Bo B Bunny wrote:
He peed all over LOL! Plus a couple of nice, giant Tony Poos!
He was just reiterating the fact that you took him to an evil place.

I am super-surprised that I spelled "reiterating" correctly

Today is going awesome!
Good to hear that his "systems" are all good to go!

It stinks that they worked on YOU guys, but at least they're working

Can he see OK out of that eye? I mean, does he startle easier on that side or just "ignore" or not-see you? At least eyes heal super-quick. I've had two eye surgeries myself, so I know this! lol
Side Note:
That just happened to Will. I had fun screwing with his blurry vision. He had a florescent tube light blow-up in his face at work. He got glass, mercury, and a lot of dust in his eyes. He had to go to the eye doctor immediately. They put these little suction cups on his eyes that forced a cleaning solution to flush the debris out. When he got home (he drove home after this :shock

he could hardly see anything. He compared it to how blurry your eyes can get when you have your eyes open too long in a chlorinated pool. He said it was terrible. I kept moving stuff around the apartment on him... He couldn' see more than 12-18" in front of his face... hehe. I'm a jerk
Back on topic:
We're all relieved here to hear that Tony is doing better

Keep up that speedy recovery, "little" guy!