Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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I hope its just a large cottontail as well. That wouldn't be good if it was a house bunny. I hardly ever see wild buns around here. Once and a while when I come up the driveway I see one scamper across it. And there seems to be a whole lot more during Winter. One snowy night I was up laying on the bunk bed and I looked out the window and I saw a bunny run out from under the trampoline and in to the forest than a few seconds later another one followed it. I think they were under the trampoline because it was less snowy there and there was some grass to eat.
Morgan...I'm not sure where a domestic rabbit would have come from unless someone driving along had just dumped it. Of course, I will keep an eye out for it. I'm not used to seeing wild buns much either. We have some we see way down the dirt drive that goes past our yard and there was one near the end of summer that would take off when I got close on the mower so this is a nice surprise.

Thanks for asking. Thumper is not back to his old self yet but he is eating some still and drinking water. Moves around a little, grooms, etc. I might just be fooling myself but I think he might seem just a tad improved today.

Elise...I bet they were under there to eat the not snow covered vegetation.
I´d love to have wild buns living in or near my backyard, no chance of that, too many houses, cars and people round here. But it must be lovely seeing them coming so close, hope the big one isn´t an abandoned house bun, if it is, it´s lucky it´s surviving.

Tiled floors sound great for the bunny room with those rubber backed washable rugs. That´s what I´ve got on my floor so that when they run, they don´t slip. Since I put their new flooring under their cages, it´s great to clean. I just vac up the stray poops and straw and they seem to like it and haven´t eaten it yet lol.

Good to hear Thumper is feeling better, I´m sure he´ll be right as rain in no time.
I guess it's time to update. Thumper seemed to have made big steps in improving yesterday with his eating, pooing and his behavior so I am less worried plus it's the week so getting him to the vets if needed is not such a worry. Since getting him I have come to realize that this is just not a bun owning area. I know they are sold at a couple of feed stores in the area but it seems that people having buns as pets and caring for them the way we do is not very popular here so finding bun savvy vets is difficult if not impossible.

My vets may be a step up from most as they do wild animal rescue and rehabilitation.

It was Friday that Thumper seemed to go into GI stasis. He would not eat pellets or hay and his poos became very small and less frequent. He did eat a basil leaf for me so I ran out and got some parsley and romaine as they were the two items the store had that he had eaten plenty of when he was on veggies before and that I thought may be easier on his tummy. He ate a little of those over the next few days and would drink water. I gave him simethicone although he hates it.

Friday they were having drag races at a county fair that we had plans to attend. We had to make special arrangements to be able to attend, hubby took half a day off work and I was looking forward to going. Our plan was to get their early and have some time to enjoy the fair. I was really looking forward to it as we haven't done anything I really, really have enjoyed doing in a few years and I learned they were having a rabbit show. I wanted to go to our state fair last year and planned it but didn't get to go in the end.

Well with Thump being in bad shape I of course would not go but told hubby to take the girls and go. So between worrying like crazy about Thump and being very disappointed in missing the fair it wasn't a very good day. Hubby and the girls had been talking about doing something on Saturday to help make up for me missing the fair but Thump wasn't doing too much better and hubby knew I wouldn't leave him so we worked on the yard and garden for the weekend.

Most of the tomato plants are up. I hilled both the white potatoes and sweet potatoes, weeding was done, beans were picked. We picked a watermelon but it wasn't ripe enough yet. I swear we do that every year so the neighbors chickens got a treat. Hubby actually had to mow part of the garden with the push mower that's how bad some of the weeds are. We also pulled up weeds near the tomato's that were 2 foot tall. I think all that really needs done is to hill up a little around the corn and then it should just be keeping up. Oh yeah we have tomatoes to pick as well.

The black bun was letting one girl pet her yesterday and layed down while being petted so that's an improvement.
You're garden sounds as weedy as mine! I stopped weeding mine though, its too much to try to keep up with it. Plus, my tomato plants have become so big that they're not even in the garden anymore, they're growing wild in the grass and they've taken over the whole garden basically. hahaha.

I'm glad Thumper is doing better! That must be a huge relief. I'm sorry it put a damper on your weekend, but hopefully you'll be able to do something fun next weekend. I guess its all part of animal ownership.

It does sound like the black bun is making strides in being more comfortable.
I'm glad Thumper is doing better. These GI issues are enough to drive you crazy, aren't they? I've got one little bun that keeps getting soft poop even though I've decreased her pellets several times. Someone mentioned their rabbit kept having digestive problems, and they had applied revolution for fleas, but they noticed that their rabbit pooped out some worms after getting the revolution, and the digestive problems cleared up. So I thought I would try worming my bun to see if it makes any difference. If Thumps keeps having digestive problems, maybe consider worming. You could also get a fecal test done first to know for sure, before you try it.
Morgan...I'm kinda ocd about weeds in the garden. Some can be there but I truly love when there's few and the only green you really see is the plants but I'm also ready to just give up on the garden all together. Ha!

