Well-Known Member
I think the sheep may look extra white because they bathe them. Not sure if they might also use something to make them look brighter white like people do at dog shows.
Weird. I thought I had posted here more recently than that but I guess it was on other members blogs that I posted. I haven't been around much. Blame it on being tired, very busy or being sick. We were supposed to go to a two day race this past weekend but it was cancelled due to the rain. It has rained for 5 days non stop. Ugh! But of course we didn't get word that it was cancelled until after I had all of the packing and work done I needed to do to be ready. Rainy and cool and perfect sleeping weather if you get the chance to sleep. I spent my weekend keeping up to date on the trucker protest in D.C.
The book Fair has started at school and I have volunteered for that. I spent four hours there today and had to rush like crazy to get everything done at home after. I got to deliver pumpkins to all the teachers at the school which was fun. I love Halloween!
All the critters are well. Our buddy sent us a pic of the kitten he took. He named her Princess. Pepper the girl we still have comes running for attention when you call. She's still small. The male whom the girls named Cloud is just as silly as ever having to lay down for me to pet him. He also likes to bat my feet when I walk by but he does it ever so gently and never with claws.
Laverne and Shirley are continuing to get better at being petted. Right now Laverne looks different as she has been shedding and now has darker spots of fur in with her lighter brown.
Thumper is such a joy. He continues to be more affectionate and seek out attention more. The other night he placed his front paws on my leg as I sat on the floor and then laid his head upon my leg as I rubbed his face. Today while cleaning his cage he came flying over from the other side of the room where he had been in a bunloaf and snoozing. I thought he was rushing over hoping to get pellets but he wasn't. He slid up next to me at the last moment and stopped in a buntloaf right beside me wanting pets.
Funny story. The other night I was having trouble sleeping. last time I looked at the clock it was 1:30am. I fell asleep shortly after only to have both hubby and I awakened at 2:30 by our one vehicle alarm going off. Hubby got up and went out to investigate. What he didn't realize until he got back in was that he put on my pair of sweats. So he went out to chase off any possible thieves wearing a pair of too small, dark pink sweats. Ha! I told him that's what you do make them think you're crazy because armed is one thing. Armed and crazy is even scarier.

Weird. I thought I had posted here more recently than that but I guess it was on other members blogs that I posted. I haven't been around much. Blame it on being tired, very busy or being sick. We were supposed to go to a two day race this past weekend but it was cancelled due to the rain. It has rained for 5 days non stop. Ugh! But of course we didn't get word that it was cancelled until after I had all of the packing and work done I needed to do to be ready. Rainy and cool and perfect sleeping weather if you get the chance to sleep. I spent my weekend keeping up to date on the trucker protest in D.C.
The book Fair has started at school and I have volunteered for that. I spent four hours there today and had to rush like crazy to get everything done at home after. I got to deliver pumpkins to all the teachers at the school which was fun. I love Halloween!
All the critters are well. Our buddy sent us a pic of the kitten he took. He named her Princess. Pepper the girl we still have comes running for attention when you call. She's still small. The male whom the girls named Cloud is just as silly as ever having to lay down for me to pet him. He also likes to bat my feet when I walk by but he does it ever so gently and never with claws.
Laverne and Shirley are continuing to get better at being petted. Right now Laverne looks different as she has been shedding and now has darker spots of fur in with her lighter brown.
Thumper is such a joy. He continues to be more affectionate and seek out attention more. The other night he placed his front paws on my leg as I sat on the floor and then laid his head upon my leg as I rubbed his face. Today while cleaning his cage he came flying over from the other side of the room where he had been in a bunloaf and snoozing. I thought he was rushing over hoping to get pellets but he wasn't. He slid up next to me at the last moment and stopped in a buntloaf right beside me wanting pets.
Funny story. The other night I was having trouble sleeping. last time I looked at the clock it was 1:30am. I fell asleep shortly after only to have both hubby and I awakened at 2:30 by our one vehicle alarm going off. Hubby got up and went out to investigate. What he didn't realize until he got back in was that he put on my pair of sweats. So he went out to chase off any possible thieves wearing a pair of too small, dark pink sweats. Ha! I told him that's what you do make them think you're crazy because armed is one thing. Armed and crazy is even scarier.