Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. is a bad way to start the winter...freezing for days straight. ha! Hopefully yens will be warmer than we were or I should say less frozen. I know the feather mattress the girls slept on made a difference because they were warm.

It was a huge relief when I realized I could stop rushing around. After no sleep and running around all day that was the last thing I needed.
I really do hate being cold and I know what you mean when your body just can´t get warm. I must admit you get to a certain age where comfort is more important than anything else lol.

Glad the buns were Ok while you were away but just. People sometimes just don´t think like you do, I tend to repeat myself just to remind them all the time.

Talking about clocks, I was laughing the other day cos the bar we go in for breakfast never turns the clock back in winter so you have to remember to add the hour when you look at the clock. However, they confused me as this year, they have changed it so I left in a rush the other day and arrived really early as I was thinking the clock was wrong.

No need for heavy quilts, heaters or electric blankets here yet, it´s still around 22ºC during the day and still quite warm at night. When is the weather going to change :confused:
Chris...I don't enjoy it being very hot. I don't mind sweating when I'm working but I do when I am going out and it's nice to have a break from it at least at night but I don't like the winter cold either.

I wish they had automatic feeders and hay racks for the buns like they do with fish. That would be less worry for me than trying to find someone that can be trusted.

I did that once this year, showed up somewhere an hour early.

I put our flannel sheets on the bed last night and boy did that make a difference. We hang out in our den all of the time and the thermostat is near it. Well between cooking, heat from electronics and us the house on this end stays pretty warm. Our bedroom gets pretty chilly because it is on the other end and doesn't have anything adding to the heat. I also keep the door shut so Thumper can't get in which makes it even colder.
It has been a very busy week or however long it has been. We don't hunt but our neighbor does and sends us over the front quarters. He sent over about eight and it takes a lot of time to get the meat off of them. We then ground the meat for use as burger in recipes. We also canned sweet potatoes. We gave away as much as we kept and we filled 66 quart jars. So we could eat sweet potatoes once every five days for a year! And we only planted one row, my cupboard is ridiculously full and I had to rearrange half of my kitchen cupboards to fit it all.

On top of that I did a spring cleaning. I cleaned walls and rearranged and everything. That took a week along with everything else extra going on plus the normal daily work. Also, I was getting things ready because we had the twins birthday party today. They are actually turkey babies but a party then would just not be possible. We cooked out along with having cake and ice cream. I baked the cake and hubby put the icing on. None of us like store bought cake. Not everyone that was invited showed up but enough of the girls friends did so that everyone had a good time. Their one friend they race with came and her dad stayed so we had him to hang out with plus one of their friends moms stayed as well and she was nice and easy to talk to so it was a good day. Luckily the weather cooperated and the rain stopped hours prior and it was warm enough for the kids to be outside as well as inside.

Can you spot the bunny?



You have such a zoo Denise! I'm always amazed how much your family goes. Camping, racing, gardening, animals. I hate leaving all my babies at home even for just a little while. I have some pretty reliable joes thankfully that will do just about anything for a six pack.

Love the picture of little black rabbit really up close and personal. (Which one is Laverne and which one is Shirley still eludes me) Thumper is such a handsome boy! I am pretty partial to giant eared sandy colored rabbits though.

It's starting to get cold down south but here it is still 85-90 in the afternoons and any where from 60-75 in the mornings. We're all going to freeze to death when we get home. Wouldnt mind a bit of cold and snow though.

The rabbits and the husky sense the change in weather and have been bouncing off the walls according to my parental units. Hope yours are behaving a little better!
We don't like store bought cake either. My MIL actually got me one this year, because she didn't have time to make anything, it was okay, but dry. haha.

Glad the girls had a good party! Its always nice when the parties go smoothly.

Denise, don't you know its winter time? You have 6 more months before you need to spring clean! LOL I get it though, I've been doing the same thing. I guess, since we're all going to be cooped up in the houses, they may as well be clean!

Those buns are adorable! It looks like Lavern and Shirley were having a good time out and about! Thumper is so handsome!
Kaley...I hate leaving them as well even for a short time. It would definitely be too much to take them with us plus usually we go in the summer and it would be way too hot for the buns. Laverne and Shirley have been acting up. They are back to eating carpet although they still spend time every night in the dig box. They have also been chasing each other around the cage off and on throughout the day and night. maybe it is the change in weather.

The dog is always himself. he would be perfect if I lived alone because he is calm then and a lot less annoying but whenever someone else is here he is wound up and excited. He plays all year round but enjoys running more when it's cold out. He doesn't like to be out in the cold though unless he is running around.

Thumper has turned lazy. He doesn't play chase with me much anymore but now he comes over demanding to be petted and lays his head on my leg for face rubs. He also jumps into my lap at times.

