TONY'S EYE: Have we found the problem??

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Even the bad eye is gorgeous ...
I know that isn't helpful .. but he is stunning :)

hope that he recovers OK

Beau has cataracts which looks like a film of saran wrap on the center of his eye; but it's not blue
I'll try to get a pic of his eyes sometime

my glaucoma rabbit had deep blue cloudy eyes but it doesn't look like Tony's
Tony actually has fluid under that deep cloudy blue. It looks like navy blue fog over his eye.

Thank you for the comments. We love the big boy. He's the sweetest bunny ever. If you rub his head and stop, he'll groom your clothes and then wait for you to rub his head again. He does this until he's "done" with brain massages. (that's what we call them lol)
Bo B Bunny wrote:
If you rub his head and stop, he'll groom your clothes and then wait for you to rub his head again. He does this until he's "done" with brain massages. (that's what we call them lol)
Toby does that too. I get harassed for them while I am still half asleep in the mornings. I would be so nervous having a bunny Tony's size groom me! I'm so used to a four-pounder (and they pack a heck of a bite when you groom "wrong")!
LOL! Tony is so gentle. Bo is my rough one! Tony is a big boy tho. You wouldn't think 9 pounds would be so ..... heavy/strong and he definitely is!

Funny tho, if I am holding them. They both dig on me if they need to go potty. I always know if they dig on my shoulder - put them in their cage so they can go.

OMG! His eye isn't as swollen and I could actually see a tiny bit of the brown iris at the bottom - it's still foggy over that part, but I could actually see it! YES! :pinkbouce:

That's really great news.... :D

I hope he keeps getting better like this, and doesn't have to go to the specialist!


Give him a big hug for me.... I love that bunny! :)
I think Diesel is possibly the culpret. He's been caught several times today sitting on the bunny cages and swatting at them. I don't know what I am going to do with that kitten! :X

Thanks everyone! Just keep sending those healing vibes!
Hmmm... that makes sense. Want me to lend you a nice big Flemish buck to teach that little kitty a lesson? (Actually, all my Flemish love the cats that comes to visit...)
Well, Tony doesn't mind Diesel at all - he was on the bed with him this morning and they were kinda sniffing each other and stuff...... then suddenly, Diesel pounced on Tony. :X Tony sort of looked at him like "What are you doing, you IDIOT!?" Diesel seemed to be trying to play like he would with another cat - but I can't let him bite Tony or the others.

I'm getting his claws taken out as soon as I can. Our vet wants to wait until he's 7 mos old. He might not make it to January!
This morning when I put Tony's ointment in his eye, it was pretty much the same.

This afternoon, the bottom 1/3rd of his eye is clear of the fogginess. It's still not great, but it's improvement!! :bunnydance:
Tonight it didn't look as good. It's like mornings it seems a bit better. He drinks a lot at night and sleeps some but more during the day. Luke has him in his room and Tony drives him nuts at night LOL!

I just hope it is not a bad sign. :(
The Baloney nearly took my finger off this morning LOL!

He has learned that when I put his eye medicine it, he gets craisens!! As soon as I was done, he lunged and nipped....... I think he saw that I had something in my hand, but it was the cap to the ointment tube!

I promptly got him 3 juicy craisens...... he was happy. His eye is about the same.

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