Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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Morgan...thank you for the tips. I really appreciate it and am not above listening to others advice and learning from their experience. I figured rain boots would be a good idea from you mentioning it before. I know I can find a decent working pair or could do the wal marts or what have you with the colorful ones maybe for the girls.

Nope, no rooster. We pretty much decided on that long ago. I know my neighbor has at least one roo. He had one before but took offense to it attacking his son. I didn't know about the hanging feeders/waterers but that make sense.

I store my dogs food in a trash can (brand new one) inside so may have thought of that for chicken feed but now thanks to you I can buy one and have it ready for when I need it instead of buying one after when I'd think of it. I will probably buy chicken feed at Agri Supply. That's where I buy Thumper's bedding, other occasional items and I know they sell feed and crumbles. Along with egg cartons and stuff.

I actually have some of the same horse fencing that we bought for use in our garden and have some extra left. I have some fir strips that would work for the frame so I would just need some chicken wire. So for how long do you use the juvenile chicken coop before just letting them out into the big coop?
I just thought of it and wanted to see what you thought. I'm going to assume you know what a potato box is. We have two. Each is 4' X 4'. We don't use them now. Hubby actually built a top to cover the potato plants with to protect them from his nemesis the Colorado potato beetle. The tops are the same size as the boxes and 2' tall. The only difference between that and your juvenile coop besides a 1' difference is that the coop is covered in a screen mesh. Like the screen for a window. I can't think right now if it's aluminum or what but it is silver in color and does not rust. I would take a picture but right now they are placed between our two wood piles and a pain in the booty to get out. Do you think that would work? Then we wouldn't have to build something else but if you don't think so then not a problem. Sun and air does get through although it does block the wind well. That's why we don't use it, our potato plants didn't harden because the screen protected them from the wind too well.
I would use the juvenile coop until they can hop up onto the top of it. I would also say that you should use it until they can't pop through the holes, if your big coop happens to not be chicken wire. They can and will pop out of horse grade fencing, so until they can't pop out then I would keep them in the baby pen.
I didn't use mine this time around, but I will next time.

And you're welcome for the advice!
Well Thumper's new cage came today. I am happy with it, he's not so sure. I was getting anxious but do know UPS usually doesn't come till the afternoon. I was getting tired of popping up though every time I thought I heard a truck. The box it came in was dirty from being in the truck and although it was narrow it was still big and I was trying to carry it inside without getting the box dirt on my nice shirt. I managed to step on Isabelle's paw (she's ok) because of course she is always under my feet when I'm outside.

Carrying the box in had Thumper run into his dig box and he stayed there till this evening which isn't unusual. I got the new cage set up and wiped down since it was a little dusty. I figured out and placed his stuff in it. Cleaned out his old cage and took it out. Put away tools, etc. I'm sure through this all Thumper was wondering what the heck was going on.

I was hanging out in the garage with hubby a little later and heard something. Realized my dog was going nuts. There was a cat in our back yard, running across it and my dog was inside barking and throwing himself at our doors. They're not sliding glass doors but are mostly glass. Funny thing is if the dog is outside he just runs after animals wanting to play or if they are inside with him. When he's inside and they are out he acts like he wants to kill them. he's done it with a box turtle that was half way across the back of our property and headed away from the house. Crazy! I'm sure that didn't help Thump.

When I came in a little later Thumper immediately came out of his box. He started checking out his new digs. he ate some hay from his rack but from outside the pen. I put a little bit of pellets in his bowl and he went in to start eating. Usually he hops in the litter box to eat his pellets but he didn't. So I tried moving his bowl similar to how I had it set up in the old cage. He will put his front legs in the litter box to get to the pellets but not his back legs.

I'm thinking now that maybe I should have put his used litter box in there instead of a clean one. I figured that even though it is clean he would recognize it. I guess I'll wait and see what he does. If I had to I could get some of his soiled litter to put in the clean litter box. Just enough to have his smell.
I'm sure he'll figure it out. When I put Ellie in her new cabinet, he was a little hesitant too, but she adjusted just fine.
I bet he'll be happy for the extra space once he's used to it, on days that he has to stay in the cage longer than usual. If he happens to poop outside the box, I would just scoop them up and put them in there so he understands. Hopefully he'll just get it though, I'm sure he will.

Has Isabelle shown any signs of kittens yet?
That was quite quick....I´m sure he´ll get used to it over the next few days, all these new smells and something strange. He´s going to love having the extra space , you must take a pic for us to see. Now you´re making me want a new cage..still thinking about the one I saw, will have to have another look.
The balls hanging for the backs of trucks are illegal, at least in my area they are. They're so gross! haha. I know what the balls mean, hanging from the back of the truck...small parts on the driver. LOL I hate balls on dogs, haha. I was so glad that our dog was neutered so I didn't have to look at that!
And thats enough ball talk!

How did Thumper sleep last night in his new cage?
I am just going to try and answer everyone at once. I have things to do and shouldn't even be on here. It's too easy to spend too much time. I'm not in the best of moods because the weather is cold again after just one warm day, I'm tired of doing the same work every day and can't find a comfortable pair of shoes. Grrr.

