The trials, tribulations and comedic moments of my bunnies lives

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Oh wow. I just read your post today about when you first got your rabbit. You have me in tears.

In some ways, I understand your pain and your loss. As you know, I lostGingerSpice and it hurts every single day. I don't know that I'll everrecover from the loss completely.

I'm so glad you have one child and one grandchild to carry on......I just want you to know how touching your note was.

I know your rabbit knew he was loved....

Aw, thanks Peg.

I hate that people have to grieve for pets and how much it hurts, andfor some people and some pets will hurt every day for the rest of theirlives, but on the other hand it shows that those people cared deeplyfor their pets, and whilst it hurts like bloody f**k for the people, Ibet the pet had a wonderful life to be loved like that.

I'm sorry I made you cry though, that was not the intention :hug1

I think the tears needed to come anyway. We lostour cat of 12 years this weekend and I have been trying to do hismemorial on Rainbow Bridge....but I couldn't cry.

But then when I read your post - the tears came - and I realized I could finally do his memorial... the tears were a really good thing.

I justread that thread. I'm so sorryfor your loss. It's clear Alexander was deeply loved and will be missedforever. I'm sorry that you have to go through that, but I am glad thetears helped you to write a fitting tribute :hug1
I thought of Flash today - and of you ofcourse. My heart is with you today - I know it's probably ahard day - and just wanted to let you know that there are peoplethinking of you. ;)

Instead of a random double post, I'll edit it into an entry :)


I gave Sky two digging trays today, so he digs on theconcrete, lol. These bunnies are so contrary. On the other hand though,he had some sort of injury on his face a couple of weeks ago and itseems totally healed now, which is excellent, the scab seems to havefallen off and everything :)

The Dopeys

I gave all the bunnies hay cubes today. I stole the ideaoff of someone on here and thought I'd try it with mine. The only bunnythat showed any sort of interest was a Dopey, how bizarre, for a Dopey,not so dopey, lol.


First thing this morning when I came into the kitchen (Ican see all the hutches from there) I looked over, and Badger was justsitting under his dome, he looked ever so sweet. I can't take pics ofhim unless he is running because anytime anyone goes near him he startsrunnign frantically, lol, but it would have made a gem of apicture.

I put Badger in the big run today with things he doesn'tnormally have. One of those is a covered cat litter tray that we boughtspecifically for the rabbits to shelter in if the weather is bad. Itwas windy so I gave it to him, so what does he do? He sits right on thetop of it. It's rather large, and its quite impressive that somethingso small can jump so high. He's so cute.

I was sitting by the big patio doors, with their runs theother side of the doors, and I look around and there is Badger runningmerrily around, the next thing I know he has taken off from all fourlegs (not a two legged 'normal' rabbit jump), moved about 2 feetforwards in this position and then landed and carried on running. Itlooked really funny, but I must confess, I have never seen a four pawto four paw rabbit jump before, gerbils, yes, rabbits? no.

[align=center]I miss you Angel[/align]

[align=center]Had you been here, we would have partied it up proper bunny stylee[/align]

[align=center]Never forgotten, always remembered[/align]
Your post made me feel sad too. Its so lovelythat you cared so much about him, its always hard to lose a pet,sometimes I will be playing with Jess and sometimes I think "what thehell will I do when your not here?!? Its mad how you start worryingabout things like that after all Jess is only 6months old so shouldhave lots of bunny hops left in her yet :D

Love to all your bunnies past and present xxxx
P.S. Where did you get your Hay Cubes from? I'velooked in shops but can't find them think I might have to buy on-line,heehee the Dopeys are cute ... Sandy is still a firm favorite though :D
I got my hay cubes from a local pet shop that ispart of a garden centre. I couldn't find any in the major chain shops,so maybe its worth you looking in the smaller shops for some?

I used to be scared to lose Flash after on having had home for a fewmonths. I remember panicking that when I was late twenties I wouldn'thave him. Little did I know that a few months later I wouldn't have himand I would still only be in my early twenties. Enjoy every singlemoment you have with Jess, treasure you time, take pics, recordmemories, and if something tragic does happen to her you have things tohold on to. :)
Loofy Boofy

My Sweet Boof

3 long months have passed. That's too long.

I have shut down my sweet cake, I can't feel, I can't think about you, Tubs, Moon. It hurts, and it scares me.

I'm so so sorry for making you breed again. Had you not, then maybeyou could have been ok. Maybe I might have realised what was going on,maybe you might be alive now.

Cloudlooks more and more like you everyday. He has filled out his cheeks now and has a definite Boofy look.

