So I absolutely love where I live. Until this past week the biggest problem I had with where we live is that our neighbor not long ago got a new dog. When he lets it out it runs across an acre of ground to come to our yard to do it's business. Our dog has been trained to go potty in one corner of our yard so we don't step in any messes and kids playing are not a problem. Also, our dog being part hound (definitely has the nose of one) goes nuts sniffing and snuffling where the neighbor dog has been which can be annoying when it is freezing cold out and I want to get back in. And of course we have dog poo where we don't want it. But this does not bother me too much yet. The pros well outweigh the con.
There is a place a few miles down from us that raises goats (there are dozens), has pigs, chickens, guineas and maybe other stuff. There are several fields around them. I like all animals so enjoy looking as we go past. Two weeks ago I noticed a dead animal on the road at there place. There is also a house across from them. The animal was small and black so I thought maybe a kitten. After passing it for the third time I realized the ears were too long to be a kittens. Either way I felt sad for the animal. Even an animal that has been long dead on a road I will not run over with my vehicle. I played zig zag on my road this past fall to avoid hitting the caterpillars that seemed to be on an exodus. Now I know this isn't a wild bun because it was black. Well this week there was another. definitely not wild either. This place with the goats has bun cages behind it but they look abandoned and it doesn't look like there are any buns in there. I'm now wondering if these people stopped raising a while back and just let some buns loose (I've lived here 2 years) and these are offspring or what.
Also, we have a small farm type store we frequent in the summer. They are a good place to get carb kits for small engines (lawn mowers, weed eaters, etc.) and seed. They also at times have bunnies and chicks. Now that I am so in love with Thumper, how am I going to be able to go into the place and not look at the buns? And how am I going to keep myself from wanting to bring them all home so they won't die forgotten by people that are no longer excited by the new pet or be someone's dinner? UGH, I didn't used to think this way!