Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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Looks like it wasn´t a good day for you. I know what you mean about money worries. I´ve just had to get stuff for the car and it needs the steering rack replacing and the clutch which will set me back quite a lot. I tell you whenever I manage to save some money, something comes along and pffff, it disappears again.

What should have been a short day today turned into a really long day. Favours again for friends. It really annoys me how thoughtless people are especially when you´re putting yourself out for them and then they turn up late because the daughter of one of them turned up unexpectedly for a coffee and they had to stay even though they´d already arranged a time to meet me. I ended up hanging around for three quarters of an hour for them and then it took us an hour and a half in the phone shop to get things sorted. Does my head in....rant over.

Would have loved to sit down and relax when I got home but I have to finish getting mom´s room ready and then head to the airport to collect her at 9pm.

Denise, I don´t know how you do it, it´s hard enough for me to look after myself and the three buns.

Roll on Friday lol.
Sorry I missed all of your replies. Things have been so busy and I have been so tired. I was getting over my cold except for the cough part of it that hubby passed on to me when the girls got me sick. So I still have a congested cough and now a sinus infection. So when I have had the chance to come on my head has been hurting to much to post much.

I need some motivation. When I looked at the clock last it was 1 am and I had to be up at 5:30am so I'm tired. I was trying to talk myself out of running out but I wanted to get a bag of ice because we have a race to go to this weekend. plus the girls volunteered me to send in a bag of candy corn to the school. I guess I am all things Halloween as they know how much I love it. Heck till I came along they had never even been trick or treating, of course they were only 3 and 4 at the time. I also wanted to pick up some things to send Kmaben a package. I also saved hubby a trip to the post office by taking his package since I wanted to go there anyway.

I actually spent an hour doing that which is crazy since I just ran right down the road. My second cup of coffee left me doing the pee pee dance at the post office.

I have been spending my spare time, what little there has been of it getting my Halloween decorations up. I really enjoy the girls reactions when they come home from school and since I don't do it all in one day it makes it all the more fun because they get to see knew things up every day for a while.

The buns and all the other critters are all fine. TSC finally opened so I bought two bags of the horse stall pellets. I bought the dog a rawhide hoof which he licked twice and hasn't touched since. Got the buns some sea grass twists which are just rods made of grass twisted together, they haven't chewed one yet. I was so excited to get them treats and no one is impressed. Next week I'm going back as they have bowls that attach to the cages I want to get so Thumper will stop sloshing his water pushing his bowl around and I won't have to worry about any of them spilling their water anymore.

I got one vehicle inspected after we changed the tires on it. We wound up ordering a replacement LED light for the 3rd row brake light that was out on the other. It should be here today and if we get it in on time I'll run the truck back to be inspected.

We are supposed to be going to the state fair this weekend. Yay! I have been wanting to go for the past 3 years. Hopefully, I will remember my camera and get some pics to share. Especially of the bunnies.
Denise, have missed everyone on here, it seems very quiet at the moment, not sure if it´s the lull at the end of the summer and start of the autumn and maybe everyone´s busy but no news from anyone.

I also need motivation for so many things. I´m so tired after the long summer and the hot weather is just wearing me out now and I´m longing for it to cool a bit so I can get back to sleeping normally, still sleeping with window open and fan on at night and buns still have the fan on and their frozen bottles.

Isn´t that just typical that we get all excited about new things for them and they just ignore them. I can´t wait to go to the UK so I can buy loads of bunny stuff at the massive pet store there. I am sure I will get back here all excited and they´ll be like "so what " lol. I did order the enclosure online from Germany and am just waiting for it to arrive. Already planning how to put everything together for when I go away.

In the end am taking my car for the steering rack replacement when I´m away, makes it easier but I´m not going to like the bill when I return.

we don´t really celebrate Halloween that much here although it is becoming much popular.

Hope you get to the state fair and you must take lots of pics, love to see more of the buns as well.

Hope you have a lovely weekend :big wink:
Although I haven't posted much in the past week I have been off and on quickly and yes, it did seem quiet. We were away last weekend and I have to fit everything I get done in seven days into five plus had extra to deal with such as the vehicles.

We had a few nice cooler fall days but now it is back into the 80's during the day and I have trouble sleeping at night because I'm too warm. It's draining plus having been sick for weeks now.

Makes me wonder why I bother buying them what I think they would like. I think I have bought just about every type of toy suggested for a bun and every thing is ignored but cardboard and phone books.

That will make it easier having it worked on while you are away and do not need it. The bills always are the problem.

I'm not letting myself get too excited about the fair as too often something comes up and I don't get to do what I was looking forward to but I am hoping I'll get to go.
I need a padded room. I cut my finger on a thick aluminum foil baking pan. Doing the bun stuff this evening Laverne decided to nibble my shorts but also got my leg in the process. She didn't break the skin but I did jerk to the side and cut my shoulder on part of the cage.

