The trials, tribulations and comedic moments of my bunnies lives

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I better hide my buns then so that you can'tsteal them:embarrassed:(I really love that emoticon and feelthe need to use it as much as possible lol).

Sandy is beautiful, and you are right, she is feisty. I just hope bunnytragedy doesn't strike us again. I'm fed up with it, lol. I want nomore of my bunnies at the bridge. I know kits often die, and whilst itupsets me, I would much rather lose those and have her. But ideallyhave them all, lol.

Oh, and if we get live buns then there will be pics EVERYWHERE! :bunnydance:

Oh, and Sandy could be a guys name (Sandy the male nanny from friends:nod), so you might have sounded less queer than you thought, lol.

Sky and Sandy

Because I'm weird I took pics of them earlier, just thought I would share :)

Sandy was running away like some kind of black bullet.Sky was rather aware and took the 'approach with care'stance.


This is Sky being nasty and scrabbling her :(

Sky came to sit with Sandy when she was smirged against the bars. It was really sweet.



I risked my legs and sat in the run with him.He was pretty nasty at first biting, scrabbling, generally just beingCloud, but after I sat still for a bit he got distracted and went off,but did keep coming back, unfortunately.

He is rather good at pretending to be an innocent bunny though.

Badger was in the run next door, and he was clearly feeling threatened, marking everything in sight.

This is my shoelaces being tightened, and then Cloudclearly making me feel at home by removing my shoes... if only it werelike that, lol.


He was clearly feeling good, rolling around and lying down.




It all went well until he came stretching up next to me,stretching up my arm so I looked down at him, said hello, and hestretched that little bit further and bit my nose. :XThat wasenough trauma. I got out the run and left, rubbing my poor nose:(

He's so sweet though. I mean what a soppy bunnyrolling like that. I wish his hormones didn't run behaviour.

binkies wrote:
Ijust love how every single rabbit you have looks comfy and happy, justthrilled with life.
Aw, thanks, that means so much :) If someone who has only seen pics cansay that then all is good :) If my buns are happy and comfortable thenthat makes me feel better so thank you so much for sayingthat:)
[align=center]Sweet dreams Flashy.[/align]
[align=center]Today was to mark your day. I couldn't do it on yourday for loads of reasons, but I just want you to know that these babiesare for you.[/align]
[align=center]Sweet dreams Magoo. [/align]
[align=center]Sweet Dreams Moon, my curly whirly girlie. [/align]
[align=center]Love you both[/align]
The Dopeys

I went and stood at the patio doors, looking at thebunnies, and saw the Dopeys creating some sort of drama between the twoof theminvolving licking I think though. I accidently knockedthe door, and they stopped, and looked over with what can only bedescribed as a guilty look. So God knows what they were doing lol, butapparently they felt guilty about it.


I kept Sandy in her hutch today, just to settle. She was very perky and interested, which was nice :)

I offered her a tiny piece of carrot through the bars.She had had a small bit before, but whenever we have given the littliesfresh goods, they have got diarrhoea. She came straight over and had asniff. Then a tiny lick, then a tiny little nibble. By this point itseems that she decided it was yummy because she then took three hugebites and sat there chomping away. Then had another couple before Itook the carrot away.

The I thought, hmm, let's try pear, so I put a bit ofpear through the bar, and there was nothing tentative about this, shetook world's biggest rabbit bite, and sat there chomping on it, clearlythoroughly enjoying it.

I guess I better give her little bits of fresh, unless itupsets her system. She clearly enjoys it, lol.
That sounds so sweet. I just love it when mineget their veggies and are eating away, then Ivory thinks it isimportant to come over and thank me.
Aw, that's really cute. How does he thank you?
The boys got their digging traysback together with new soil and BOY did they love them. The nice whitecolour on them soon turned a lovely dirty brown. lol. But theycertainly do love digging :)


I gave him a sliver of apple and a tiny bit of carrottoday, and after some initial caution, he devoured it. Maybe a goodthing to treat him with :)

I also had an episode with Sky that I thought I wouldnever have. I had been holding Badger (who now seems to respond to hisname, which is cute) and after I had put him back, and then went toSky, I put him arm in to move some stuff in the run and Sky launched atme and sunk his teeth into my wrist. One of the holes bled, but theother place that his teeth went was right on a vein, so it's lucky theydidn'[t go in deep.I guess under that bunny that loves me isa vicious brute who will protect his territory.


