You know how every store/brand is sized differently so you could be a size 6 in one store and 10 in another? Am I the only one who is sure to buy whatever brand who gives me the smallest number? I'm usually a 10 but when I went to Kohl's to try on jeans, I walked out when a size 12 was wayyyy too small for me. Meaning if I wanted to buy jeans that fit I would've probably had to buy a 14 or 16. It did bad things for my self I went across the street to Barnes and Noble to buy me a frappucino in the connected Starbucks and a book

This happens to me ALL the time! Normaly I go in and get a ton of 10s to try on and the last time I walked out with a 12 and I've actually _lost_ weight inbetween these times.. what the heck!!

Women's clothing manufacturers suck, I swear they're doing it on purpose.. lol. I'm one of those "inbetween" heights, too somehow.. 5'11" so the "longs" are way too long but the regulars are too short. C'est la vie