Its good that he likes his cage so much and that its bigger so its more accomedating for his large rump!
I totally feel you on the messy rabbits right now. Ellie made a huge mess last night and I swear I can't even look at her right now. I was forced to give her a pen last night, because she was scratching at the hardware cloth of her door and making the door slam and then she dumped her fresh bowl of pellets into her fresh water dish. All of this at 11pm as I was trying to get IN the shower! Monday's are weird days for us and always late days because of my husbands disc golf league, so its just an off day. But she was cruisin' for a bruisn' last night!
Awww I bet your kittens are SO cute! I want a little tiny kitten to cuddle!
I had a morning like that this morning, but not to your extreme degree! AJ likes to wake up and be really whiny and before coffee I'm like a devil woman and it grates on my nerves! So when he's whining at me for walking into the kitchen, I just want to scream! haha. Its like you can still see me, I'm trying to get YOUR breakfast and you're whining at me! God forbid I walk into the front room to get some chicken feed or something because then he thinks I'm leaving and will say bye then freak out and have a total meltdown! Meanwhile, I've walked through glass paned french doors and he can SEE me.
Thats one of the reasons I'm hesitant about having another kid, because they'll fight and argue and I can't deal with that crap early in the morning. haha. I'm also not a morning person. My mom was when I was growing up and I was always like "its morning, why the hell are you so cheery?!" haha. I do okay most mornings, but it only takes one minuscule thing to set me off in the morning and ruin my morning and then put me in a weird mood all day!
Sorry your weekend was so rough! Thats a lot of kid related wake ups, wow. Haha.