Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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I got to eat lunch today without any work on my part. One of the girls made me and my hubby a grilled cheese. They take turns helping prepare meals. We do not force them to but I think they enjoy the one on one time with us plus then they know what's for dinner ahead of time. For x-mas I bought them a sand which maker. We feel comfortable with them using it unsupervised but we are not there yet with the stove. They also can use the microwave.

I let Thumper out of his room yesterday twice. The first time was while we were home alone. He immediately came out of his room. He spent most of the time trying to find a way past the gate and into the den. He really loves being in the den since he's used to carpet and he can run from one side, jumps over hard wood onto the dog rug, hops again over the hardwood into his room and runs to the other side of it. I am starting slow because I feel I need to watch him. He can fit his head through the bars of the new gate and yesterday had his head and one leg through. I am afraid he will get stuck and hurt himself if he freaks out. He was quite interested when I started to scrub the floor. I let him out again in the evening after the girls were in bed. He spent more time checking out the room. He stays up against the walls though. At one point he was in a corner and periscoped investigating. That wasn't good enough though for him so he jumped straight up about four feet.

Also when he first started moving off the dog rug I stood right in front of the gate and the silly boy came over and sat on my feet. He was using my feet as a safe spot like he does with the dog rug just looking for more traction. I know he'll get used to it the more he is on it. There is a bit of linoleum in front of the front door in his room. He started just tiptoeing across it but over time he would hop across it and now he will run or jump over it.

He had me a little worried though last night. His one wall is his wall and the other side is the kitchen wall but it's the same wall. There is a door way (with no door) on each end of the wall. The one doorway is extra wide. Sometimes we play a game where I start doing a slow running shuffle while in the kitchen from one doorway to the other. He will run the same but on his side, in his room. Well we were doing it last night and after a while he laid down and his nose was moving so fast along with his body. I could hear him breathing fast through his nose really well. I sat and petted him lightly for a long time and even put an ice pack by him in case he was too hot. He was fine after that though.

I'll have to start letting the dog out when I let Thumper out too because they do like each other. I just have to supervise to make the dog lay down when he starts getting too playful. He just doesn't quite get his power and size. He sniffs the cats and manages to push them around while doing so. I need to completely bunny proof the den so Thumper can go in there. It will be a while though. He's been in there before but twice he peed on the carpet even with a litter box available so I will wait until he is going good in his extra litter box outside his room before allowing him any more free space. The kitchen he hasn't gone into yet. He never has even though he could at times. He just doesn't trust it for some reason. Maybe once he realizes there is a rug for traction there as well. I thought he might come in while I was getting his veggies but he just watched me intently from the dog rug.
That's cute the kids made you a grilled cheese. Such a favorite sandwich for kids :)

Glad thumper was ok after the scare he gave you. Sometimes they do odd things like that and it worries us so.

I do hope your dog and thumper can get along someday. Hopefully it doesn't stress thumper too much.

I've been meaning to ask you your first name. I know everyone has different comfort levels for what they say online so if you don't want to tell us I understand, but most of us put our first names under our
screen name and I just feel funny calling you pagal if you would prefer us call you by your name :)
I still like grilled cheese a lot myself. I have actually gotten so tired of lunch meat that it turns my stomach so I am limited to the sandwiches I will eat.

The dog and Thumper get along and they have been together before. I just have to watch the dog as he is big, doesn't realize his own strength and gets too excited at times. Thumper isn't worried about him at all. He goes right up to him, runs past him very close and jumps over him. I just supervise so there is no accidental injury.

I don't usually look at others names on here so I didn't even think about it. I'm Denise.
It is nice to meet you Denise! I'm Morgan! :)

I love grilled cheeses too, but I add tomato and bacon to mine! Or I stuff chips into it. My son loves them too. How nice that your girls like to help you guys out, they sound like really good girls!

Its so funny that Thumper doesn't like the hardwoods, I bet it is a little awkward. My floors aren't super slippery. But Ellie nor Foo ever had a problem.
Foo loved our dog! When I first got her and we we lived in a small apartment, I would let Foo out and she would run and jump over the dog and hop around him. He would lick her and she would lay down on his bed next to him. Even when we moved into our house, she would still seek him out and lay next to him when he would lay down in the kitchen. She would hop over him and everything. Ellie didn't get to know the dog well, since he left shortly after we got Ellie and she didn't get passed being scared of him. haha.
Hi Denise, I´m Chris. I love grilled cheese, especially with fried onions, I had one of those out the other day, lovely. Your girls sounds really good and very helpful. Great that they can do their favourite things for you some days.

