Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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Momma kitty is taking a break, purring away and feeding the three kittens. So far they all look like they might be grey like momma.

I do have the back and sides covered only the front is uncovered so I can see in plus she seems relaxed, well when she's not either giving birth or cleaning a kitten. I went out and the other cat had pushed her way through the door even though I had a heavy bucket in front of it. I guess not heavy enough. I fixed it though now.

Thumper just moved the litter box and water dish into the middle of the cage so I don't think it will work well setting it up the way he puts it. Ha! As long as he uses the litter box, I don't mind him moving it especially if it's just while he's locked in there. He leaves it alone when he's not locked in. The water is bugging me since it sloshes so I have to mess with that first thing but I'm hoping he'll stop other wise I will figure something out even if I have to buy one that can attach to the cage. I will also put some toys in there with him. He doesn't play with his really but maybe when he's locked up and bored he will.
Stop moving my stuff mom, I like it just here....he is so comical.

The kittens sound gorgeous, ohhhh a few pics to get my cuteness fix. And would love to see Thumper´s new home, he´ll get used to it
I have been trying to post pics of Thumpers cage and all since yesterday but I'm having trouble. I will post pics of his cage and the kittens when I can.

Isabelle just had a fourth. I'm bouncing between inside trying to get stuff done and updating on here (it also helps me keep track of how long between each kitten) and being out with her. I was inside and for the first time she let out a holler so I went running. The dog jumped up and went running. Funny since until then he has paid no attention even though he had to have heard the little ones meowing. They are loud and I could hear them inside. Usually he gets all worked up. I got out there and our other cat was in the other side of the garage hissing and growling from Isabelles holler. I put some clean cloths in a small box and placed the three oldest in there and placed it in the cage. Isabelle can reach to get them out but it's suggested you do that and during having the fourth she was rolling around. She was trying not to roll over on the kittens but was having trouble not doing so.

I have no idea how many more she may have. She still looks big, like she hasn't had any. Our other cat when it was not really ours yet but a stray of sorts, we are sure she belonged to the back neighbors she had kittens. She never looked necessarily pregnant though, not like Isabelle. Hubby just called to check up on things...he's sweet!

Give a bunny some room and he turns into a bratt. He was just in there pulling his pellets dish off the cage and put it in his litter box which is now again in the middle of the cage. With his old cage he stayed out of it except to eat, poop and drink. Half the time he would stay out to drink or eat hay as he could reach from outside the cage. Why is he of all days today not resting like usual? Crazy buns! I still love him though.
Congrats on new kittens! Maybe Thump can sense something is up and it's making him restless? Wonder what he would make of little mewling kittens :)
Five little kitties...

Maybe he can, you never know with these buns. If I were to hazard a guess I would bet he would have fun playing with them. He likes the dog. he doesn't get to play chase with him or that but he does love zooming past him when he's laying down, jumping over him and the funniest thing is him trying to sniff his tail. Our dogs tail is known far and wide to be a painful thing. It's big since he is and is a typical pit tail. He can hit it off of things unbelievably hard. It doesn't bother him, I don't know how it doesn't break. Whenever Thump is out the dogs tail wags non stop and Thumper is always trying to get close to check it out. It's the funniest thing because he keeps being whacked in the head, his ears are being knocked around but he keeps trying. After so many whacks he'll give his head a shake and run off but he always comes back again.
Looks like four light grey and one darker. He looks black right now but you can see stripes on his legs. He's the last so his fur could lighten up a little as it completely dries as he doesn't have the puffball look yet. I'm not sure if she's done or not but for the first time she stood up and wanted cheek rubs, her favorite. One of the kitties in the box cried for a moment and she went over to the box. That's the first time she's really paid attention to the box. Of course before she was either having a kitten or cleaning a kitten or herself.

I'll keep checking and I took all kittens out of the box and put them next to momma. She's resting, kittens nursing. Haven't checked for possible sexes yet or extra toes.
Try again...The first two are comparisons...the 3rd is how I first set it up...the 4th the way it is least when he's not moving things looks sparse but he never played with toys before and I still have to get a shelf put in. I did look at some fleece to cover a shelf with. Not sure if he'll try eating it or not. He does with towels and he would never lay on the towel. He seems to prefer the plastic, but I couldn't find a fleece I thought was right for him. :)




Thumper flopped in one of his favorite spots when it is warm out. He doesn't lay there in the winter. The other spot is right against AC vent or in front of our bedroom door because when the AC is on a good breeze comes out from the bottom of our door.

It makes you wonder because our house is kept at just about the same temp winter or summer, one with heat to raise the temp, one with AC to lower it but he knows the difference.


That is a very relaxed rabbit! He almost looks like a lop with those droopy ears :)
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In the first images it was hard to tell how different in size the cages were, but once you add the litter box it really shows the extra space he has.

Also, yay kittens! Must have photos :p
Cage is great, quite a size difference. I love his flop, he is a happy bunny and I love his lighter coloured belly. In the first photo, his ears look great, all big and floppy...he sure is a handsome boy.
JBun...when I first brought him home I came on here asking about his ears. I know his breeder isn't necessarily the best and I asked for a pet not show bun but I was worried he might be a Flemish, Lop cross. does give him so much more room. I just thought of it and will probably have hubby help me carry him and the cage outside for some fresh air.
Azerane...I was trying to get pics but hurrying to get everything done. I'll post pics of kittens soon. I got two so far but it's all the kittens cuddled up together. They seem to be wanting to eat non stop. I believe you were asking about the tabs I made up to keep Thumper's box flaps closed without using tape? I took a few pics and will post them as well.

Chris...he does seem happy especially since he never gets grumpy. I love a bun with a white belly.
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I bet he´s such a sweetie, he does look really happy and relaxed in that picture and I also love that white belly, makes you just want to reach out and scratch it. I´m sure he´d love to spend a bit of time outside, I think that he´ll love all those new smells and fresh air.
Chris...I'm sure he will like it. He acts so different even just when the windows are open and he can smell and hear the outside more.

These are pics of the tabs for one of Thumper's boxes...



100_3945.jpg I see why it's so hard for people to get pics of baby buns. As soon as you move the kitties they start to fuss and moma gets a little anxious so I'm not messing with them too much. I finally got rid of the newspaper. I put down one of the girls old flannel sheets. The towels will stay on the cage and the kittens claws would stick in the towels where they won't with the flannel.





There are three light grey kitties, one dark striped kitty and one kitty that is a little darker grey than the other three but has white on his legs and feet and some orange/cream color on him (in the third pic you can see him moving right next to the dark kitty). I'll be taking plenty of pics and will hopefully get some better ones.

And one of Thumper. Stupid flash is always going off even when I set it not too.

Oh, they are just gorgeous....I must admit any baby animals are just too cute. Thumper is a cutie as well, look at that face haha.
Chris...yes, I adore all baby animals. I could watch the kitties all day. They are so active although their activity is mainly clambering over each other trying to get to the milk but considering they are only a day old and their eyes are closed it's really amazing how well they move.

I think he's a cutie pie but then I'm biased. :)