Poor old Sky, he was in a run that did not adjoin anyladies today, so he spent rather a large amount of time watching firstthe Dopey's, and then Sandy, flirting with Badger.
I sat in his run with him for a while, to give him a fussand some attention, and as I sat there I thought it was my duty to dosomething with the toys to make them more interesting, so I upended thechube he has. It certainly worked because he wouldn't leave the thingalone, and he ended up trying to get inside it. Poordensebunny. (this is all before he got himself stuck in a small box, lol,his density was on top form today)
Stunning day with Cloud today:happydance. He has a rununderneath his hutch, and I was changing him today, hoping he wouldstay down in the run, but no, nice and co-operatively he arrived up inthe hutch. What was the first thing he did? Launch himself, with greatenthusiam, into the binbag with the dirty stuff in, and startsscrabbling around, and smelling the hay (The Dopey's dirty stuff was inthere too).
So, having cleaned out the Dopey's hutch, I thought,'this will amuse him for a while' and put him in the Dopey's hutchwhile I finished cleaning his. What did he do in their hutch? Trash it.Not impressed lol.
So when he started to do that I put him back in his, butnot before he came over and let me rub his nose. Oh yes, he let me rubhis nose!:toast:
And when I put him back in his hutch, where did he end up?
Nope, not in the dirty hay, in the clean hay, so now everything smells of Cloud.
But at least he was happy, lol.
The Dopeys
What can I say about the Dopeys? Well, they are being very Dopey like, as always.
It appears Sandy is a regular ****. she loves Sky whenshe is next to him, but today, she was next to Badger in the run, shewas trying to entice him to chase her :nope:. She was bunny flirting :Oand to make the whole thing even more comical, Sky sat watching herflirt with Badger. It was sad. She has the life of Riley, and she knowsit.
Poor old Sky, he was in a run that did not adjoin anyladies today, so he spent rather a large amount of time watching firstthe Dopey's, and then Sandy, flirting with Badger.
I sat in his run with him for a while, to give him a fussand some attention, and as I sat there I thought it was my duty to dosomething with the toys to make them more interesting, so I upended thechube he has. It certainly worked because he wouldn't leave the thingalone, and he ended up trying to get inside it. Poordensebunny. (this is all before he got himself stuck in a small box, lol,his density was on top form today)

Stunning day with Cloud today:happydance. He has a rununderneath his hutch, and I was changing him today, hoping he wouldstay down in the run, but no, nice and co-operatively he arrived up inthe hutch. What was the first thing he did? Launch himself, with greatenthusiam, into the binbag with the dirty stuff in, and startsscrabbling around, and smelling the hay (The Dopey's dirty stuff was inthere too).
So, having cleaned out the Dopey's hutch, I thought,'this will amuse him for a while' and put him in the Dopey's hutchwhile I finished cleaning his. What did he do in their hutch? Trash it.Not impressed lol.
So when he started to do that I put him back in his, butnot before he came over and let me rub his nose. Oh yes, he let me rubhis nose!:toast:

And when I put him back in his hutch, where did he end up?


Nope, not in the dirty hay, in the clean hay, so now everything smells of Cloud.
But at least he was happy, lol.
The Dopeys
What can I say about the Dopeys? Well, they are being very Dopey like, as always.

It appears Sandy is a regular ****. she loves Sky whenshe is next to him, but today, she was next to Badger in the run, shewas trying to entice him to chase her :nope:. She was bunny flirting :Oand to make the whole thing even more comical, Sky sat watching herflirt with Badger. It was sad. She has the life of Riley, and she knowsit.