The trials, tribulations and comedic moments of my bunnies lives

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Poor old Sky, he was in a run that did not adjoin anyladies today, so he spent rather a large amount of time watching firstthe Dopey's, and then Sandy, flirting with Badger.

I sat in his run with him for a while, to give him a fussand some attention, and as I sat there I thought it was my duty to dosomething with the toys to make them more interesting, so I upended thechube he has. It certainly worked because he wouldn't leave the thingalone, and he ended up trying to get inside it. Poordensebunny. (this is all before he got himself stuck in a small box, lol,his density was on top form today)



Stunning day with Cloud today:happydance. He has a rununderneath his hutch, and I was changing him today, hoping he wouldstay down in the run, but no, nice and co-operatively he arrived up inthe hutch. What was the first thing he did? Launch himself, with greatenthusiam, into the binbag with the dirty stuff in, and startsscrabbling around, and smelling the hay (The Dopey's dirty stuff was inthere too).

So, having cleaned out the Dopey's hutch, I thought,'this will amuse him for a while' and put him in the Dopey's hutchwhile I finished cleaning his. What did he do in their hutch? Trash it.Not impressed lol.

So when he started to do that I put him back in his, butnot before he came over and let me rub his nose. Oh yes, he let me rubhis nose!:toast:

And when I put him back in his hutch, where did he end up?

Nope, not in the dirty hay, in the clean hay, so now everything smells of Cloud.

But at least he was happy, lol.

The Dopeys

What can I say about the Dopeys? Well, they are being very Dopey like, as always.



It appears Sandy is a regular ****. she loves Sky whenshe is next to him, but today, she was next to Badger in the run, shewas trying to entice him to chase her :nope:. She was bunny flirting :Oand to make the whole thing even more comical, Sky sat watching herflirt with Badger. It was sad. She has the life of Riley, and she knowsit.


Flashy wrote:
The Dopeys

What can I say about the Dopeys? Well, they are being very Dopey like, as always.



lol, but they are the two most boring bunnies we have ever had, lol.
heehee. I have a thing for white bunnies. And those blue eyes!! *melts*

The Dog

Our garden adjoins three others, and the garden thatadjoins our garden at the end is the garden of a rather nasty, noisy,vicious dog.

This annoying dogs new trick is to escape into our gardenand 'hunt' our rabbits (which are in safe and secure runs, but he is ahound, so trained to hunt).

Thank GOD my dad was outside tonight when the hound paidhis second trip to us (after his last trip we blocked up the hole thatwe thought he came through, but apparently he is coming through anotherway). He terrified poor Sky, Sandy and Badger, whos runs he made abeeline for. Cloud looked on in interest from a distance, as didSunshine and Sweep. The Dopeys were in their hutch, but they are toodopey to notice anything out of the ordinary lol.

We (being my dad and I)herded the dog up to thegarden it came from, and then shouted to them that we had their dog andthe dad came and collected it.

I went back over to my bunnies and Badger was runningaround and stamping and terrified pooless. This was his first everencounter with another animal. We got him recently and he lived in ashed until then, he has sort of met our cat, but that's it. So I pickedhim up and cuddled him and stroked him until he was settled, and thenput him in his nice clean hutch that had toys from the ladies in there,which kept him busy so he soon forgot.

Sandy and Sky were in the run that divides into two, andthey huddled together which was cute. I watched them for a bitafterwards to see whether they were bothered by the dog. They were abit on edge, but not too bothered.


After watching them for a while after the dog had gonehome I noticed Sandy picking up sticks and bits of wood and runningaround with them, much like a dog might run with a stick. And on closerinspection she seemed to be stealing toys from Sky's area (with the aidof a slight dip in the floor) and then running with them into her areaand hoarding them, lol. Which I thought was really cute.

I found out about Sandy's first litter today. She arrivedat the breeders pregnant, and had the babies soon after arriving, solost her first litter, the breeder then bred her again and she had 4live kits and a dead one. So I know she can breed.

I was supposed to get her as a breeding doe only, tocarry on the spotty gene, I wasn't supposed to bond, yet I did. I loveher to bits, she is so funny. I hope to GOD I don't lose her with alitter too. that would be three buns in one year :(


I managed to successfully put CLoud away again today.Woot! Except he did attack me, but my boots protected me. Oh well,can't have everything lol.

Firstly I would like you all the know that I amthoroughly pissed off because I just spent an hour writing a post, onlyfor my computer to somehow lose it. I'm gutted, really gutted.

So here we bloody go again.

I took lots of pictures today, sat in the run with varying buns.

You know what? I'm too ******* pissed off to do it again now. I'mreally upset I lost it all so I'm going to give up for tonight.

I am calmer now and don't like to be beaten by anything, so I am determined to do this before I go to bed dammit.

As I tried to say before, I took loads of pictures today, sitting in various bunnies runs.