I wish I could say TGIF but I still have to get through tomorrow.
Oh Denise, I'm sorry you cut your finger! I know what its like to have a nibbling bunny, they get you with those little sharp teeth and you just jump! haha. Ellie does it to me.

I also have a cold, so I feel you there! I've been sort of busy and haven't been around too much, but still check in here and there.

I'm so glad in SC that we don't have to get our cars inspected. I guess its not great for the environment because of the emissions, but its nice to not have to do that extra thing on top of everything else a car has. Well, most cars are easy. But having to shell out extra!

I really love Halloween too! We haven't put anything up, because we don't have any decorations. But I'm thinking about getting a giant spider or something to put in a web on my picture window in the front. Or maybe find some stuff to put on the fence in the front. Since we live on a main road, a lot of people would see it! haha. But if people looked closely enough, the could see the REAL spiders that won't go away and see that my house is already ready for Halloween!
Have to go get AJ's costume this weekend, I'm pretty excited about that! We're taking him to a Halloween store, its spooky in there, so we'll see how he does with the stuff. I hope he doesn't get too scared!

Hope you get to feeling better and hope y'all have fun at the races this weekend!
Well they only seem to nibble when I am getting there hay, pellets and water so they are training me well as I used to do the hay, water and then pellets but now I do the pellets right away. They go eat them and don't nibble on me.

It hasn't been so bad getting them inspected up till now when it was just a hard part to find. I really like the place I take them because everyone is very friendly and it doesn't usually take too long.

That's what I was thinking between my grass really, really needing cut and all of the spiders that live in the sides of the house it's pretty spooky without decorations. Ha! Every year I buy some. The dollar store sometimes gets some good ones in. Every year they have tombstones so I buy some every year and add to what I have so it's really starting to look like a grave yard. This year they also had fencing for around a grave yard so I got some of that and a few rubber bats so maybe $10-$15 dollars there and then after Halloween I buy at other stores when I can get everything 75% off and that's when I get things that cost a little more normally but I get them cheap. I love getting what I want and saving money.

That will be so much fun taking AJ. I still remember the girls reactions to some of the houses when we took them trick-or-treating the first time. We take them to a neighborhood that one of hubby's cousins live and everyone there goes nuts decorating and everyone passes out treats. One house puts up their garage doors and has the whole garage decorated all spooky and the lady dresses up like the witch from the wizard of oz and stands there completely still and frozen until someone gets right up close looking at her.
Well I survived the races. I went to bed the night before with a really bad headache and woke up with it. I did extra packing up since hubby ran to get the vehicle inspected and the kids started arguing like as soon as they were up. I put an end to that quickly but it still made me grumpy. It got so hot at the races and I kept going to the end of the track since hubby wanted me to film him racing and there was no shade and the sun just beat on me.

Hubby got second place, the girls came in 1st, 2nd and 3rd. All of our other guys did well. Some of our guys went to the other races today and did very well but too many race results for me to keep straight. Ha!

We went to the fair today. Yah! We went years ago but I have wanted to go the past three years and something has always come up and I have especially wanted to go after deciding to get a bun. That is what I was looking the most forward to...the buns. I did get to take pics and will start posting them tomorrow.

We saw everything from all of your normal farm animals from sheep to cows to doves. We also saw a grizzly bear and giraffe. The girls fed the giraffe carrot sticks. We got some funnel cake and the girls rode some rides, all the normal stuff. I was somewhat disappointed with the buns. First I was hoping to see more larger breeds of buns. There were a few. I was really hoping to see some flemmies. There was not a single one. I think some people may have already left as it was the last day of the fair plus a few cages had signs up to sell the buns so maybe some had been sold.

I felt so bad for the buns too as it was so warm and most seemed uncomfortable. A few were panting and there was not a single frozen water bottle in sight and the few fans that there were were sitting on the ground and not even blowing on buns as they were up on tables. Plus quite a few could have used some fresh, clean water. They did have one English lop. Yah! That is one bun I would really like to have from everything I have read of their personalities plus their size and I love those ears.

Maybe it was a good thing there were not more and especially the flemmies or I might have been very tempted to get another bun. Ha! Hubby said I could get another if I found homes for Laverne and Shirley. Don't worry that's not happening.

I will also post some pics of some of the other animals.
well done to you all, you did amazing but I bet you were exhausted. Hate headaches, hope you´re over it now.

what a shame there were not many big buns at the fair. It´s a shame when you expect to see something and you don´t. I love the English lops as well, those ears are really amazing although I love the flemmie ears as well. I bet they were really uncomfortable in that heat. It´s still warm here so I still have the frozen bottles and the fan going when they´re in the enclosure. Haven't had the electricity bill for the last two months, I´ll hoping it isn´t too high but if it is, they´re worth it.

I saw two little baby buns they were giving away on facebook, one of the groups I joined. They were tiny, I was glad to see that she said that they couldn´t go for about another three weeks as they weren´t old enough but someone had offered to take them. I tell you if they hadn't I would have been really tempted lol.