I took some pics and will try to post later. I even took two with the cages near each other to help show the difference in size. I wound up moving the litter box and pellet bowl last night. Right before bed when I put Thumper's pellets in he zoomed and hopped right into the litter box with no hesitation. We took the dog potty one last time and I stopped by on my way past to bed to give Thump a quick nose rub. he seemed fine and for the first time in a while got to periscope completely while caged.

I eventually want to put in a shelf. I plan to put it on the end where the litter box is now. The other end has a door. I am using the side door right now but I hate to block the other door because it could come in handy at some point. So I'll have to see how it would work with the litter box under a shelf. I think I would have to hang the shelf higher with it there. Not sure if it would leave enough clearance for Thump to jump up without hitting his head although I do think it will be plenty tall enough for him to lay there. I may just try moving the litter box once Thumper has been in the new cage a while and I know he's used to it.

I did hear him moving around last night but quietly. No jumping or other craziness. He did push his water dish around and spilt his water. It took four paper towels to soak it up. While I was gone shopping today he did it again but didn't spill as much. I was much happier to see him with all the extra space when I came home. he did spend some time running around when I let him out. Now he's flopped in front of the front door.

Chris...Houdini will probably enjoy the new cage with space to jump. I am so glad I got the new one for Thumper. I don't feel so bad when he does have to stay in.

I did see about Archie acting up. I don't know what you would do in that situation. It could be a combination of him feeling he is top bun and you favoring Agnes. Him being top bun might make it an affront to him for her to run to you so much. I'm thinking of the hierarchy of wolf packs here, so almost as if a subordinant wolf (Agnes) geeted another subordinant wolf (you) before greeting the alpha wolf (Archie). I could see that being a big No No.

Morgan...No signs yet on impending birth. I did not long ago and I think she may be filling up with milk or starting too but I'm not completely sure because she got up right away when I started to look.
I had to come back because now I am MAD! A older guy that lives down the road asked mu hubby to freshen up his riding mower for the season. Hubby told him it would be a while until he could help him because we have soooo much else going on and to get done. Well jerk brings up his riding mower anyway. So now we have had a mower taking up space and being in our way that can't be looked at and the guy calling off and on. Idiots think if they drop something off it will get done immediately. He just showed up at my front door giving attitude saying if it's not done tonight he'll be picking it up tomorrow. He's done with my husband. He's cutting grass with a push mower and his wife is pissed.

I am sooo livid right now. People are jerks and I hope he realizes whether he is done with us or not we are definitely done with him. And this from a guy that had retired but went back when the company asked him back simply because he likes the work. Some of us work our butts off and do not have time for much else other than work and yet they expect you to bust your butt even more to do them a favor. I guess we should be up tioll two in the morning just to get his stupid mower done.

I am sticking with talking to the three neighbors that live closest to us and everyone else can take a flying leap!
I forgot to comment on balls...whether hanging from the back of a truck or implants for dogs, I think it's ridiculous but maybe you have to be a guy to get it. None of the guys I know seem to be that way though, at least I haven't seen evidence of it so yah maybe it's a thing with ones wishing for some. Ha!

Now for pics...

my phlox and bushes. I just have a temporary border up so tried to keep it out of the pic...
the crazy pollen on our explorer hood...


Denise, what an idiot...when you ask for a favour, it´s a favour and it will be done when the person you´re asking the favour from can fit it in...I hate it when people think that favours are obligations and bug you to get it done....I feel like telling them to take a hike lol.

Love the flowers....pollen is awful here at the moment. I was in an apartment the other day and the terrace and all the furniture were covered in yellow pollen. The car was also covered in it when I went back to drive home...I must take it to the car wash, I hate seeing it covered. It´s obviously that time of year again.
Chris...What bugs me the most is him coming to my door and griping at me when hubby told him he didn't have time right now, it would be a while and that when he was ready he would come get it and yet the next day the guy drops it off.

Up north I never saw pollen like's crazy. We were outside the other day and in the distance there was such a thick haze of it and as we stood there we started to feel our eyes getting fuzzy.
Most of the pollen has gone from here, thank god. It was terrible. I even had to take something for allergies and I don't really have allergies. My poor husband, he has terrible allergies but we fought it off early with allerga.

I hate people like that guy. That guy sounds just like my FIL. He is an instant-gratification kind of person too. And like, if he does something for you and he needs your help for something as "payback" for him helping you, you better do it when he asks because if not, you're an ungrateful person and blah blah blah *runs to jump off cliff*. Its terrible. Its like, just calm the hell down and take a deep breath!
Morgan...luckily for us it doesn't seem to affect the girls allergies. Must be one of the few things they're not allergic to.

