Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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Well I know she needs the surgery but hate that it's necessary that much longer till she's healed. Right now she is not supposed to do anything heavy including picking up the boys. That's tough and of course it just had to be her right arm and she is right handed. She does have help though so that's a plus. I don't know if I mentioned it but she took my favorite kitten home with her and named her Ella Bean which fits.

Thumper chewed through the cardboard around the little buns cage tonight. Luckily it was bed time for them anyway so I put them to bed. I wonder if the six inch high coroplast sides are high enough to keep mating from happening. I can't find homes for three kittens since I won't post on craigslist how would I find good homes for buns? I don't even trust taking them to the vets to be sexed because all too often you hear of the sex fairy hitting. Of course if there were testicles to be seen you would know for sure then.

I was just out in the garage and there are little frogs everywhere. Garage doors are all open as it's too hot to have them closed and the light attracts them. Way too many for me to catch and I'm sure they'll just come right back in.
Noisy buns this morning. Thought I was going to be fussing at a girl for making an annoying tapping sound near our bedroom but it turns out it was a bun. Ha.

The black bun last night was chewing the side of the coroplast so I put in a larger piece of cardboard. There is now cardboard pieces all over the cage. It's worth it to keep from chewing the coroplast.

Something bit me on my back. I have a area on my back in the shape of a triangle that is red and puffy and looks to be a bite. I noticed it on Thursday night but forgot to have hubby look at it since it's not easy for me to see it well. I think I felt it on Wednesday for the first time. Yesterday my underarm was hurting all day but between my mood and thinking it might just be an ingrown hair from shaving I didn't notice that it's actually a swollen lymph node. Same side as the bite. Hubby is concerned and cleaned it with alcohol. His concern made me start to worry but I told him I'm still alive so... It wasn't itchy but does hurt to touch.

I think we caught about 50 little frogs last night after everyone left and put them outside. I guess all my years catching frogs, toads and snakes as a child payed off because I was catching them pretty quick and better than hubby. The kittens lead me to a few, just watch when they start playing.
We went racing on Sunday. Three out of the four one first place so a trophy and some cash. Because of all the rain of late everyone was a mud ball by the end. Hubby said he hasn't been that muddy since he was a kid.

I have been working hard to try to get the garden and the yard back into shape. I got half the yard mowed with plans to mow right away again but shorter but after getting half mowed my blade belt broke. I have spent hours in the garden pulling weeds. Monday I had the girls help and we got the potato rows weeded. Yesterday I worked by myself. At 10 am they said it felt like 105 f in the shade. I didn't want the girls to overheat but they did help to keep me hydrated by bringing me drinks.

We have several cucumbers that are ready. Two of them are huge. The one was about 18 inches long and between 4-5 inches in diameter. I picked the first two cherry tomatoes of the season. We have a lot of watermelon growing and some are getting close. One cantoloupe and snap beans to pick.

The buns are keeping me busy as well. Thumper is dropping poos a lot in the room because of the new buns. He's also obsessed with trying to groom my legs which really slows me down when I'm in there because he's always right on top of me. He also has started to jump on top of his town a lot. I think to better see the other buns. When I go shopping I will be looking for a plastic storage box that will work as a litter box for the one end of the new buns cage since they both eat at the same time the black will sit in the litter box but the brown sits on the other side. I thought a box would work better than having two litter boxes right together.
Congrats to them for winning 1st place! Thats exciting! I haven't been super muddy since I was a teenager either, haha.

They have those shallow storage bins that go under the bed, they're long. It might work for the new buns, so they can still hop in and out but both me in there at the same time. That was the first bin that came to mind when I thought about it.

It sounds like Thumper has finally realized that the new buns are here to stay! And he's poop marking. I think that should subside soon. He's licking your legs? How funny! I bet it does make it difficult to walk around, but I think he loves you! And he's trying to make you his bunwife. hahaha. I think that's courting behavior.

How many kittens do you have left? I bet they're not quite kittens anymore, they're probably in that awkward in-between kitten and adult phase. I want a kitten. haha.
Morgan...thank you!