I have decided that I am going to work with Sandy in herhutch. I am going to try and spend a lot of time stroking her, etc, sothat if/when the babes come she is used to me having my hands in herhutch, stroking her, etc.

I brought Sky in for a cuddle tonight. We used to spendabout 12 hours together each day, but due to good weather, and usbattling fleas, he goes outside.

But I brought him in and sat him on my lap. He is notnormally a snuggly bunny, but he was tonight, so I guess he appreciatedthe company and fuss.

He was snuggling right down, his head was in my hand, hecurled around like a little baby. It was so sweet :)
Flashy wrote:
Aw, that's really cute. How does he thank you?
She just runs over to me with a big mouthful of whatever it is and chins me. Makes me feel like a million bucks!
Aw that's really really cute.

Shows you a doing a great job, and he knows it :D

I brought Sky in today and sat with him on my lap. It waspissing down outside, so they couldn't have a run outside, and I refuseto let anyone run inside after Moon was killed by fleas.

Sky was really cute on my lap, sometimes sitting,sometimes shifting about, nipping everything in sight, trying to chewthe zip, showing interest in everything. He is so cute, I just fall inlove with him everytime I see him. Well, that was until I was bendingdown by Badger's hutch and Sky felt the need to give me the ************ over my brand new top and belt. Excellent.


Sandy is looking perky. She lives next to Sky,and normally, when Sky's cage front is off, he tries to walk to herhutch, which he can do. Today though, her front was off and she seemedto decide that she was going to see him, lol (talk about sneakingabout), but she got halfway there, scared herself and wentrunningto the back of her hutch and sat there, lol. Aw, poorbunny.


Badger came in for a cuddle today, which is the firsttime I have braved this. Anytime I pick him up he gets so excited thathe wees and poos everywhere, lol. So I got myself prepared!

I used a towel, and sat with him on a towel, making surethere was a little pocket that he could fill without getting me. Heobligingly filled it, lol, but nothing got on me. He loves a fuss lotsof nose rubbing and stuff like that. He came in after Sky did, so hewas nipping and tasting everything because I smelt of another male. Sosweet.
2 years ago.

2 years ago today.

I packed everything ready, lovingly sortedout your carry case, and your hutch, got the directions. All preparedto come and get my new friend.

I went to bed early the night before, tooexcited to sleep. This was better than Christmas, I was going to get anew friend; I was excited at the prospect of having something sopositive in my life.

I got up really early, And me and Emily setoff in the car to get you. It took us an hour and a half.Wewent in, I introduced myself, and he showed me too hisgarage.

It was wall to ceiling full ofrabbits. I was so excited, I was just looking for you, soeager to see you, finally, after eagerly waiting for five weeks.

I spotted you, but Richard appeared to wantto see me hold some others rabbits first, wanted to see whether or notI was able to look after you, and if I knew what I was doing. Ofcourse, I was able to show him that I know rabbits, he showed me yourgrandfather, and I held him. He was the first rabbit to chew my zip.You certianly carried on that tradition and passed it to Sky, Moon andCloud.

I held him and had a stroke, then I heldsweet little Simba, and finally, the moment I had been waiting for hadarrived. He got you, Truffles (your mother), Rain (your sister) andyour little black brother out of the hutch and onto the side board.

You were so funny, so sweet, having a nose around, trying to walk off the edge.

I was so excited to finally hold you, youwere so fluffy and cuddly. I held you in the garage and when we movedinto the utility room, I handed you to Richard, he put you down on theside because he wanted to check I had the right food. And what do youdo? You walk into free air and almost fall into the sink, so I put myhand out and you climb onto it, and sit there.

So I bring you closer for another cuddle,then we go into the kitchen to sit round the table and talk aboutgeneral rabbit based stuff, and you have a clean, which is rare whilstsitting on a person, and then you went to sleep.

You went to sleep on me the first time you met me.

When we were getting ready to go, I couldn'tbear to put you in the carry case, but I knew I had to.