Well the most important thing is that Thump is doing better. It is a huge relief as I was so worried and couldn't relax for a moment.

Jenny...Yes, the digestive problems drive me nuts as I worry so much. I know they can go down hill so quickly. At least with other pets like cats and dogs you usually have some time to get them better.

So does the revolution help with worms or is there something else to use on buns for worming? It might be worth a shot anyway. I do kinda wonder with this last issue. I had given him a craisin but it was so small, barely big enough for me to hold. At this point though I can't even remember for sure which day I gave it to him.
I suppose we all get paranoid about our buns from time to time but, as you say, they can go downhill so quickly. Luckily, apart from a scare when Bandy was tiny, we haven´t had any real issue. So glad Thumper is getting back to normal. I had heard people worm their buns although I´ve never done it.
Hubby called me outside yesterday. The big bun was out along with another. Actually they were both about the same size. I wanted to get a closer look as I need new glasses so can only see so well. I really need to get a pair of binoculars but until then I use the scope for hubby's rifle. It usually is off the rifle as he doesn't hunt but he had it on to scare off the ravens from our garden. Don't worry he knows better than to shoot them as they are one of my fav birds. It felt so weird aiming a gun at the buns but there was no chance of an accidental shooting and I wanted to make sure they weren't drop offs. They are not, just bigger than average wild buns. Still a joy to behold.

The black bun is chewing their coroplast. She seems to go crazy in the mornings chewing. She has other things in the cage to chew but of course what bun chews what they can safely when there is something around that they shouldn't. I will start trying different things rubbed on the coroplast to try and get her to stop chewing it.

I need to get moving but I'm tired. had trouble sleeping and every time I was about to doze off either the dog or the little buns would make a racket and the black bun woke me early chewing coroplast.

The grey male kitten is funny. He likes attention and will come over wanting attention but when you pet him instead of arching his back into it like all the other cats do and every cat I have ever owned does, he will make himself low to the ground but will start to purr but then he will lay on the ground and let you pet him. It's really odd.
Your kitten sounds really sweet. My cats like throw themselves down and want you to pet them. Or my Fat Cat will wedge herself between you and the laptop or a book or whatever you have, and demand to be petted or she'll throw a tail in your face. She did it to AJ the other day, he was laying on the couch with a cat tail mustache. It was so funny.

I bet it was weird to point a rifle at the wild rabbits. At least they ARE wild, its much better than a drop off. haha. I love wild buns, they're so cute. My husband the other day told me I could have a wild bun sanctuary. But his version of it is, I feed them in the yard and they come and go and I don't get to keep him. *sarcasm* He's a really funny guy!

I didn't sleep well either! I was having a hard time, too much on my mind. So this morning I'm really dragging. I have a huge mound of wash to fold. Its Mount Washmore on my couch, but have no energy to fold it.
It's hard now going into the side of the garage Isabell and the kittens are on as they all come running. I'm not good at walking with one cat under my feet let alone four. I always get hurt trying to avoid stepping on them and even though you occassionally do it no matter how hard you try not to they don't learn.

Putting away clothes can be the most daunting chore when you are tired and dragging.
It has been a hard week for keeping up with all of RO. I have had a few headaches that kept me away or at least from posting, been feeling like I'm coming down with something but nothing definite yet so maybe my body is managing to fight it off, I have been extra busy and to add to it have been having the girls take turns cooking dinner supervised so they can start learning to cook, my O button is not functioning properly and I seem to use O a lot so have to spend time going back and adding O to words, storms and rain rolling through knocking out my internet and now either something goofy is going on with my one pointer finger or I have a strange short in my computer that only shocks that finger because that is what it feels like, a light shock.

The little buns went insane last night. I couldn't get to sleep and when I finally did then rabbits that had lost their minds woke me at 4 am. Hubby was up and saying he was going to cook a rabbit (didn't mean it, just grumpy!) because they had kept him up for the past few hours. I got up and threw them a bunch of hay and that settled them down. Couldn't get to sleep so went to the couch and read a little while. Started to doze and hubby woke me up getting up for work and sent me back to bed at which point I finally fell asleep but then had tow dreams. In the first both of the twins got hurt by falling and the 2nd hubby fell hurting himself and then stopped breathing and no heart beat and I was giving CPR when I woke up which had me feeling on edge all day. Not to mention the girls got hurt at Wal Marts in my dream and we were going shopping there today.