I thought of those as well. I need something that is 28" X 20" or so. The 20" can be longer but I'm hoping to find something not too much longer as the buns like to run and binky in their cage but this way they can both be in the litter box at once and hopefully no more peeing in the corner.

I figured that's what he's doing. he used to do that when he was younger but then he stopped so I assumed once his hormones leveled out he stopped but he's way worse than he used to be. Hopefully he calm down again once he adjusts to the new buns and stops plastering his nose to my legs and pooing everywhere.

The kittens are getting big. I still have three left and am not sure what to do now to find homes. I hate advertising on craigslist because of all the warnings you get and hate to ask for a fee to prevent that as I just want them to have good homes. They are getting more interested in being petted and held than just playing. You would probably really like the striped one you liked a lot. He's really turning into a handsome cat. The fur on his face is a golden color and then with the dark stripes it really makes his gold eyes pop plus I think the shape of his face is turning out nice. I'll try to get pics and post but so far none of the pics have done any of them justice.
Finally catching up on your blog! I was about three pages behind and you're such a busy person!

Little black rabbit!! Little black rabbit!!! Keep a SHARP eye on the little balck one!! They're nothing but trouble!!
I'll definitely keep an eye on the black one but so far the brown one seems to be the trouble maker. My first bun ever was a black one. It was actually a very nice bun that didn't mind being held and would give kisses.
Morgan...I like cats as well although I'm not sure there is an animal I do not like. Bugs yes, animals no.


I'm tired. One of the girls that have a bad cough needed a breathing treatment last night as I was pulling the covers back to get into bed so that delayed me. Then at about 3:30am I woke from an upsetting dream in which hubby and I were arguing. I'll save you all the details but it was realistic enough to be upsetting. As I was laying there thinking over the dream the same girl got up again needing a breathing treatment. Then I had trouble falling back to sleep. I made a doctors appt.

I went shopping today and did find a storage box that will work as a litter box. I bought two. I also bought two different containers for their hay rack as the brown bun broke theirs. I'll see how the storage box as a litter box goes as I will be cleaning their cage soon.

It is soooo stinking hot and humid. Uggh! I just want to be in the AC forever. Even 2 minutes outside is too much. And yet again I have sunburn. I am actually getting to be a pretty dark brown and yet I keep getting sunburn. Dang this southern sun.

On a good note my daughter is out of surgery so that's a plus.

Hubby thinks it's funny the way Thumper goes crazy after my legs. Our one cat is now always wanting attention from me. She'll head butt me in the leg. You know how cats will rub against you? Well with her she head butts. I wonder if I'm giving off some funny pheromones of some sort.

I now talk to the two toads that have permanently moved into our garage. One hangs out at the front door and one at the back. The one at the front doesn't seem afraid of us at all. I refer to him as MR. Toady the godfather. It's just the way he sits and he's so big.
I'm glad your daughter is out of surgery! I hope she heals quickly.

I bet its the humidity that is bothering your step daughter. I too, have asthma and the humidity really gets to me. I hope she starts to feel better, because it sucks to wake up in the middle of the night not being able to breathe.

Haha. I like your toads. Thats pretty funny that they've made camp in the garage. I would talk to them too.

My cats don't bump into my legs very often, but one of them meows constantly to tell me she wants food. Even when they is food in the bowl. Did you know that cats only meow to communicate with us? They communicate with each other in different ways, besides meowing. haha.
Morgan...turns out she has a respiratory infection.

The toads are cool. Only draw back is the poops. They are bigger than I would have expected but where bunny poo is mostly grass, toad poo is mostly bug shells. so not so bad.

Our cat that passed was like that...meow like crazy for food as soon as she saw you even though there was plenty in the bowl. Momma (not the kittens momma) AKA Funny Face starts to head butt me when she wants food. Then when you try to pour it (we use a measuring cup as a scoop) she head butts your hand so you know more out. I'm smarter than her, I just pick the bowl up and then pour. I didn't realize cats only meow to us. Isabelle chortles including to the kittens and sometimes they will do it. She also call out at times cause she's ready to make babies again.
Oh I love when they talk to the kittens, thats the best noise a cat makes!

