Those who had 'weight loss' as a resolution

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2006
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Auckland, , New Zealand
I'm doing pretty well with mine so far! We had KFC last night and I managed to only eat once piece of chicken and a little of the potato and gravey, and after upping my exercise quota for the last week, I now weigh the lowest I have in about 5 years!


What are you doing for exercise/eating, and how's it working for you? I'm eating a lot of low salt soups with heaps of added vegies, going walking every morning before breakfast for a minimum of 40 minutes and doing strength training 4 times a week in the evenings. I would prefer to do it during the day, but Mat helps me with it and he's at work all day. We've got this elliptical/cross trainer thingy but I hate it, it's so boring to use, so that's $1000 down the drain :?. They should have built in a TV and a playstation into the computer :p. I've tried to use it on a regular basis but it's just not my thing.

So, how you doin'?
I've stopped with sodas and just drink water now. I dont see any change in myself yet but hopefully that small step will help some.
I make a resolution to lose a stone about once every two months, it lasts a week and then I get fed up and go and buy a big cake. :(
Maybe you could listen to music or an audio book while working out on your elliptical thing! That's always helped make it more enjoyable for me. If you go the music route, pick something very upbeat and energetic. I've tried to read books while working out on those machines, but it doesn't work for me because I find myself slowing down! I don't have that problem with audio books.

I didn't make a New Year's resolution to lose weight, but I am trying to. I've became overweight lately and my family is kind of confused because I've always eaten pretty healthy foods and don't binge. My dad thinks I might have a thyroid problem and wants me to be tested. I really hope I don't have anything wrong with me and don't think I do, the thyroid thing sounds like the stereotypical "excuse" people think of when they think about fat people. I would prefer to give myself a bit of time to concentrate on losing weight and see how that goes before getting checked out by a doctor. My health insurance is covered by the military (my dad's in the navy) and when I turn 23 (in a month and a half), I'll be cut off. So maybe I should just go in and have the bloodwork done now!
Well I lost 6 lbs before Xmas. Yay! But I weighed in at the docs this past Wed. andI was up 3lbs from where i started before Xmas (before I lost the six, so I probably gained a lot!). So that stinks.

As far as keeping my resolution? I have unfortunately done diddly squat. :(I really need to start soon...
I started in Sept. and have lost about 15 lbs. Ate too much during the holidays, but am still holding my weight steady.

I'm still trying to get out to bike and jog on the trails when the weather permits. Power walked a few miles today and trail biked for over an hour.

My butt is smaller, so I'm rather proud of myself :p

I wanna lose about 30 by May and about 50 by Oct. My problem isn't actually the weight, it's the firmness factor.

Previously I had done the detox by just having nothing but the brown rice and water and leek soup for 2 straight weeks, and once you got over the initial rumbly tummy and overwhelming desire to eat your hand, and lick empty pizza boxes, you feel really quite serene.

How am I doin thus far?

Starbucks was delicious last night..

I am cooking dinner (healthy food) instead of eating out and taking the leftovers for lunch instead of getting fast food. So far I have lost about 8lbs. Tried to drink straight water and I just can't, not in large quanities. What I've done is bought Crystal Light in lemonade and pink lemonade, I've been drinking lots more water now. Will NOT give up my Diet Coke me a reason to get up in the morning :). I'm about to fall off the wagon tonight, I'm giving doe-eyes to my boyfriend in the hopes that he will go to the store and get me some Ben & Jerry's Creme Brulee ice cream.

Good luck to everyone!!
I've become a "chubb-bucket" over the last year. When I went in for my yearly female exam, the lady weighted me and said, "Oh,'ve gained weight since you were here a year ago."
THANKS, LADY :banghead:cry4:!

I guess I am "comfy". I would LOVE to lose some in the gut, though. I hate that feeling that everyone is staring at you when you sit down and see's the rolls you are packin'.

