The twins are here

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Mrs. PBJ

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
Galveston, Texas, USA
I dont have pictures yet but I am waiting for one from someone at the hospital. I am at home with the kids. The rest of them from what I know they are born and Shena is getting into her room I am not sure if they had to go to the nic u or not it was a unknown before they where born.

I will update as soon as I know something
They are healthy and in the normal nursry. I am still waiting for pictures from family dont think I will get any right now.
I'm sure they are quite busy and not concentrating on emailing pics right now. Don't worry, we are patient folks here.


Baby A

Gianna 5lbs 10 ounces Born at 3:05p.m.


Baby B

Naima 4lbs 14 ounces Born at 3:07 p.m.

They are doing great already ate and mom just had dinner herself. She is able to breastfeed and the girls are staying in the nursry tonight as dad has to get there older two girls yes all girls.

All my muchins are in bed and there two are waiting for dad. I have all neices and nephews. as I am the only sibling not at the hospital. The youngest always gets the raw end of the deal.
Well everyone fines this morning mom has kids in the room. Just talked to her. They are healthy and happy. Gianna had to be put on oxygen through the nose for a while last night but she seem to be fine this morning
Babies! They are so cute! You are going to have to keep posting pictures of these cuties!

6 weeks old. I am just going to keep this thread up.

I know there in blue but they are at home so is does not matter.

They where only in the bouncer long enough to get the picture then we put them back in there own bouncers.

Niemma Left gianna right

They are nor 7 14 and 8 9 pounds I mean.

adorable! i love babies, they are soo cute and innocent. my mom keeps pestering me for kids, cause she wants a grand daughter . . . .
I try to tell her that i'm only 25 and single. this is as close as i've got to kids(Friends/acquantences/pics online)
Blaze_Amita wrote:
adorable! i love babies, they are soo cute and innocent. my mom keeps pestering me for kids, cause she wants a grand daughter . . . .
I try to tell her that i'm only 25 and single. this is as close as i've got to kids(Friends/acquantences/pics online)

Dont feel bad I am the youngest of five all other kids had there first child by 21 so my mom is like where are my boys. My mom has not had a grandson in 7 years. five girls have been born.

She wants a boy I want a boy first. So she is asking and hinting. Cause the funy thing is in my family babys are born with in a year of each other. so am do to have a kids.

Oh and did I mention I am the only sibling left that can have kids

Getting ready to go check out dave and busters I had to match them cause there mom does not like doing it. So they match when they go out with me


Just another cause they are so cute


I love this picture






Jazzy and gianna


Elana and Naima


Mother back from her first day of school


EJ and naima


By day two aunty figured out how to feed them both at the same time

kirbyultra wrote:
lol what an efficient aunt you are!
we are trying to get them on the same eating sheduale there old enough now they are pretty close to it.
what adorable twins! I love their little pink outfits.
They are getting big so fast! :shock: Defo keep us updated with pictures! x

Hanging out


Move sister






Baby ER Doctor and EMT For Halloween