I sat in Sky's run after I sat in Badger's, so I thinkSky was offended that his 'mate' had cheated on him (of course totallyignoring the fact that he was flirting with someone else, and givingbunny kisses out freely :O ).


He also decided to take revenge on my leg foot, one that Badger had taken rather a fancy to.


The Dopeys

Especially for Honeypot :)

Dopeys arenormally together...

...but they can do things separately...

...theycan be interested inescaping...

...or, (shock horror) in another rabbit!!!!...

...they might appear to argue with each other...

...and try to get away from each other...

[/align] any way they can...


...but they still love each other loads.



I just love Sandy, she is so cute. I found out yesterdaythat this is her fourth, and final I might add, home. I want it to bethe happiest it can possibly be for her.

And let's face it, she takes gorgeous pictures (well, not takes them, more stars in them).






Badger traumered me today, lol. I sat in the run withhim, and he got rather excited, culminating with him trying toimpregnate my foot.

I had to include this because it's what is fastly becoming a traditional Badger picture.

'Ooh, a pellet, it's mine! how exciting'.

Just for plain cuteness.

'Ooh, I wonder if this thing will have my babies'.

'This doesn't feel quite right, but I'll keep goinjgnonetheless'. This is Badger humping my foot (yes, I take pictures ofbizarre things). It was so funny, when I movved my foot to get him toget off, he just clung on more and carried on even though he was in theair at the oddest angle for a bunny to do that, lol. I was laughing sohard, God knows what the neighbours would have thought.

'Oh, that was hard work'. After he had done his thingwith me foot, he was clearly shattered. Clearly I gave him a goodworkout, lol. The first one is taken when I am sitting in Sky's run, soexcuse the mesh, and the second is taken through glass and mesh becauseI'm inside, so sorry for the quality. He never lies down like that, orsits in his powderpuff pose unless no one is about (or so he thinks) sohe really must have been tired.



Sunshine and Sweep

I looked out my window this morning, at about 5am, andSunshine and Sweep were sitting there, with their paws on their foodbowl waiting for their food, totally ignoring the fact that normallythey wouldn't get it until about 6 hours after that. lol, strangebunnies. They did look cute though.
haha - congratulations on gettng the post up - Ialmost threw my computer out the door the other day because I lost along post (with a lot of pictures) 3 times before I finally got it upwith no problems.

Secondly - YES!! That was extra coverage on the Dopey's today- I loved it! And you say they're not exciting... I thinkthey just look so much like my Misty that i can't help but love them!

HoneyPot wrote:
Secondly - YES!! That was extra coverage on theDopey's today - I loved it! And you say they're notexciting... I think they just look so much like my Misty that i can'thelp but love them!
I know what you mean, everytime I see a spotty nethie, I instantly fallin love with it, even if it is the most vicious little thing.

As I type Badger and Sky are in runs next to each other.It quite cold today, but I know they will both keep warm with lots ofrunning. I have to sit so I can see them because the ******* dogescaped again today.

Badger is having the time of his life. He's never run insuch a big space with so many different smells and he is making themost of it.

Sky on the other hand is patrolling his territory border.Just running up and down the side nearest Badger, watching Badger thewhole time. (and for a few mins there they were both mirroring eachother, but other than that Badger has shown littleinterest).

Sky is our alpha male, and boy does he know it. Badger isjust a baby boy and he just wants to run, play, hump and be fussed allday.

And now Badger is trying his hardest to rip off his nailsby scrabbling the run mesh. not good. He also appears to be ridding therun of all it's wood. Soon it's just be a pile of mesh and Badger willhave chewed himself free, lol. And by soon, I mean not realistically,before anyone thinks I am merrily watching my bunny escape,lol.

lol, Badger appear to have his escape route planned. Heis running around his run and going back to look at the same cornerevery lap, stand on his back legs and seems to assess the likelihood hecan make a getaway.

lol, I can just see myself sitting here all day typingwhat they are doing. How sad does that make me, lol. But I'm not goingto do it, lol.
This is such a good blog, That first picture ofSky is hilarious, arrrr and Sandy what a babe! I'm going to be keepingmy eye on these buns. You have been blessed with some gorgeous bunnychildren past and present
mezeta wrote:
You have been blessed with some gorgeous bunny children past and present
Aw, thanks, that means loads :)
Thanks :)

It's really interesting to know which ones people like, lol.

And binkies, I too and glad I got my post up, Thanks :)

He spent most of his time in the run gazing adoringly upat the Dopeys and Sandy (whilst she was in her hutch). It was reallycute.


Today Sandy started off in her hutch and went out intothe run later in the day. I gave her the whole run, and it's prettylarge. She was running and binkying and generally having a grandtime.

The run smelt of Badger, as he had been in it before, sothat probably contributed, but she looked like she was having athoroughly good time.

