thinking of breeding holland lop to wolly jersey

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No. They're referring to Tinysmom,Pamnock, and several other breeders on this forum who are experiencedbreeders. They know about the potential problems that comefrom breeding, they're prepared for them, and sometimes they still gettheir hearts broken.

That's why they recommend never breeding your pets. They're trying to save you from what happened to them.
OK GOSh i dident post i dragged intoeverthing just becuse i dident take peoples advice for the spayingthing...I AM soryy i dont spay..some people just dont do things!I stillcan change my mind..lots of people change..but its how i am and youwill have to accept me for ME!OK in life we all make mistakes..peopleare told everyday not to do things and they still do..Alright!

No one in my family smokes...only my grampa did..DID i tryed to stophimitryed and tryed..and i was YOUNG..and then he got sick..went intothe hospital..but i culdent go see him..i wanted to..then he died..hewent..and at the funarl i ran out and sat in a bathroom for more thenan hour.OK im not clueless..and personally no one actuly understandsme:growl:

And i apreciate if anyone does..thats nice.butPlease STOP let it go!:sigh
ok im off to bed..feel free to reply orwhatever... or dont.. i really dont care anymore..i all my postes ihave cept my cool..but im sorry but i just had to say something.i cantlie on the ground and get kiked by everyone.this probally goes forSuzie too...we mean no harm.
Thats part of life. ;)

Plenty of our members have made mistakes, and the rest of us willalways remember those mistakes. If you want people to view youdifferently, you have to show us that you are educating yourself andlearning how to be a good breeder. I know you have been trying. Peoplewill see that if you keep it up.

lovethetailyall wrote:

This girl is my FRIEND!Now i know that everyone has told me not tobreed but i am bring back the "tort" for thre last recorred doe (What?Idon't even know how to correct that)in the areadied and people would love to see them back at the shows..when ientered one in the show a guy was like "Ohh i want to see it!" HewasEXTREMELY EXCITED BECAUSE everyonejust hasblacks and stufF!

SuzieMEANT no harm...she is askinG for some darn advice! Iknow your intentions are good but IIT'S done. Over. This is not thesame rabbit with the lump..I think that was her rabbit LouLou...correct me if I'm wrong

So i just want to say even thoUghtWE (not me)may beyoung WE'RE (not where) not some imMature people that go aroundbreeding rabbits..i have a good intention with breeding my Dutch..andim gUessing Suzie has one too!:)

Thank you everYone!...Ohh and i have a show in a few days... Brooklin..anyone going??:colors:

I'm sorry and I may get attacked for saying this but if you can't evenspell properly you are too immature to breed. Here are some correctionsfor you. (It'd be funny if I had mistakes correcting you but I'm nottrying to breed!)

P.S. corrections are in CAPS

You know what? Thank you everyone on this sitefor all the help you have given me and there are a lot of great peopleon this site but I will not sit by and watch some little girls talkabout breeding their rabbits and just say "oh, they didn't take myadvice. Drop it." I love animals too much. I know everyone here lovesthem too but I cannot sit by and not say (and yes, over and over again)that someone who is too young tobe able to drive, get a jobwith any real money, and to be done even highschool should be able tobreed. And I will never let that go. So thank you everyone for yourhelp but I'm just going to leave this broad because you are all greatpeople but I cannot keep my opinion of "lovethetailyall" and possibly"her friends" (I don't even know if I believe this is a friendandnot "lovethetailyall" posting under anothername) quiet and I know that you guys do not want problems. SoI will respect that and let this be my last message (and sorry if youguys don't like me for saying this but the girl needs to hear iteveryday of her life until she gets it through her head). A 15 year oldthinking they are ready to breed without the resources needed alreadyhas proved her immaturity no matter what she wants to say. I reallyhope for the rabbit(s) sake that something will happen and you areunable to breed because it is not fair to the animal.

Start thinking of your animals and not your friends and your "noble"cause which isn't noble when you can't even manage to deal with thefinanicial costs that may come with breeding.

Thanks again everyone. Later.

I hate to see you go but I simply want to add one thing about this.

If we push these girls away because they are doing what we are tryingso hard to tell them not to do - then the animals are at risk and wetotally ruin any chance of helping them.

With an internet forum our hands are tied...what are we to do? Call theSPCA or something? That's hard to do with information given in apost...although there have been times when I've wanted to bang my headagainst the wall and dial the closest authority and say, "take thoserabbits and run".

But we can't do that. All we can do is to try and continue to educate and hope that someday it sinks in.

By our standing by - we are not agreeing to their actions...we'resimply standing by ready to help in case something does go wrong.

I breed "mutts" I have my reasons for doing so.When I thoughtI wanted to raise rabbitsI did monthsof research before I even thought of buying any rabbits. Breeding is anongoing learning experience filled with heartache. I know, I've lost 2of my does,out of 5 litters born, 35 kits, I've lost 19 babies tovaring reasons despite my best efforts. please make sure you know whatyou are doing and the risks you are taking with your beloved pet. Theresults can be devasting.

Tiny's Mom and others have been an awsome help to me and give fantasticadvice that I take very seriously into consideration as they have vastknowledge and experience. This board has helped me through some toughsituations.

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