Bet the girls loved feeding the giraffe, I just love that animal, all legs and big eyes. Can´t wait to see the pics.
Chris...I was really surprised that no one had done anything to try and keep their buns cool.

It is hard not to get any more buns. They are such a joy.

OK then...

The sign below the giraffe actually warned you not to feed the animals by mouth. Ha! That's one heck of a tongue to have your face licked by and most of the times I have seen giraffes eating they were very slobbery. My daughter loves giraffes so I took about 20 pics of it just for her.

I thought the buck toothed goat was completely adorable although I do wonder if it causes problems when it comes to eating.


I love the pictures of the giraffe and the goats! I love giraffes, and I've been licked by one! They're so funny and amazing. Those little goaties are adorable! I don't know how they eat properly, but they're just too cute and I think I need them!

Look at that little frizzle chicken! What an ugly little thing! And I'm not sure what the other one is, possibly a type of jungle fowl. But its a really pretty bird!

As I just typed that, my cat attacked my dog. Then swatted a block at him and hit him with it. What just happened? LOL
Morgan...I'm glad you enjoyed the pics. The zoo here has giraffes and you can feed them as well. I like goats as well, but then I guess I like all animals.

I was hoping to see one of your breed of chicken but I didn't I really wanted to see one in person to really understand their size. I really liked that one chicken, such pretty markings.

We are still trying to get the kittens used to the dog although they are funny to watch when they puff themselves all up.
I am happy to say that Laverne and Shirley are getting used to the dog. He got to sleep outside of our room for the first time since they came here and today as the twins and I were getting ready to walk down for the bus they both were laying down on their bellies but stretched out and neither moved. Usually they go huddle together in a far corner of their cage.

I decided last night that it's a good thing Thumper doesn't like being picked up or I would just carry him around like a baby all day snuggling him and would not get a thing done. Ha!

So we went to a two day race event last weekend at Bosco Beach in N.C. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive which isn't bad and we got there Friday around 6:30p. Hubby and his buddy rushed off as they were starting practice. After that was the races for the day. Hubby did very well but the races did not end till after 2 am. We then had to go move our stuff and set up for bed. Hubby and I just decided to blow up our mattress and put it in the back of our explorer. Finally got to bed but twice hubby woke me up needing to go pee which is totally unlike him. The only way we could get out was through the door I was sleeping next to plus the air mattress squeeked a lot when we moved because it is a little big for the back of our vehicle so the sides of the mattress rub the truck as you move.

The craziest thing though was when there was a crazy loud noise all of a sudden that lasted for several minutes. It was the loudest sound I have ever heard and it made the truck shake all over. I woke up thinking world war 3 had started. I was sure it had and I lay there thinking, not now I don't have any weapons with me. Hubby woke up and asked what the heck is that!!!. His buddy told us later that he thought the world was just imploding and the ground was opening up under them. Everyone we talked to had all been in a panic thinking similar thoughts. One lady though thought it was a tornado.

I guess what it really was, was a jet or more than one jet from the air force base we were near but I swear I would think it had to be only ten feet above us to make that kind of noise. It was crazy and not a way I ever want to be woken up again. I used to live near an air force base during the Gulf War when there was a lot of extra air traffic and never heard anything even close to that.

I met a lot of new people that frequent most of the same races we do. Bosco Beach is really nice if you like riding 4 wheelers or dirt bikes. They have everything there. The food place was good and even had coffee for me. The only problem was the people running the races made it a very long process. On Saturday we expected to be done by 6 but it went on until 8 just because they were not organized. It was pretty frustrating at the time.

Ha! Naked Sheep!
The pigs are Kune Kune which are pretty small.


The pics are great, lots of the animals that I really like. That giraffe tongue so long, don´t know if I´d fancy it licking my face lol. I love the goats, chickens, pigs and the donkey. Not so keen on the naked sheep, prefer them with their coats on. Bet you had a great time.

I did laugh at you thinking the world was ending haha. It is scary though when something like that happens. There was a small earthquake in Morocco quite a few years ago and we felt the tremors over here. I remember waking up at 3am and thinking the bed had jumped. It actually had, it was really quite weird. I also remember quite a few years ago when a bomb planted by a terrorist group went off in a hotel in town about a couple of miles away. I remember waking up at 7am and wondering what had woken me up and remembering it was really loud. On the news later, saw all the damage.
Chris...we did have one man nice enough to stop as he walked by with two sheep to ask if the girls would like to pet them. They do look funny shaved so much but I assume it is so the judge can get a better look at their form.

There was an earthquake here two years ago on a day we made a trip to get a few loads of bricks. We had an issue with losing some bricks on a main road and then a flat on the trailer. It was a tough day and we actually never even noticed the earthquake although we were in an area that had damage from it at the time. We heard about it on the radio later.


I would so love one day to have chickens. There´s an add on at the moment about free range eggs with all the chickens enjoy their play zone, it does make me laugh but actually does want me to buy those eggs, what am I like lol.

I´ve seen sheared sheep before but that one is so white underneath so it looks a bit weird.

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