She has a digging tray, and at one point she rolled,starting with her right side down, then rolled right over on her back,and finished laying on her left side. I've never seen a bunny do that,it was super sweet.

Then she was laying down and then rolled a bitonto her side and was wiggling, it looked like some form of dustbath.

She looked really happy, which is so good.
Mating Day.

I originally bought Sandy as a breeding doe, not bondwith her, not love her, just breed from her, then maybe connectafterwards.

That didn't happen, I love her loads. She's so funny, quirky, interesting and loving.

I am watching her and Sky 'get it on', and I'm terrified.

In the past 18 months we have done a lot of breeding, andit has always, every single time, had tragic consequences.

Litter 1 October 6th 2005 - 2 dead babies, 2 live babies.

Litter 2 OCtober 6th 2005 - one dead baby.

Litter 3 May 28th 2006 - one dead baby.

Litter 4 June 21st 2006 - 4 dead babies, dead doe.

Litter 5 July 17th 2006 - one live baby, three dead babies.

Litter 6 February 7th 2007 - 4 dead babies, dead doe.

I feel like I have sentenced her to death, that I'm goingto lose my lovely girl. ****, it's making me cry just thinking about it(I have never properly grieved for the buns we lost this year as theyall kind of fell together, one of which included a doe and herlitter).

I'm so scared.

Sandy is acting with Sky, the way that Ozzy did. She wasreally up for it, running quick, staying low, in corners, etc (not theway that Boof did it, Boof was more sitting, being friends with Sky,not subservient to him). Ozzy died from exhaustion when she gave birth(litter 4) and I would feel awful if that happened to Sandy.

I know rationally that it shouldn't happen, because Sandyhas previously raised a litter of 4 (that started as a litter of 5,with one dead baby) and also had a litter before that that she lost,but right now all things bunny related just seem so **** here that I'mconvinced she will die.

The last good bunny thing to happen was the 5th litterwhen we got one live baby, yet it was obviously bitter sweet because welost 3.

I'm sorry for just venting and stuff, I'm just absolutelybloody terrified right now. Yet I had to do this. I felt I had to mateto keep Flash's and Moon's gene pool going via Sky.

Sorry, bad day all round.
Ok, they are now separated, but in runs next to each other, so that's one hurdle sorted.

As this was the first time they had met properly, I was careful with how I introduced them.

I put Sky in the big run, so he could put his smell down,and I put her in his hutch. She just sat in his hutch munching his hay,lol.

Then, after about 15 mins I took her and a towel into hisrun. I originally thought I would sit with her on my lap so that Icould sense how she was feeling, and I can read Sky like a book, so Icould prevent a nasty meeting if necessary. But I had not let Sandy inon that plan because she lept straight off my lap, stuck her tail inthe air, and let Sky do his thing.

I love the way that the buck shrieks, falls off and thengoes all jerky. And then when he stamps and whines it's reallycute.

She was clearly up for it, lol. She behaved just like Ozdid, which does scare me, but it's too late now. She was running intothe corners, and lying down, Sky was a bit bemused a kind of 'what am Isupposed to do with this funny running black thing?' type bemusement.They were sweet together though. He did his thing multiple times, whichis good. She mean that she doesn't have one big baby thatmight get stuck, it should mean that she has a few kits, and that theycome out easily (hopefully she won't fall victim toexhaustion).

He was pretty rough with her, rougher than he has beenwith any of the other does hes met. I don't know if that's because ofthe season but it was quite sad. He was kind of (gently) scrabbling herback, he was using his head to push her and nudge her about and stuff.Normally, or rather, in the past, he has been a total gentleman, butnot today apparently.

After they had done it few times and she kept going fromcorner to corner and smirging herself in them, I put some toys and hayin to distract Sky, and it worked, he then started sniffing, chewingthe toys and watching the birds trying to steal his food.

Sandy clearly decided this was disgusting behaviour asshe sat up, and then ran all the way around the run straight past Skyand back into a corner all smirged up. This of course drew Sky back toher, and she kept doing this kind of thing whenver he stopped showingher interest. At one point she ran around the edge of the run and ranto him and buried her head under his tummy, it looked really cute, Iknow she was being subservient, but it did look sweet.

It was all going swimmingly until I looked up and saw hertrying to hump him, and then she turned around, walked away and thenran at him and kind of almost head butted him in the side (not hard oranything like that). So we decided enough was enough and now they arenext to each other.

She is stuffing her face with food and hay, and he is stamping, and looking rather bemused at it all.

Oh my god Sandy, Sandy, Sandy you are so gorgeous :inlove:

(I've just thought if this wasn't on a rabbit post, people would think I'm a bit queer, especially the first line hehe)

Arrr its so sweet how you want to carry on Flashys legacy, I'm lookingforward to seeing baby pics, and don't worry yourself I'm sure Sandywill be fine she sounds like a right feisty little madam:DGive them all a bunny kiss for me

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