Your rose is the tallest. It's spindly, but stands tall above theothers. I can see it from here. I'm sorry I never come tovisit, but I can't bring myself to. I know I will, it's onlya fewmetres away, but I can't face it. It doesn't mean I don't love youthough, it means I love you all too much.

I have been trying to orgnaise my pictures and I keep finding onesof you, cramed in a box, or smirged in a tunnel. You were so quirky, sofunny. So loving, nothing like the Thugs bunny that everyone else saw.You saved your sweetness for me, never lunged at me, or charged or bitme.

I remember that very first day I set eyes on you. We had beenhunting for buns since Adam's birthday and when you an OZ came along,it was perfect, but I was at uni so I didn't see you. I had had mybiopsy, and came home to give my parents the results andwhenI walked through the door you and Oz were therewith mum and Adam. So sweet, so small. You were a sociable, interestedlittle bunny, who had clearly been handled early on, Oz was a bit of aloner and wanted to be your friend, but didn't know how. It was sad,you couldn't be bonded. But you had a lovely life, all the toys in theworld, love, care. But I pushed it too far didn't I. I should have beenhappy with the gifts you gave me without pushing for more. I ameternally sorry for that.

Remember the time that I put you on the floor and you, as always,went running in a circle to the right, and ran right behind the settee?So I followed and moved the settee and followed you in, to get you out,and what happened? I got stuck too. So there were me and you stuckbehind the settee, so I had to call dad for help, but he came and savedus, lol.

That is one the funniest things you ever did.

We were so lucky you touched our lives. Having nearly lost you at 4months old to a fit, we were blessed with an extra two and a halfyears, but that's still not long enough.

You are another tragedy of the curse that seems to be befalling all our rabbits.

I'm so scared Boofy, so scared that we are going to lose other bunsto tragedies like yours, Moons, Tubs, Flashy and Oz. I'm so scared soyou have to stand there at the bridge, arm to arm with the others, forma barrier, please, I'm begging you, do not let ANYONE else through.There's 5 of you from this generation, and maybe about 20 from previousyears, so use your strength, and please, I beg you, don't let anyoneelse through. Reject them, send them back. Please Boofy.

I miss you my Loofy Boofy, I can't handle losing anyone else, andmissing them the same way. I don't have enough energy left tokeep fighting if things go wrong so please help me here.

You gave me three of the greatest gifts I have ever had, you gave me lots of laughs and love.

You gave me you, and I love you to bits, and I always will.

Sweet dreams sweet cake.


The lady I got Badger from just gave me this pic on theweb, before I only had it in hard copy. How adorable isthis!


I love my bunnies and just want them all to be happy, soI look for any sign of happiness. This is Sandy's fourth home, and it'sso lovely to see her happy.

I've been sitting with her in the run (I'll post the picslater) and was just watching her, and she went binkying across her run.That's made my day :D

Although she may not be as happy when she gets back toher hutch and realised I have changed it. I did save her nest andreplace it where it came from, but only by the skin of my teeth, Icaught it as it was blowing away (I had put it on the top of her hutchso I didn't accidently throw it away). Thank GOD I caught it, I think Imight have been in disgrace otherwise.

What a dope. An absolute dope. It started to rain hereabout 4ish, so I put Sky, the Dopeys and Sandy away (they had been intheir runs). Cloud has a run attached to his hutch which Ihad opened today and was thinking that he would take cover if he neededit.

WRONG! Cloud heard my voice (so this is actually myfault, oops) and lept from his dry corner into the rain and was madlyrunning around, so I had to get this drippingwet,muddyrabbit, and dry it, lol. What a donut, howhard would it have been for him to go and sit in his hutch.

He loved the attention that being dried got him (maybethat was all part of his plan). so he has gone back to his hutch, dry,fluffy and content, and I am left with muddy rabbit paw prints all overmy legs, lol.

The Dopeys

The Dopeys met Sandy for the first time today, and they seemed to find her rather perplexing.

One Dopey was scared by her.

The other Dopey seemed to take great delight in following her around wherever she went.



[align=left]Also, today, they had the cat litter tray(the one Badger was jumping on yesterday) for the first time, and oneDopey jumped up and sat there for ages. I guess it's a good vantagepoint, and rather clever for a Dopey. It wasn't so clever though, whenI put the divider in, and she walked next to the cat litter tray, andgot stuck in a small space. Well done Dopey, lol.[/align]


This is what Sandy's nest currently looks like.

I got in the run with Sandy today, like I said before,and took some pics. She seemed to spend more time on two legs than onfour. I think bunnies standing on two legs are awfully cute, sotherefore it is my duty to show you those pics. Oh yes itis.



'Are you taking my picture? Good'




She's just a really cute bunny.

They're all adorable but I think I'm coming to steal Sandy......she just steals my heart.


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