thinking of breeding holland lop to wolly jersey

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TinysMom wrote:
Suzie,I hope you can get to know a breeder there who knows more than to givevitamin C when a rabbit is sick - just in case you have issues whenyour rabbit goes into labor. Or I hope you have some funds set asidefor a vet visit in case of stuck kits.

OK im sorry to do this but you had no right to say that.I have nothingto do with this topic right now i know i did reply but i never took"sides" I just find the vitamin C thing EXTREAMLY offensive!:shock:Iknow you all mean well but we talk about the topic already..i told youwhy/ Please dont bring it back!

Thank you:?
i had a few user names because i was having login problems
I suggest then that you PM the mods and let themknow which one name you want to keep so they can ban the rest or changethem over to the one name.

Suzie wrote:
i had a few user names because i was having login problems
So are you emmalou? If so, you need to pick ausername please and let us know which you will be using. Its tooconfusing to members when you post under different names.

Also, if you have login problems in the future, there is an emailaddress on the login screen. If you email a mod or admin we can fix theproblem for you.

im very sorry for the way I acted about breedingmy rabbit. It seemed like a good idea at the time to breed Stella, andI don't recall seeing "the move" so I'm hoping the deed wasn't done. Iguess I got a little offensive, but after I sorted my thoughts andcalmed down I realized how wrong i was, I hope you can forgiveme-> everyone who replied.
I don't rememeber seeing that thread, which onewas it? Good on you for apologizing for whatever it was, that takes alot of guts to do.

Ok, now I'm confused-thought those were two separate threads on this subject! Sorry! ;) We need a blushing emoticon, BTW.
Thats very nice of you.

We just want you to listen to our opinions if you ask forthem. We're just concerned when we get young girls trying tobreed bunnies. Often, you cant afford to get them the vet care theyneed, and if your parents arent involved to help out, the rabbit oftensuffers.

We're just thinking of the bunnies. I remember you had some littersbefore and you really didnt know what to do as the mom was preparing togive birth. If you are going to breed, please please read up on basicbreeding information.

Im gonna merge this with your other thread if you dont mind.

Thank you for the apology. We dont want to argue with people either, were just trying to do what is best for the bunnies.
thank you for caring. but i want you to understand that I would never do puposly harm her
Suzie wrote:
i'msorry if i agravated people, but this is my rabbit- so i think i'll dowhat I'd like.
Our frustration comes from the fact that you asked our opinions, thencompletely disregarded the advice of people with years of experience.

If you want to do what you'd like and don't really want to hear what wehave to say, then please don't waste our time.

umm gals....Avice is like comments..what youthink is the best to do..if someone doesent take the advice there isentmutch to do..they could have found an alternitive.I know forums are foradvice...Adn i have an enormase respect for that becuse when my rat gotreally sick really fast i got her the right help in time.So remebergive advice but it may not be taken:?
lovethetailyall wrote:
So remeber give advice but it may not be taken:?
Argh! :banghead

Thenwhy ask for advice if there is no intention in takingthat advice. Good people on here, like TinysMom long and thoughtfulpost, take up too much time and energy for people who don't plan oneven considering the advice given. There are other's on this board whoreally do need help, and would at least consider any advice given WHENIT'S ASKED FOR. And all that time and energy would be better spent onthose who actually need the advice.

Like Pam said, please don't waste others' time if there's no intention of taking the advice.
lovethetailyall wrote:
So remeber give advice but it may not be taken:?

I don't expect people to feel obligated to take my advice, however, atleast give the courtesy of considering the counsel that has been given.



Thanks so much for caring about everyone here who posts to answerquestions. Something folks in general need to understand understandthough least for me - once someone doesn't take the advice andappears to not be willing to listen...I am less willing to post ontheir topics in the future. I figure...why waste my time ifthey're not going to listen to me anyway? Right?

As it is - I spent time today when I was on a deadline (self-imposed)to get my book proposal to the publisher to help out - only to be told"I'm going to do what I want..".

No problem...fine...just don't count on me to answer questions in thefuture as quickly as I might answer others because I know my adviceprobably won't be taken...

And with that...I'm going back to my book proposal - I should have it ready to go within 2 hours...WOO HOO!


P.S. No - I'm not mad. Just frustrated...

MyBoyHarper wrote:
Argh! :banghead

Thenwhy ask for advice if there is no intention in takingthat advice. Good people on here, like TinysMom long and thoughtfulpost, take up too much time and energy for people who don't plan oneven considering the advice given. There are other's on this board whoreally do need help, and would at least consider any advice given WHENIT'S ASKED FOR. And all that time and energy would be better spent onthose who actually need the advice.

Like Pam said, please don't waste others' time if there's no intention of taking the advice.
TinysMom wrote:
As it is - I spent time today when I was on a deadline (self-imposed)to get my book proposal to the publisher to help out - only to be told"I'm going to do what I want..".
And with that...I'm going back to my book proposal - I should have it ready to go within 2 hours...WOO HOO!



What she told me to.:brat::bunnyangel:
Also - a number of the people who have given yougood advice have lived through the loss of bunnies due to problemscaused by breeding and/or difficulties in kindling. Losing thosebunnies has been very hard for them - and they don't want to seeanyone else (or their bunnies) having to go through that.

The people who are trying to help are real people - and they've gotfeelings. When you speak rudely or tell them that you don't care whatthey say, it can be quite hurtful. Please try to put yourself in theother person's shoes.
ARe you all refuring to me?I dident ask for anydavice on this topic..i just did a natural thing to protect a freind..ihad good intentions and all.:?
I'm talking to you and Suzie both. So is everyone else.
Lovethetailyall, I believe everyone is referringto both you and Suzie, as well all others who have popped in asked someimportant questions, then disregarded everything said with a "I'm gonnado what I want, even though everyone advised against it just because Ican" attitude.

No one here wants to alienate anyone. But, the buns comefirst. Most long time members here have seen it all beforewith other members as well as personal experience.

The bottom line is that we are frustrated, with you two, and all othermembers who have decided to breed with out doing properresearch. Many of the others have had horrible experiences,while we have had to sit back and watch in horror. The lastthing we want is to have to go through that again with you two, for oursake and yours.

Bottom line, do research, be responsible, have a good support behindyou, and have the financial funds to pay for multiple emergancy vetvisits before you even consider breeding.

We are happy to help educate you, and help you to breedresponsibly. But we will not support what we view asirresponsable breeding and we will always advise against it.



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