I'm sorry she has a respiratory infection. I know how that is and it sucks! Hopefully some antibiotics and/or steroids will knock it out in no time. I swear when I was a kid, I always got URI's and prednisone was my best friend because after like a day it took down all the inflammation and make it easier to breathe.

I can say that I've never seen toad poop, so I'll take your word for it being filled with bug shells. Its probably like when a bird poops out berry seeds. haha. Or like you said, how rabbit poop if filled with hay. Toad poop, thats funny to even think about it.
Great that she´s got through surgery and can now start the road to recovery, hope it all goes well.

A bummer about the infection but she´ll soon be as right as rain with the right medication.

You are having a rough time lately but it´s only a little bump in the road.

I love seeing little kittens but didn´t know that they only meow to us and not to each other, how strange is that. Haven´t had a cat for ages and never one that had kittens so have never heard them communicating with their young.

Toads, not sure about them as they always look a bit slimy but I´m sure they´re not. It´s the jumping that would freaking me out, anything that moves that quick makes me a bit nervous.

What a laugh, you are thumpers new wifebun. I love the feel of it when they groom you, Houdini was grooming me the other night through my clothes and they are so funny, only thing is he nipped at the end and that hurts. Of course, Thumper is so much bigger. Sometimes, I can´t believe how much they can poop, Houdini marks sometimes when he´s out with Snowy and how so much comes out of such a little rabbit beats me, I call him my poop machine lol so I can only imaging how much Thumper does and bigger as well. Would love to see some more pics of the new buns and I always love seeing pics of those big ears as well.
Rough time lately? Nope pretty much just my life but I'm used to it and usually take it in stride.

Well toads are the ones that look dry and bumpy. frogs look more slimy but their skin is just smooth and shiny. The toads only move so fast but yeah our tree frogs are pretty fast moving and they cling to you.

I should take a picture some time to show the mess he leaves. I go around cleaning up poos at least a few times a day because it's just ridiculous. Lord knows what people would think if I had company that actually came into the house. Ha!
At least the majority of the people who come to your house are men and they usually don't see anything when they come in. Expect, the toilet, the fridge and the couch. haha. They have tunnel vision.
yesterday was busy. I got the buns done in the morning. Got myself ready and did two girls hair and we went grocery shopping. came home and cleaned the two buns cage, did a load of laundry and got a little cleaning done. Went to the doctors appt. Came home. Got a few things done and headed off to the girls therapist appt. Grabbed something to eat. Came home and cleaned Thump's cage and got buns ready for bed. I have no patience when it comes to doctors apt so for me it was a bit much yesterday.

Kids are funny. When hubby and I got married we got married in his home with the girls present very simple. Afterwards one of the girls asked if the man that married us would be living with us. The girls took us saying he married us as he was now married to us, like the three of us were married. I had to explain that it meant he performed the ceremony.

The other day the kids watched lets make a deal and a lady had $2400 she could keep or go for the prize behind the curtain. She picked the curtain and won the car. The oldest girl said she should have kept the money but I explained the car was worth $16000 and she could always sell it and have more. Yesterday hubby was talking about a race coming up that he thought was this weekend and the purse is $5000. Hubby was saying I should run the one four wheeler as these races go by who is most consistent and last time a girl raced it at the same race track hers was very consistent. Well oldest kept saying do it, do it. Then she says you can win the purse and then sell it and have the money. Ha! We had to explain that in this case purse meant prize.

Could you picture a man winning a purse (hand bag) worth $5000 for racing four wheelers.

I'm so tired and wondering if it has to do with the weird bites on my back. I shouldn't be this tired. It looked like a patch of mosquito bites in the shape of a triangle. It just looked like I had been bit 15 or so times but just raised bumps like mosquito bites at first, nothing weird. Spider bites will usually cause a bump that will look like a pimple. The bites didn't itch but the area was tender to the touch and at night I would get sharp pains in the area but not just pain on the skin but pain going deeper. Like into the muscle. Then they got scabs right on the tops. I looked today and an area in the middle looks like someone gouged my back open with a finger nail. My glands under my arm on that side are still swollen but not as tender. I'm very curious to know what got me.

