I better hide my buns then so that you can'tsteal them:embarrassed
I really love that emoticon and feelthe need to use it as much as possible lol).
Sandy is beautiful, and you are right, she is feisty. I just hope bunnytragedy doesn't strike us again. I'm fed up with it, lol. I want nomore of my bunnies at the bridge. I know kits often die, and whilst itupsets me, I would much rather lose those and have her. But ideallyhave them all, lol.
Oh, and if we get live buns then there will be pics EVERYWHERE! :bunnydance:
Oh, and Sandy could be a guys name (Sandy the male nanny from friends:nod), so you might have sounded less queer than you thought, lol.
Sandy is beautiful, and you are right, she is feisty. I just hope bunnytragedy doesn't strike us again. I'm fed up with it, lol. I want nomore of my bunnies at the bridge. I know kits often die, and whilst itupsets me, I would much rather lose those and have her. But ideallyhave them all, lol.
Oh, and if we get live buns then there will be pics EVERYWHERE! :bunnydance:
Oh, and Sandy could be a guys name (Sandy the male nanny from friends:nod), so you might have sounded less queer than you thought, lol.