Okay, it's not that bad, but I would like to slim down. My excuse to Ryan is that...when I get a dog I will have an exsuce to go outside and walk around the block a few times and lose weight while I am at it :nod. Until then, I'm a chubbster .
undergunfire wrote:
Okay, it's not that bad, but I would like to slim down. My excuse to Ryan is that...when I get a dog I will have an exsuce to go outside and walk around the block a few times and lose weight while I am at it :nod. Until then, I'm a chubbster .
Hahahahaha that's my excuse :p
well, i am only down a solid 5 pounds. . . but i only really want to lose 30 pounds in total for the year, so i am doing good right now!

my biggest problem is that i am also trying to quite smoking. . . but when you mix attempting to lose weight AND quiting smoking, you tend to either lose weight and smoke, or gain weight and stop smoking. . .i am yet to find the balance between the 2.

i am eating healthier (even more then i did before) i am eating more soy, lean meats (well, i only eat poultry and fish. . . you can't really get more lean then that) and using less butter in my cooking. i only allow myself about 10 oz of soda a day when i work, other then that i stick completely to water with a lemon wedge in it for flavor. . .

the hardest part is because it is winter i can't really get outside to do anything, and i am not good with gym settings. . .once spring comes the weight will melt off because i will be out and about!
That was my excuse too. Then I end with a lazy doggy who doesn't like going out in the rain and I'm back at square one. Haha. :p

okiron wrote:
undergunfire wrote:
Okay, it's not that bad, but I would like to slim down. My excuse to Ryan is that...when I get a dog I will have an exsuce to go outside and walk around the block a few times and lose weight while I am at it :nod. Until then, I'm a chubbster .
Hahahahaha that's my excuse :p
My Doc put me on a super health-nut eating plan. in comparison, it'll make all of you guys absolutely LOVE your diets/eating plans after you read mine.. lol. It isn't exactly for weight loss, but that's definitely becoming a nice perk even though I have to do my utmost not to go completely bonkers. It's mainly for supporting my immune system to help get me over candida (minor health ailment) if anyone's heard of that.

My diet: Protein, Vegg, and only 2-3 servings of whole grains per day. Thats it! I cannot have any form of sugar, fruit, refined carbs, wheat, alcohol containing stuff, or yeast containing products.. not for another couple of months at least.. Yippie.. and all while living with my ice cream loving boyfriend! :shock: :pullhair:


So far I've been a good girl with exercising. I really love Oxycise and kundalini yoga tapes and less-complicated pilates tapes!

Raspberry82 wrote:
.. and all while living with my ice cream loving boyfriend! :shock: :pullhair:


So far I've been a good girl with exercising. I really love Oxycise and kundalini yoga tapes and less-complicated pilates tapes!

Guess what sits about 50 feet from my house . . .

The ice cream store :foreheadsmack:

I tried pilates - I think they are a form of torture LOL

pamnock wrote:
Raspberry82 wrote:
.. and all while living with my ice cream loving boyfriend! :shock: :pullhair:


So far I've been a good girl with exercising. I really love Oxycise and kundalini yoga tapes and less-complicated pilates tapes!

Guess what sits about 50 feet from my house . . .

The ice cream store :foreheadsmack:

I tried pilates - I think they are a form of torture LOL


Aww, that would be hard! Yeah, most pilates tapes are torture to me, too. I found one that is just fun and simple to follow though! It's called Beginner Mat Workout Pilates with Ana Caban. I've tried some others and they are SO boring and hard.

I recently bought an exercise ball and it has become my new favorite toy at home! :biggrin2:
I forgot to add, everyone should check out the book: Be A Loser, by Greer Childers. I came across it years ago, but her super simple stretches/exercises combined with a breathing technique really do work and usually within the first 2 weeks you'll see some lost inches (She requires you to take your measurements at the beginning to track progress). They take me 15min/day when I do it faithfully and Greer's book has always been like gold to help me trim down when I need it :D.

Here's the link if anyone's interested:
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Some people say her routine does not work for them, but for me I did lose some inches even when I was in decent shape. So, just wanted to be a fair reviewer and add that in.
I don't have or want a scale, but I have noticed that my jeans are getting looser ;) :highfive:
You know how every store/brand is sized differently so you could be a size 6 in one store and 10 in another? Am I the only one who is sure to buy whatever brand who gives me the smallest number? I'm usually a 10 but when I went to Kohl's to try on jeans, I walked out when a size 12 was wayyyy too small for me. Meaning if I wanted to buy jeans that fit I would've probably had to buy a 14 or 16. It did bad things for my self I went across the street to Barnes and Noble to buy me a frappucino in the connected Starbucks and a book :p

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