Hubby laughed yesterday when he saw the buns new litter box. He thinks they should have plenty of room now to do their business. I kinda wish I had got the storage boxes with high sides and just cut an opening for them as they jump out fast when startled and kick litter out of the cage. They startle a lot. I'm not sure they'll ever calm down much more. It may just be that they are more high strung. Like the black one at times will come right up to the end of the sweeper hose when I'm using it in the cage but at the same time she'll freak out and run from it.
I think they'll probably calm down. It might take some time. It took Ellie a while to calm down and get used to the cats and the dog and get used to everything. She still gets skittish sometimes, but most of the time she puts the brave face on. haha.

I wonder if you did get bit by a spider. I haven't been bit by one in a long time. I have super mosquitoes in my yard, they'll bite you through the bug spray. I got minor DEET poisoning from spraying too much spray on me, then I ingested some of it. It made me feel terrible and made my muscles cramp up.

My mom never did my hair. haha. And she's a barber. She stopped cutting and coloring my hair when I was 15 and her best friend did it from then on. Now she cuts and colors it again but for a long time, I couldn't even get her to trim it. God forbid I asked her to brush it or put it up. haha. She never did my hair when I was a kid though, I swear, there must have a lot of times that I went around with jacked up hair because she wouldn't brush it or put it up. haha. I just don't have that memory of her doing that for me, but I think its because her mom tortured her when she was a kid with her hair. My mom says she remembers sitting on the floor in front of the toilet between my grandma's knees while she jerked and roughly brushed her hair and put it up. I remember my grandma doing that to me too and putting those hair bows, the ones with a ball at each end. Those things were impossible to get out and they always hit me in the head and it hurt. I guess maybe thats why my mom never did my hair.
Anyway, after telling you my childhood life story, what I was trying to say is that its nice for you to do their hair. Thats probably a memory they'll look back on with their own kids and think, it was nice that you did their hair for them every morning. If I ever had a daughter, I would do her hair.

I'm so done, haha. Sorry for the hair rambling.
I can't edit! I was going to add that when I was a kid we read these books called Amelia Bedelia. It was about a maid who took everything really literally. Thats what I thought about when you said the girls were taking everything very literally. I loved those books when I was a kid.
Since your girls love to read, maybe they can find them. I just googled it and they still write them, but I haven't seen any since I was like 11 or so.
Morgan...The girls have read Amelia Bedelia. I have as well. She is very funny and actually reminds me of the oldest twin. She always takes every thing literally. Just one of the qualities that make us love her so much.

I hope they will look back on it fondly. I know they are not always crazy about having their hair done every day but it needs it as it is thick and very curly. Also it gets dry easily. It has gotten better though because now they read while I do it.

They laugh a lot when I talk about how they used to do my hair. Once one asked then usually they all had to have a turn and each girl would spend quite a bit of time so it was a lengthy process. They would hit me upside the head with the brush, then forcefully drag it down my head across my scalp scraping my skin and usually trying to remove an ear in the process. When they would reach around to the front of me to gather my bangs they inevitably poked me in an eye and always with at least two fingers. When the ordeal was finally over I would walk outside usually sporting eight pony tails. Hubby would see me and just make the comment that the style doesn't look right for me. Ha! Kids are great!!

I can remember one time my mother did my hair and was in a hurry as we were running late for school. She quickly sprayed my hair with some hair spray and I commented that it smelled funny. Somehow she had grabbed the windex instead of hair spray. I was a tom boy and didn't have the patience for having my hair done.

Bug spray doesn't work for me. I've tried different kinds and if anything it seems to make me tastier to the bugs. The worst is when fishing. As soon as the sun starts to go down I have to leave because the bugs start biting so bad and I can't stand still for a second so I can't fish.

Have you seen how to make a mosquito trap out of an empty two liter bottle? You should try that!

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