I read up on breeding for months, plus talked with breeders in my area before breeding.
I knew the answers to many common problems with birthing andbabies. You should do the same before breeding again and alsoread up as much as you can while you doe is pregnant. Googleis your friend. There should also be some books at your locallibrary, although most will most likely be old but should have somegood basics in it.
If you want to breed, no one can stop you. It's yourchoice. But that is not going to stop us from voicing ouropinions and trying to set you up to succeed. We are nottrying to shut you down or make you feel bad, but to help you do whatis best.
Many people have horrible experiences breeding, babies and mothers getsick, injured and even die. That's not something we want youto experience, so we are giving you advice on how to be successful withthe lowest probability of sickness and death.
Please start doing some research, if you need some good book or websiterecommendations, I'm sure many of the experienced breeders here wouldbe very happy to help out.
We just want to make sure that everything turns out with happyending. Take a few minutes and read through the suggestions,and think of how you can apply them to your situation, hopefully someof them will help.