Then we trundled off home, and we decidedthat I would call you Flash, as in Flash of Lightening which is aweather phenomena, sticking with the theme of the MaverickStud.

We stopped for lunch, and Emily went to getit, so that you were not left alone. Unbeknown to her I got you out andhad another cuddle because already I had fallen in love withyou.

We drove the rest of the way home, and Isettled you in your hutch. Knowing that soon you would not beso small and fluffy, I took some photos to remember the day.




That day was the start of the first time inmy life I had felt loved for me, for the person I was, flaws and all.From that day on we became inseparable, it was Tracy and Flash, Flashand Tracy, one not complete unless the other was there.

You grew up to become the most amazing rabbit, the most amazing friend.


Only a week or so before you died you were there, letting me cuddle you, cry over you.

You let me feel love, and care. You made melaugh, so so often, you were so funny, the most characterful bunny Ihad ever had, like a child in a rabbits body. We had a give and takerelationship. I gave you everything I had, I gave you my life, I livedfor you, from you I took the love you offered, the love I craved, Youtook the necesseties, the food, the water, the clean hutch, the love,time and attention, and gave me everything.

You gave me two beautiful children,Sky and Moon.


Two beautiful children who used to keep mealive,now it's one beautiful child and one grandchild andthehope of more,as does your memory. Beautifulrelatives of yours that will hopefully bringa new generationof Flashyness, and carry on everything that you were.

You left me after just under eight monthstogether. That's not long enough for best friends to be together, itshould have, and will be, more.

You turned into a handsome bunny, full of life and fun, full of love.

I am living with you in my mind, keeping megoing, pushing me forward in my darkest hours. If I had never met you,never loved you, never owned you, I would be dead. You helpedme fight again. everyday I use you and Moon to inspire me forward,inspire me to fight. I know for certain we will be together again, butonce more, I am incontrol of that. I never used to be.

I love you with all my heart. Hopefully youknow that I still talk to you, still think about you, still crave beingwith you, still love you, still care, still cry for you.

Sky is turning out more and more like you,and I keep going to call him Flash, he is not you, and can never beyou, or replace you, but he is my new best friend, in his own right,but I know that had you been alive, he wouldn't be, he would just beanother friend, but he has seen me through, in times when you wouldhave. He guided me with your genes and his own lovelypersonality.

I wanted to mark today. Sky and Sandy matedon Friday, 4 days ago, as a present for you. I am hoping that she willbring me Skybabies that will have yours and his personality, Moon'scharacter, Cloud's interest and lovely characteristics of theirown. Last year Boofy gave you a grandson on what would havebeen 5 months after you died, but unfortunately that baby too, died.Hopefully this year Sandy can achieve this gift to us all and raise ahealthy litter of lovely kits.

The only thing I still have is my bunnies;your family, both by blood, and adoptedness. I am fighting foryou. I fight everyday. It's a battle, a tough one, you knowwhy, but so far I have not given in, often fighting at the 11th hour,but I'm still here, still fighting it all. I want to honour yourmemory, not piss all over it by disrespecting everything we hadtogether.

Please know, my precious one, that I amtrying. For you, I am trying, for your children and grand children I amtrying.

One day I will come, and we will be togetherforever. Until then you will be my guardian angel, my angel in the sky,hopefully with Moon, my star in the sky, giving my inspiration,pointing me the right way, and helping me live.

I love you with all my heart and that willnever ever change, I just wish, with everything I have, that we werestill together, somewhere physical, not just in my mind.

I hope the world that you are in is givingyou the time of your 'life', I hope you have lady bunnies on tap, thatyou are getting love and attention and you know that I am caring foryou, and still loving you everyday.

I love you my darling, with all my heart, I love you.

RIP my beautiful Flashy Magoo



[align=left]RIP Den[/align]


[align=left]You should have been50today, mum's little sister, nan and grandad's youngest daughter, myonly maternal aunt.[/align]



Sandy appears to have made a beautiful nest. It's abeautiful little hollow in the corner of her hutch. A tad early thoughme thinks.
lol, looking at that picture it's hard to believe he's such a vicious brute, but yes, I love it too.

Thanks :D
You are right, it's very hard to believe that! :rofl:

All of your babies are such cuties! * Narrows eyes in jealousy* ;)

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