The girl who's turn it was for cooking dinner today wanted to make spaghetti tacos. Which is just taco shells with spaghetti in it. Didn't realize she heard of it on the stupid I Carly show we don't allow them to watch or maybe I would have made her choose something else. I am tired and in no mood for worrying about dinner at all but pushed on for the girls sake. Messy, messy, messy. I can honestly say today is the first time I have ever had spaghetti in my shirt.

Yah, more rain. Not! Bye.
Tacos in general are a food that you can barely eat without being covered. Then you put spaghetti into it and you're just asking for a serious mess. I don't really like spaghetti that much, so I probably wouldn't like that.
But I think its great that you're teaching them to cook. Are they learning recipes and stuff? I don't remember cooking with my mom, I started baking at a young age and learned how to cook later down the road. My great grandma, grandma and mom are all good cooks and I think I just sort of got it naturally. haha.

I didn't like iCarly either. I thought it was a strange show. The parents where dead? Or something, but the brother who was the guardian was a babbling idiot, there was no structure. The one blond friend who wasn't Carly was super mean and always threatening people. And they let them, as kids, put videos up on the internet and talk to internet strangers. That says unsafe to me. I think it sends the wrong message and it was a little inappropriate.

I hope your headaches get better. I know what its like and it SUCKS!
Luckily we all like spaghetti. The taste was somewhat different but not bad. I just didn't like the mess and yesterday was the worst day for it. Today is left over day as I've had enough of cooking. Ha! We have left overs from three different meals though so every one can eat what they will enjoy the most.

I only watched a few episodes as the girls were talking about it so much from watching at their mothers. Our basic rule for them is if the people in the show are older than you then don't watch it unless it's a show we have given them permission to watch already. I remember the mean girl always getting her way by threatening and being mean which is not good. No wonder there is so much bullying going on. I also remember there was a floating bra that told stories. And no adult supervision.

My grandma was a good cook. My mother was ok just wasn't her thing though. I guess I got some cooking genes from my grandma. No one ever taught me to cook I just learned on my own. I started with recipes and went from there. Some dishes I follow a recipe and others are just the way I do it. The spaghetti is just my own made up recipe. We also had meatloaf this week which is my recipe. The other girl chose breakfast for dinner so no recipe really at all used for that. Once they are experienced enough to be let loose in the kitchen the plan is everyone will cook one meal a week. So no one will cook more than three meals in a seven day period.

We also bake just not as often and I have always had the girls help with cookies, cakes, cupcakes.
Hubby had his last day of work yesterday. He is now on vacation. It's the first time he has taken extended time from work since we have been together.

yesterday I let the new buns out of their cage for the first time with free run of the bun room while I cleaned their cage. The kids watched them for me. I wanted to make sure if they peed I would know and where so I could clean it. It went well and the girls herded them back in well when the time came.

Hubby decided it would be fun to take us to the drag races nearby as spectators. We saw cars, trucks, a few stretch 4 wheelers (they are actually hubby's cousins), motorcycles, and formula cars both regular and jr. The fastest anyone went was one car at 204mph and one motorcycle at 204mph. We got to bed very late.

I slept in so woke up with a killer headache. It was getting better but then I had to rush to get ready so I could take the girls to the library before it closed. We had 5 minutes when we got there. I got Watership Down though. It has been many years since I read it last.

Thumper today peed on the floor outside the little buns cage. It's odd because he was out of his yesterday after I had let the little buns out so I'm not sure if it was because they were out but if it was why didn't he pee yesterday or if it was because they had kicked a little litter out of the cage last night. Maybe he could smell their pee on the litter and that's why he peed.
He could probably smell their pee on the litter and he was like heck no! And peed there to say he was there. haha.

Am I the only one who hasn't read Watership Down? I think I am. I should really read it.

I've never been to a drag race, but we have Z-Max drag strip in Charlotte. I've seen stuff on tv but never in person. I would love to go though! Its so cool that you guys do stuff like that.

So did the little buns explore? Did they seem to like it out of the enclosure?
Well he better not keep it up. Ha!

It's a good story, a classic! You should definitely give it a read.

Yah, they explored. They went all through Thumper Town. There was a lot of thumping going on between the two. Thumper was in his cage and seemed to care less.

I'm not ate up like hubby and the guys are but I like it. Sat on metal bleachers for too long! Ha.
It's one of those days when the buns make you want to bang your head off the wall, that and the migraine that nothing has helped and has kept me from enjoying this day.

I usually clean Thumps cage every day and the little buns every other day. Today I just had Thumps to do. I'll usually do it in the afternoon as it works for me and he has a clean cage to go in at night. I like to just get my work done and over with. I procrastinated today due to my head.

So I went in to clean the cage and do the nightly feeding and lock 'em down for the night. Thump had peed by the other cage again and he had peed next to his litter box(might not have had his bottom in there enough). The pee in his cage ran under his litter box so I didn't notice till I had pulled the dirty box out and set it on the floor so instead of one spot of carpet to scrub I had two.

