thinking of breeding holland lop to wolly jersey

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i hear it just takes a second, but how do youknow when the breeding happened? i hear the buck grunts and falls that true?
yup, tons, like i said this is what i heard(that the buck grunts and falls off) i was wondering if it's true. why?does it seem like i'm clueless cause i'm not.
The buck will mate with her as long as it takes,sometimes seconds sometimes a few minutes. His body will lock up, he'llmake a grunting wheezing sound and fall over sideways normally.

In my experience babies from that match are not the prettiest. I can find some examples for you.

Anyway perhaps you will want to do some more research before you breed.

I don't think dead people can type, they don't in New Zealand anyway,so your comment was un-called for. People who have several user nameshave no life perhaps?

This girl is my freind!Now i know that everyone has told me not tobreed but i am bring back the "tort" for thre last recorred doe in thearea died and people would love to see them back at the shows..when ientered one in the show a guy was like! Ohh i want to see it! he wasextreamly exited..beucse everyone just has blacks and stuf!

Suzie m:(ent no harm...she is askin for some dam advice! I know yourintentions are good but its done.Over. This is not the same rabbit withthe lump..i think that was her rabbit Lou Lou...correct me if im wrong

So i just want to say even thoght me may be young where not someimature people that go around breeding rabbits..i have a good intentionwith breeding my Dutch..and im gessing Suzie has one too!:)

Thank you everone!...Ohh and i have a show in a few days... Brooklin..anyone going??:colors:
If you have done research, that is wonderful andeverything. However, can you even tell us the basics of breeding? Howlong is the doe pregnant, what's the latest a doe may make a nest, whattype of supplement does the doe need and why, how long do the kits takewith the doe until weaning? Ect., ect., ect.
I read up on breeding for months, plus talked with breeders in my area before breeding.

I knew the answers to many common problems with birthing andbabies. You should do the same before breeding again and alsoread up as much as you can while you doe is pregnant. Googleis your friend. There should also be some books at your locallibrary, although most will most likely be old but should have somegood basics in it.

If you want to breed, no one can stop you. It's yourchoice. But that is not going to stop us from voicing ouropinions and trying to set you up to succeed. We are nottrying to shut you down or make you feel bad, but to help you do whatis best.

Many people have horrible experiences breeding, babies and mothers getsick, injured and even die. That's not something we want youto experience, so we are giving you advice on how to be successful withthe lowest probability of sickness and death.

Please start doing some research, if you need some good book or websiterecommendations, I'm sure many of the experienced breeders here wouldbe very happy to help out.

We just want to make sure that everything turns out with happyending. Take a few minutes and read through the suggestions,and think of how you can apply them to your situation, hopefully someof them will help.

--Dawn not on anyones side..i just wanted tomake shure you wernt thoght as a wrong person..your messing with may want to calm down a touch...;)

SUZIE does know about breeding..we know from a few people that breed..they tell us lots..she isent clueless...thats for shure:X
the doe is pregnant for 31 days and can havethem 2 days before of after expected. you should give her a tums forcalcium so that she doesn't have siezures from the 28th day on. thelatest the doe makes her nest is ten minutes before, you shouldn't keepthe babies with their mother for more than three months and they can beseparated when they are on dry food. anything else?
If "Suzie" knows a lot about breeding, then whythe asking about what a buck does when mating? I'm not even a breederand I know the answer to that. And what on earth is a wolly jersey,hehe. I think a breeder should know these things :D.
i have done the research, read everythihng, asked every i know the problems and i am aware of the dangers
i have heard different opinions about how the mating is done, i wanted to check-sorry!
Ok - as a mod in this area I'd like to step in here for a bit and say "everyone to their corners" (that includes me).

First of all, I want to remind everyone that Suzie came in here asking a question.

Whether or not we agree with her for doing a cross-breeding (and Idon't agree with it) - the question was asked about what this breedingwould look like.

At this point - we don't know Suzie. I'm sorry...maybe someone else will know.

Now Suzie - you also have to understand. You came in here and asked us a question. The question was:

what do yah think of that? is it a good mix?

We gave you our answers. No- we did not believe it was a good mix. We did not recommend it.Several people gave their thoughts on why.

And what did you say?

this is my rabbit- so i think i'll do what I'd like.

Now - at this point I'm doing this....:banghead:banghead:banghead

If you're going to do what you'd like ... why did you ask us?

I went back and looked at the link I sent you to readabout breedig. I can see now why you may have appeared "clueless"...byasking about the buck mounting the doe, etc. I can see that it isn't inthat link.

I also can see that someone answered you - so I will not duplicate their response.

One thing I think you (and your friend) are forgetting - is that weare here on this forum for the good of therabbits. We don't just go around saying, "don't breed"to everyone. We encourage people who have done their research and arewilling to take responsibility for every rabbit that the breedingproduces.

But - from my understanding as a moderator on this forum - we do not encourage:

a. crossbreeding (unless it is for aspecific purpose by an experience breeder who knows what they are doing)

b. breeding if you do not take care of the rabbits you have

c. breeding if you do not have a stable income to provide vet care for the rabbits you have or will produce

d. breeding if you're underage and have to depend upon aparent for financial support - UNLESS you're in a 4H type of programwhere you have someone giving you advice.

e. breeding a pet (sorry- we've had too many members - myself included - have issues when doing this).

Once again - while we want to be here for the owners -that means we're going to tell people things that they may notlike....because it is what is best for the rabbit.

Withthat said, I would like to remind folks of something.

Suzie does not have an open mind. I think that to continue thisdiscussion and try to change it is wrong. We're all going to go awayfrom this thread with an opinion of her. But the fact is - she has bredthe rabbit - the deed is done so to speak.

To continue to talk to her as if it hasn't been done or we can change her mind is really not worthwhile.

I would encourage us to stick on the topic of this breeding. Like others, I hope it didn't take.

Suzie, I hope you can get to know a breeder there who knows more thanto give vitamin C when a rabbit is sick - just in case you have issueswhen your rabbit goes into labor. Or I hope you have some funds setaside for a vet visit in case of stuck kits.

Will that happen? I hope not. Time will tell.


ok byebye! i'm leaving this forum you guys are so critical i hate it

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