbits, but I don't know if the actual herb itself is safe for them to eat.