He also had little bits of hay everywhere and a huge pile between his litter box and hay rack so what could have been a quick ten minute job went much longer. He did his usual sniff all over me, run between my legs while I was on my hands and knees and generally get in my way. All I heard from the lil' bun cage was a bunch of loud zooming back and forth and constant thumping. I swear they were trying to kill me by ramping up my migraine. Oh and the lil' buns had kicked litter and poo into their water bowl so I couldn't just quickly refill it. Not sure how that happened since there cage is seven feet long and the litter box and water bowl are on opposite ends.

Why is it that there are people out there that talk about pets picking up on your feelings and responding in a caring, positive manner. All of mine, every last one of them seem to choose those times to go crazy and push my buttons and pulverize my last nerve.
Not too much has been going on. I got some of the rooms shampooed and the couch done. I did get to finally go fishing yesterday. The twins each caught a small fish and hubby caught 2 croakers but too small to keep. I caught my fav a blue channel catfish. It was big enough to keep but we put him back since we didn't have enough to be worth cooking. So he got to live another day.

I'm weird when it comes to fishing. I enjoy fishing and some of the fish I really like. I'm not crazy about croaker because there are so may bones. It takes forever to eat some because you have to be careful and pick off tiny pieces to avoid eating the bones and yet no matter how careful and slow I am I always eat at least one bone.

The weird part is I also feel bad for the fish. I really do. I always think about it, should I or shouldn't I. I think about how the fish must feel having the pain of being hooked and unhooked and the fright of the whole ordeal plus possibly not even understanding all that is going on and not even understanding what this big things is that's handling it.

But I haven't had the chance to fish for about two years so there's that in the fishes favor.

I still have the three kittens. I have had a few people contact me but with no follow up. We might keep one but we can't keep all three. I don't know what to do.

I may finally be buying a yard gnome tomorrow. I probably will. I saw it today and didn't get it because I'm too dang practical. I'm not a yard gnome person in that I don't have yard gnomes every where. I like some things like that in my yard but not too much and only what I really like. I just have to have a yard gnome though. I don't know why but I do. I have been looking at yard gnomes whenever I come across them but it has to be the right one, it has to connect with me in some way. Well today I saw a duck dynasty one. Well actually two, Si and Willy.

We all find the show funny at times and it's a show that can be on when the kids are around because we haven't seen anything inappropriate and no vulgar language. I'm not big on tv and especially reality tv but at least with them they do show that family is important and hard work. And blah, blah, blah. Anyway I think I will get SI. The kids will get a kick out of it as well.

Oh and the girls have been ridiculous the past few days. I think they have been out of school for too long and have forgot how to use their brains. Ha!. For instance, we have a rug in front of our back door. We come in and take our shoes off their. Well the one day they had been in the garden and came in. They had a ton of dirt all over that rug. It was everywhere and I had just cleaned the rug and the floor. They got fussed at for it. Well the very next day they put their shoes on to go outside and again covered the rug and floor around it and our little porch and the whole way across the garage. They just keep doing things they usually know better than to do. It's tiring.
I love yard gnomes. They're my favorites! haha. I don't have cable, so I've never actually seen Duck Dynasty, but my husbands coworkers say its funny. I've also heard that it isn't profane or anything and its pretty appropriate for everyone. I think you should get the gnome, they're so funny to have in the yard. I don't actually have one, because like you, I was waiting for the right one. Maybe one day I'll find it!

I'm sorry the girls are being bad with the shoes. I know what you're saying though. I have to tell my husband, who is a grown up, sometimes to stop tracking stuff into my house. I hate it. I wear shoes in the house, but I wash my sneakers like once a week. haha. Seriously. I know you don't wear shoes in the house though. But its like if the shoes are dirty, they stomp around as hard as they can when they're putting them on and get stuff everywhere.
Do they wear sneakers outside? Maybe you could get them some cheap crocs and then they could hose them off before coming in. Well, summer is almost over, so maybe next year. I have rubber Rainbow flip flops that I hose off and get all the stuff off of. You could make a little station for foot hosing. Like with flat river rocks, stand on that, hose the feets off, then walk onto concrete.

I hope someone comes to get the kittens. My mom just found a pregnant stray next to her house, she just started feeding it. She's going to try to trap it and find a foster home for it and the kittens. I hope it works out for her.

I love fishing. I think that fish actually do feel pain. The best way to kill them is to hit them over the head really hard, or *** like an ice pick into their skulls to kill them. That was way more graphic than I intended. Anyway, thats the best way to do it. It sucks you didn't get enough fish to eat though. I haven't had any fresh caught fish in a while. Maybe one day I'll be able to go fishing.

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