I can imagine that buns get used to the floor they normally walk on. Mine are on marble which is slippery but I never get worried about them now as they are so used to them, they hardly ever slide. I do have rugs down for them to lie on as the floors are quite cold. I´m sure if he spends more time on the hardwood, he´ll start to get used to it.
Chris...nice to meet you as well! Yes, the girls are wonderful and helpful. It helps that they just like talking with us and being near us and will help so they get that opportunity. I especially enjoy the help in the garden. You can weed a lot quicker with eight hands then two. We always joke about how they are working for their dinner. So after a while they'll say "I've earned my dinner"!

I'm sure he'll get used to the floor. It's just a matter of time.

Lisa...It's nice to meet you as well! :)

It's nice to meet you as well, Morgan! You are also known around here as the chicken lady! I do talk about some of what I read here with my hubby or the girls. Sometimes I read it to the girls when they ask or they will read over my shoulder. Luckily I read faster than them and also read ahead while I am reading out loud so I can stop or stop them if someone starts talking of something inappropriate. Ha

One girl likes to put chips on her grilled cheese. I'll have to try the bacon for some and the bacon and tomato for those of us that like tomato. It sounds yummy!

As far as the floor, I think he just needs to learn to adjust the power of his kicks when hopping or something so he doesn't slip. He will hop around but does so slower and softer than on the carpet.

It sounds like Foo had fun with the dog like Thumper does. The funny thing is Thumper will charge at the dog. He won't bite or anything but the dog will actually back up. It's so funny because he is so much bigger than the bun, is extremely strong like even more than most dogs his size and he rarely will back off when excited. Even with us we it takes a little while to get it through his knuckle head, he just gets overly excited.
I am so excited for Easter, I just had to come and share! We hide eggs for the kids every year except last year we didn't get to. We will this year even if the weather isn't good and we have to wait a little while. I have two acres to hide eggs on and some very goods spots. Plenty of them. I plan to hide a ton of them and keep telling them they will be out there all day. We put small candy, change and small toys in them. Not too much candy though. We will probably hide a few with a little more than change in.

But the thing I am most excited about are these talking eggs I bought last year. I have had to wait a whole darn year to use these! I bought three of these eggs at wal marts and they cost I think $2 each. They talk! They say things in a teasing voice such as " I am hiding and you can't find me" and "nah,nah,nah, I'm over here!" I so cannot wait. I'm like a kid here with the excitement! It is going to be so darn funny!
LOL! That is great! It will probably be so fun to hide the eggs.

That is so funny that you got talking eggs I bet the kids will be surprised when the eggs start talking to them lol.

I haven't been reading your blog before, but I just started so my name is Elise.

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That sounds great and the talking eggs are so cool. I bet they´ll love them and get a real surprise. I think these traditions are great. Reading this, I was thinking about the film I saw at Christmas called Rise of the Guardians and they had the easter bunny on there egg hunting, I loved the film.

Food again, I love chips with grilled cheese on top...yummy.

Glad they like gardening and yes, four sets of hands is definitely better than one lol. Takes me back to my childhood, we used to help in the garden all the time to earn pocket money.
I wish someone would help me in the garden! haha. Last year I had to hand till my own garden.

The egg hunt sounds fun! I don't think my son is old enough for that yet, but I might try to get a few eggs put out in the yard and see if he'll pick them up! I bet the talking eggs are hilarious! haha.
Elise...nice to meet you! Yes, it should be fun. I tried one so I know it starts talking as soon as you turn it on but then it will go quiet for a little and then say something and then go quiet again. So they should here it talking in the yard but take some time to find one.

Chris... I do enjoy our traditions some of which we were raised with and some we just do because it is something we like. I haven't seen that movie.
Morgan...Most of the garden work is left to me but my husband will help with some like tilling. I can remember the first time he tilled. He had a harder time then me because he was trying to fight it and slow it down and instead it just dragged him across the yard. He stayed on his feet, running but you could tell the tiller was in control. I guess because I'm smaller and not as strong I just kinda let it do it's thing and calmly followed behind. This year I know our farmer neighbor said he will take his tractor plow through the garden for us. I don't envy you having to hand till!