The mother-in-law is kinda like that. She's a narcissist. She does things for people without them asking her to and then feels they owe her. If you don't ask how high and jump immediately when she says to then she turns on you. She will stop at nothing to punish you. That's why we haven't spoken to her for years. Hubby tried to have a relationship with her but it's impossible.
I don't know why but I have been trying to post pics since the earlier ones and it's not working...Grrrr

UPS sucks. My hubby paid extra to get a package shipped here quick. The ups guy came today while I was home. He dropped one package at the garage door, the other needed signed. I don't know if he knocked but if he did I certainly didn't here it over my dryer, vacuum and through two doors and the garage and house walls. The package that needed signed for of course he did not leave and that's the one hubby needed NOW. So I try calling to find out when the driver is expected back at UPS so hubby can drive 45 minutes to go pick it up. Depending on the time he would either go get it or wait till they try again tomorrow in which case I would have paid very close attention, left door open to garage, etc.

Tried to also see if driver could call hubby and hubby meet him. Fed Ex drivers have left their number and hubby has done that. They claim they can't because driver isn't issued a cell phone by the company and yet they can tell me driver will be back between 8-8:30pm. A little too late for hubby to run up there but now he has to because since I inquired about picking it up tonight they put it on a five day hold so will not try to redeliver for five days and will not cancel the hold even though I didn't ask to have it put on hold and they don't tell you it will be put on hold for five days when you call to inquire about picking it up the same day.

I think my head may just explode today!

I did get to spend some time with Thumper earlier. He got pets for a while. Then he spent time grooming himself. He stopped and sat still a moment and I was just looking at him and out loud said flop. And guess what? He flopped. Now I don't think he flopped at my command but I do think I am recognizing his very sleepy face he makes before flopping. I need to keep the camera with me though because I had a great shot of his face including his cute wittle mouth. His lips were slightly parted so I could also see his front teeth and his long black eyelashes as his eyes were closed. It was the cutest darn thing!
Oh and to top off the UPS fiasco. If the driver had knocked at the front door I would have answered because the dog goes nuts when anyone knocks there and there is no way I would not hear him since I can hear him when he's locked in the house and we are at the end of our very long drive way!
My morning did not start off so well. I had to launder the girls clothes first thing this morning as it was forgotten last night due to dealing with UPS which made me late in starting dinner so I had to rush through everything. Then my dog who has no sense thinks I'm in the mood to play while I am getting ready to walk the girls to the bus. So I put him in time out in the den. Usually he stays in the living room and watches us walk down.

Thumper has moved his water bowl again sloshing water. He usually will do this occasionally but now it has been every day. I hope as he gets used to the new cage he'll stop. He hurt his lip doing so, he left some blood on the side. Then he started moving his litter box around.

Now he is making a racket, running across card board, jumping on boxes, rattling his gate and tearing up card board. Peace and quiet would be nice. Who knew bunnies could make so much noise?!

I was having issues with the internet yesterday. I couldn't get pics posted and later I couldn't get on the computer at all. I still can't get pics posted so I have to either:

1. Wait till hubby gets home and have him deal with it.
2. Try uploading the pics to the computer again.
3. Take every dang blasted computer, router, printer and all other computer related items into the yard and fix them with a sledge hammer.

I opt for three as it will give me the most satisfaction!
Kittens are on the way. Went outside, one born so far. Our other cat was with her. I locked her in the other part of the garage. Isabelle is having them under our stoop. The worst place possible. I'm sure she feels safe there but it is piled up with wood, parts, etc. tried putting the kitten in the wooden box wee have set up for this but she refused to stay there. I'm contemplating putting her in Thumper's old cage. I hater having her where she doesn't feel as safe so as not to stress her out but I'm worried on kittens falling down into stuff.
I got the cage set up. I had to wait a little while before moving the kitten because she had another and she had to clean it and chew the umbilical cord. So momma and two kittens are now in the cage. I talked to my hubby and let him know he's a grandpa of two now. Or I should say again since we do have two grandsons. I freaked him out a little because he thought I was calling to let him know my sons girl friend was pregnant. His mind went there instead of Isabelle. He did suggest putting towels over the cage. I did hang towels so the side are completely blocked and the back. Isabelle seemed to settle down then. Kitties were trying to nurse when I left to give her a few minutes to herself to relax as much as she can.

She doesn't seem to mind me being around and seemed to still enjoy having her cheeks rubbed. She was purring away while cleaning the second kitten so it seems she will be a good mommy.

The girls will be so excited.
I would put a big blanket and cover the two sides and the back too, so she's like in a cave. When our cat had kittens, she was really lovey and didn't mind us picking the kittens up and loved being petted. It sounds like she'll be a good mama. I put our cat in a laundry basket in the bathtub.
Anyway! Congrats on the kittens, I can't wait to see pictures! I love kittens!

Maybe with Thumper, he's trying to get the cage just right. You could try to attach the litter box to the side of the cage and either attach the water dish to the side or put it in the place that he wants it in. I have Ellie's water bowl on a plate, so if she moves it it sloshes on the plate rather than in her cage.
With Foo, I had to attach everything, because she moved everything around. So her litter box and hay box were hooked to the side of the cage and she had a water bottle.