Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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Sitting here trying to feel awake and anxious as all get out. I got the chance to sleep in today and I'm still waiting for the coffee to kick in as the sleep was not very restful. I am feeling super anxious because my daughter in Pa cut her arm and is going to be having surgery for a cut artery any moment.

She texted hubby since it's free with their phones. He told me as soon as I got up but was waiting to show me the pics she sent. I thought he was just going to show me the text. I got the chance to text her on her way to a different hospital for the surgery but it wasn't long enough. being away from your kids especially at times like this really sucks to say the least. And yes it's true, even when they are adults they are still your child. I so want to be there holding her hand as I have always done.

She has gone through some pretty tough things in the past few years and it has been harder than I ever could have imagined not being right there. Phone calls, texting and facebook are fine for communicating but just not even close to enough when you want to be there in person with every fiber of your being.

I just needed to share.
Oh no! :( I'm so sorry. I hope she's alright. I would hate to go in someplace for any surgery. I'll be praying for your daughter. :pray:

I know what you mean about being there. Facebook and twitter and all that stuff are fine to communicate with each other but its just not like being with the person.
Thank you Elise.

She is done and on her way home. 14 stitches and 2 staples. And might I add very gross looking, not what one should see upon first waking.
I was doing the bunny term for cleaning cages, litter boxes, refilling hay racks and giving fresh water. I do the new buns last. After I was done with the work, I sat in the doorway of the cage and each bun ate some hay from my hand. The brown dove in pretty quickly. The black seemed unsure at first but then her desire to have equal share seemed to get the best of her/him. Which is funny because the brown seems to be more skittish when it comes to noises or movement and certainly thumps a good bit.

The brown one also put it's little front feets on my leg and reached up to smell my bangs as well as letting me give it's nose two gentle strokes before bounding away.

Thump is still shedding. I need to redo the coroplast around his cage. It is not holding the mess in so I will have to fix it to be on the inside of the cage. Not sure I will as I noticed he has chewed it a little.

As little as I myself want rain and as little as our garden needs it I am hoping for some soon. Why you ask? Because the tadpole puddles are drying up. I didn't look at them yesterday but did this morning. One had already dried up. The other have less water but still are ok although the one was getting low so yes, my crazy self went and dumped several gallons into the puddle. I know it's nature but is it wrong to step in and help once you are aware or is it wrong to stand back and do nothing. Yah, I have known for most of my life I would not make it as a wild life filmmaker because I could not stand by talking about the poor lost lion cub that will eventually starve to death if not be eaten by a predator. Yep, I would have to do something!
I would have totally put some water in the puddles! When I just read you say they were drying up my first thought was OH NO PUT SOME WATER IN THERE! haha. I would have done the same exact thing, so don't feel too crazy. I know what you're saying about stepping in to help the wild animals. I watched this documentary on a meerkat tribe and one went missing and the mama went after him to try to find him and went the wrong way, so the doc ended with them both lost. I was torn apart, I wanted to go get them and bring them back to their mounds. It was terrible to watch. But those film makers had bonded with the meerkats and they would get on top of their cameras and they weren't scared of the men or equipment at all, which was nice. But still, I would have wanted to search for the lost ones.

I hope your daughter heals well! That sounds pretty terrible. How did she cut her arm? I damn near cut my thumb tip off month or so ago making cole slaw, so I couldn't imagine cutting myself enough to need stitches or staples! Stitches are one of those things that grosses me the hell out, I can't handle seeing them be put in or looking at them in general. Thats my weakness. LOL I hope she's okay though! I couldn't imagine not being there with her though, if I were you. I hope that AJ stays near to me when he's an adult so I can always be there to hold his hand. I'd say she needs to move down to where you guys are!
The funny thing was (I didn't realize at the time how much the puddles had dried up) I was thinking I would add water when hubby was at work to avoid him thinking I had totally lost my mind but he brought it up. Ha! It has rained this morning and now it is also storming so the tadpoles should be good for now and we still have a chance for rain and storms today and tomorrow. I hope they grow into frogs quickly! I watched the show Meerkat Manor and yes, I so would not be able to sit back and watch while they were lost.

Hopefully she will be fine. The plastic surgeon feels she just missed cutting a tendon but she does have some numbness in part of her arm and if it doesn't go away in a few days she has to be seen again. She luckily just knicked her artery. The pics were horrible to look at. Funny because seeing that stuff on tv doesn't really bother me. I can't stand though seeing anyones bones bent the wrong way from being broken and wounds on faces make me literally want to pass out. My son fell running through my SIL's yard when he was 5, tripped and hit his face on a short metal pipe they had to tie there dog to. He needed stitches and the doc made me leave the room because I couldn't stand up after a while. My daughter was bit on the face by a friends dog at age 12 and the same thing but with her I learned and sat while holding her hand. My son had stitches on a finger, my daughter on her foot and I have had a few on my hands that should have had them and seeing those did not bother me.