You could have one for your son no problem, just hide them more or less in plain sight, as he gets older just hide them where they would be a little harder to find. This year you could just sit some behind a taller clump of grass or some such thing.
I think I will 'hide' some eggs for him. If I do hard boiled hand dyed eggs, I have to buy some! My chicken makes brown eggs and they don't dye well! haha. I should just buy some plastic ones, that would probably be easier. But I do love hard cooked eggs, they're so good! My chickens love them too. Maybe I'll mix them up.
Morgan...that's funny I never thought of hiding boiled eggs. we always do the plastic ones and like I said we put change, toys and candy inside. Not too much of any one thing just enough so they have something to come out of it. We do boil eggs and dye them. Each year I get something different...we have done dyed with food coloring, tie dyed, ones that got coated in glitter after dying, ones we wrote on or made a picture on with wax crayon before dying, dyed ones with stickers. This years are supposed to come out very shiny like a candy apple. Only three of us like boiled eggs but we will eat them plus I'll make egg salad from some and deviled eggs from some.

Cannibal chickens? I think if I had chickens I would be afraid to feed them eggs. I know they eat just about anything but I think that's where mad cow disease came from, cows being fed feed that had some cow product in it. I read an article about it. They claim the cannibals in Africa or wherever would also have brain issues.
I think the mad cow disease came from cows eating a diseased cow. I cook the eggs to make sure they aren't eating whites and yolks, because that starts a terrible habit of breaking eggs and eating them. I haven't dealt with that and I hope to never deal with it, its so hard to break them of doing. I don't feed them eggs very often, I fed them hard cooked eggs for a few days after the chicks were hatched, to help the hen get back on her feet from not eating a whole lot for 21 days and then to give the chicks some extra protein after just hatching. I stopped that at about a week though. But I will give them a hard cooked egg that has been in the fridge for a few days too long, I wouldn't personally eat it but it isn't "bad" or rotten. I also gave them to the rooster to help him come back from being attacked by a raccoon. Or if there are some eggs that have been on the counter too long for my liking, I'll hard boil them and mash the whole thing up with the shell on for extra calcium.
My whole point to this was...a lot of the diseases that chickens get aren't passed through the egg. But there are also a lot of diseases that are passed through the egg, like e coli, staphylococcus aureus, pseduomonas aeruginosa, salmonella. None of my chickens have ever shown signs of having any of these diseases and I haven't lost any unexpectedly. So I'm sure the feeding them the eggs back isn't a huge problem, most people feed the eggs back to their birds. I trust feeding my eggs back to them more than I even trust eating a store bought egg.
Biosecurity is the biggest way to prevent disease! haha.
Thats cute you'll be hiding eggs and the talking eggs :) we hide the plastic eggs too. And we do the very same thing, change candy etc. But this year we won't because we will be in DC. We usually host my hubby's family and I make a ham, potatoes, corn casserole etc bit since we will be gone I had to let them know I cant host. That was huge drama....any who..different story.

But we colored hardboiled eggs earlier this week. My son has been carrying them around in a basket. He started with 12 and he's down to 5 :)
Morgan...Ok then. I know you have to be careful and clean the eggs well before eating them and I would probably feel safer eating eggs from a chicken I raised as well. I eat my neighbors eggs without any qualms other than I make sure to scrub them well and I also wash my hands well which is something we do anyway any time we deal with any food.

Lisa...we always cook a huge meal but it is usually just the five of us. We just eat left overs for days which we all love. We always cook everyones favorites including desserts so we end up with a lot since we all don't like the same things. I have my husband cook his delicious potato salad but only three of us like potato salad.

I counted this morning. I have 100 eggs plus the three talking ones to hide. I also make the girls and my husband up an Easter basket each.
I'm wondering if Thumper will climb into a basket. I have a large one in the attic he could fit into. Now I just wonder if he would climb into it and let me get some pics.
I put Ash in a box once, and all he tried to do was jump out. Thumper would look adorable in a basket though. If he doesn't go in the basket you could try putting a treat in it.

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