Laverne is the brown one and Shirley is the black. They do like to come near but they don't stay long and still do not really seem to enjoy pets although they may stay still for a moment before running off.
Morgan...I am glad the party went well. Other than the one boy wrecking on the 4 wheeler. He was ok and did have his mom's permission first. He was real quiet afterwards but his mom did say several times that he was embarrassed so hopefully that was it. He was going so slow I don't know how he managed that.

Unfortunately it's hard too miss that it's winter time. I do usually spring clean twice a year, once at the beginning of winter and once at the beginning of spring. It's a great feeling once it's done and I'm so happy my cupboards are in a better order and now I have even more room to stock up for a zombie attack.

Laverne and Shirley really do enjoy their time out. Thumper is a ham.
I'm taking it a little easy today as I think I have earned it. I will still have to take care of the animals of course and will do some other work. I know if I do nothing I will feel miserable mentally and physically later.

We kicked the kids outside. It's a beautiful day more like spring. Probably one of the last really nice days we will have till spring.

The twins school had the awards ceremony on Friday. The oldest got all A's and one B on her report card and met her AR Goal for the nine weeks. The twins got all A's, met their AR Goal. Last year the twins took the SOL tests for the first time. They gave out awards for it on Friday because the results do not come back until after school is out for summer. Both twins got an award for a perfect 600 on the reading portion. getting a perfect score is a big deal. Out of last years entire 3rd grade and 4th grade class only 11 students made a 600 on any one portion. Out of those 11, two were our girls. They make us proud!

Now if only common sense would kick in! Ha I guess it's just a kid thing.
You are always so busy, I feel so lazy now.

Love the bunny pics, you´re right Thumper is such a ham.

That is a heck of a lot of food you´ve got then again, you´ve got a lot of people and animals to feed.

I can´t believe you spring cleaned, you are a bit early you know but it gets it out of the way and I always feel really good when I´ve given the house a clean from top to bottom especially the kitchen.

Congratulations to all the girls, I´m sure you are so proud of them. To achieve that is a testament to all of you. I do so love it when kids can read well, I think that it so enriches their life and it´s something, I think, stays with you always.
Chris...we do feed a lot of people and the girls for as little as they are eat as much as we do. We also give some of our canned food away as well. I like to think since we share that is one reason our garden tends to do well.

Well I call it spring cleaning only in the sense that I clean everything. I like to do it a few times a year.

Thank you. I am so glad the girls enjoy reading. I feel it is a skill that you must have to do well plus it is the best form of entertainment as you can to it anywhere and in any weather. Plus you can learn anything if you can read.
I agree 100% with you. If I was put on a desert island, I would definitely want books with me and if I had to choose between the TV and books, I think the TV would have to go lol.
I just stopped for a coffee break and must not let myself sit long. Laverne and Shirley are being butts. I guess it might be the change in season but they are now bouncing around their cage during the night and keeping me from getting to sleep and waking me back up when I do.

I'm not at all an early morning person and there's no way for me to get 8 hours a day but what I have been getting is not even close to enough. I should have been able to take it a little slower today but we found out a mouse has been living in our one dresser. We don't go in it every day and judging by the amount of poop it has been there a few days so now I have a lot of laundry to do and the dresser to clean on top of everything else.

We wouldn't have this problem if the cats could be inside. I told hubby we need to either get one of those bald cats or a rat terrier. Ha!
Hahaha. Oh no a mouse! Its part of living in the country! We had one mouse when we first moved in here. It came in the second night, because I think it had been living here while the house was empty. It didn't realize that we had a big cat in the house. I left. Left the hub here, to cuddle with the mouse and the cat didn't sleep for 2 days, to make sure the mouse was gone. She was crazy looking! She was dart this way and that, no mouse. haha. I think he got in here and was like OH NO! WRONG HOUSE, SORRY! That was it though. I think the rest of the mice figured out that we have 4 cats that are willing to kill. LOL

Sorry your girls are keeping you up. I don't know why they would be more active, other than rabbits liking colder weather. Ellie isn't anymore active than usual, but she doesn't have a friend either. But last night with her and the old cat, I think they're both insane. haha. Hopefully they get it together, so you can sleep better. Have you tried taking a benedryl at night before bed? That always helps me sleep. Or some wine.
Morgan...This year is ridiculous with the mice. Maybe since last winter was mild the mouse population has increased. Usually during the winter we will have one or two find their way into the house. Unfortunately for us since the one girl is allergic and has allergies the cats have to live in the garage. I'm sure no mouse would be dumb enough to wander in there but the house is cat free so they are safe.

Laverne and Shirley continue to be butts. They are also now digging in their litter and kicking it out of the cage and all over the place. Bunny poo can really go far when kicked. I did buy two tall storage tubs to use for their litter box so they can dig all they want without the mess for me to clean. Just have to wait till hubby is home so I can cut an entry into them for the buns.
Last night we baked an apple pie with streusel top, a sweet potato pie, a pumpkin pie and made 'tater salad. Now it is time to start the turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, yams, deviled eggs, stuffing, dinner rolls, green bean casserole, baked apples and open the can of cranberry sauce. First I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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