I wish she would move down here. I am still hoping one day she will.
I forgot to answer how she cut it. She woke up in the middle of the night as she has been having trouble sleeping. She decided to go outside and as she reached for the handle to open the door she tripped on the carpet in her flip flops which made her arm go through the glass.
Holy crap! Thats a hell of a way to cut your arm open! I put my hand through our back door like 4 months ago and a few little cuts and small piece of glass in my arm, but nothing like that! But I know its easy to put your arm through the glass. That poor girl! How terrible. I'm glad she's doing okay, and I hope the morphine helps. Does she have someone helping with her kids? Because I would be totally paranoid about taking meds with the kids. When I had my rooster wound, I was a little weird about taking the pain meds but it was okay for me. I hope she isn't in too much pain.
I think she should come down to your house and let you nurse her back to heath! Thats what I would want if it was my kid. I know you probably want the same thing!
Of course I wish she were here to take care of, her and the grandsons but luckily she does have help so that's not so bad. I do hate the distance as I have always had a close relationship with both kids and I miss just talking every day or watching a movie together and of course it's even harder when the are dealing with something out of the ordinary but they both know we are more than willing to help them out and if they choose to move here they have a place till they get situated.

Doors are dangerous! Her father cut his arm and has a nasty scar when he was a kid when he went to run out the door. When he hit the handle this one time the door did not pop open and his arm went through. I slammed our back door on my finger running out to play as a kid and took the top of my finger off.
I have no energy and feel lousy. One of the girls got me sick. The other day I thought I had just had too much sun and heat since I have sunburn on top of sunburn on top of tan but I was wrong. I felt the same yesterday so I didn't accomplish much. This is the worst time for it as I have so much to catch up on especially in the garden. I feel like collapsing after being on my feet for ten minutes.

The rain we got yesterday wasn't as much as it seemed because one puddle dried up. The day before I did add some water plus moved most of the tadpoles to the biggest puddle that holds more water so is drying slower. I filled a wheel barrow with water this morning and added it to the puddle. We may get rain and storms today so I made sure both wheelbarrows are upright so they can catch rain along with two coolers that are outside from the other day. At least then I won't be using up our well water although we should be good with all the rain we've had so far this year.

It's cute seeing two buns share a bowl. The brown one was going crazy running through the cage last night while I was playing chase with Thumper. One he first started I saw the poor black bun just run and jump into the litter box to get out of it's way. They now will both eat out of my hand, will get right in front of me and sniff me and the brown will put his front feet on me but they are still skittish about being petted but I will keep at it.
Usually this time of year, I worry about our well too. BUT this year, its been so wet I haven't really worried about it. haha.

I'm sure the new buns will come around. It sounds like they have come around a lot since they've been there. As you know, it takes a while for them to be totally comfortable and to trust you. But I give it another few weeks and they'll be your little buddies. Are they scared of the girls? How do they do with your dog? Its taken Ellie a little bit of time to get used to the dog again, since he was gone for several months. But she's okay with him now.

I think we need some updated pictures of the new bunnies! LOL
I have been slow on the pics...sorry. I have been taking some and now that they don't just run back and forth when I go to clean their cage I will get some more. It will be better without bars in the way. Ha! Hopefully I'll get the chance to post some later.

I'm not worried about the well either. Just had a storm pass through that dumped a lot so the tadpoles should be ok for a while longer. Plus I will have water in the wheel barrows that I can add.

I'm sure they will come around. they have settled since they first came. When I get near the cage the brown one will run over to me so that's a plus. At first they seemed to get spooked when the dog walked by but they seem to be adjusting. He hasn't been in the room but a few times and not near the cage. They would just take off running and thumping when he walked past the door way and they saw him. The brown bun is a thumper, the black likes laying around and digging. The girls haven't spent much time near them between their sis and nephews being down, being at their mothers and just chilling out avoiding the heat. I'm sure the buns will come to like them as we make sure they know how to behave with the buns but it will probably take longer than with us adults because they are kids so they are a little louder and move quicker.
It would be cool if the bunnies took a liking to your daughters, then maybe they could help out with them. :) I hope you feel better soon! It's bad enough being sick but when you have stuff to do that just makes it worse. :/
Emily...I'm sure they will given time. I don't have any problem taking care of them myself as it gives me that much more time for interacting with them. Thank you, there is never a good time to be sick because there is always so much going on but I think the heat makes it worse.
I am quite a woman if I do say so myself. I got a lot more accomplished today than I ever thought I would especially since I felt like being nothing more than a lump today.

I just have to eat, get a shower and clean the lil' buns cage and I will be done. Yay!

When I cleaned Thumper's cage I did take the time to re-do the coroplast so it is on the inside of his cage to hold in the hay mess. Hopefully he won't chew it as I am getting tired of rearranging bunny abodes. I am hoping to lure the lil' buns into the carrier so that I can do a very good cleaning on their cage but mostly so I can make adjustments to their coroplast bottom and sides so it will fit inside the X pen. The way it is now with the X pen sitting inside the coroplast hay and little bun poops get trapped. I can get it out but it takes the vacuum hose plus time. I also can not wipe down the sides of coroplast.
I just got done cleaning the new buns dawned on me as I was cleaning, interacting with them and talking to them that I have fallen for them and that they are home so I am officially announcing that I now share a home with three buns...

here are the bonded couple...

