Victoria wrote:
Simon is in my memory too, even though I never met him in person. I was crying thinking about him for some reason because I saw many of his photos (with that silly fur on top) on this site just before when he went to the emergency vets.
I hope this is not a cruel question - I wanted to ask what happened to him why did he have this GI problem? It somehow makes a bit of a difference for me if I can understand why, but I dont know if this is the same with you?
I have lost a pet rat on 22 April 2009. It was the first animal I have lost - the other ones we gave away (a baby rabbit and a dog) - I wona baby rabbitas a 4 year old at a rabbit show. My parents decided not to keep the rabbit after few weeks of chewing on everything and no litter training - I had no choice. When we immigrated to Australia we left our 11 year old dog because we could not take him here, but the dog was not mine it was my dads - he chose and bought him and he primarily looked after him, I never really wanted a dog, he was violent to animals, so there was no shock. I never actually lost a pet that died before me.
When my rat died I was angry because we bought asick animalfrom the shop (we did not know it was sick)and he was ill from the first day we got him home.
His name was Morti.
Knowing that it was not my fault but the shop's (they seem to breed them as live food which is illegal in this country) make me feel that I have done all that I could.
We spent hundreds of$ during his short life going to vets and the specialist exotics vet to try to help him witha mycoplasmosis infection - but he was too weak, he must have been bred that way (may be inbred with too close relatives) or he was bred from sick parents, so we could not help him and he died at 10 months.
We have his brother Bear and he is also sick but he is stronger and he is stil fighting, taking meds twice a day for the rest of his life.
I just wanted to write this for some reason so I am sorry if this is not the right place. I have only lost a pet 5 months ago and while I dont know how you feel I can emphathise with a loss of a pet.
I think I need a book like this for myself.
I dont have kids yet, andno one reallytaughtme, even as a child about losing pets. Some people don't understand and they say : so what dont worry it was just an animal.
Morti's grave is in the front yard of an appartment block we were live, no one really goes to the area were we buried him apart from the gardeners. We buried him and put a privet plant on top. Someone stole it or it just died may be about 1 month ago. I think stole is more likely because there is no sign of a plant there at all and we passed it every day and one week it just was not there when I went to have a look up a small hill. So it is unmarked grave now.
From the start everyone told me I would have a lifetime of issues with him because he was taken away from his mother too soon. He was maybe 6 weeks old when we got him. Where he came from is also very questionable...I have the impressionit was a sort of mill....who knows...
A lot of his issues are in this blog.... It started with the first week and finding he had coccidia. We treated it and moved on.
He would however go through days where he would stop eating, drinking, pooping. The first visit didn't yeild many answers as the tests they wanted to run were way beyond my means. So we force fed, pumpkin, juice in the water ect.. He snapped out of it and was ok. These kind of days kept happening but not often. Maybe a total of 5 times including this very last one.
One of those times we found blood around his anus, but no answer was forth coming and we moved on. He would start eating and drinking normally the next day and so when hehad days like that we did the juice, pumpkin, water soaked greens, infant gas drops, bene bac and he would come back the next day A OK.
His last normal visit to the vet was a check up and boarding. They had him for 4 days. Upon check out they said he was doing great but we needed to get himoff the alfalfa hay and he needed to gain a bit of weight, but was fine over all.
That visit was August 4 2009.
Now Simon was a pain in the rear. He didn't like toys, peed when and where he wanted, acted like king of the castle and wouldn't really eat any other hay but Alfalfa. He would act like a crack addict when you gave him the pellets for his breakfast. He even went as far as to jump his pen if you dared walk past without feeding him first. He was very loving though. He would seek you out, jump up on you and lay with you for hours as long as you rubbed his cheeks and scratched his ears...he loved having his ears scratched. It was like bunny heaven to him I think.
On September 12th we woke up and went to feed Simon. He was sitting in his litter pan. We put the bowl down and he didnt care. I knew then we were in for another crappy day. I opened the pen and let him spend the whole day outside of it. His legs and butt where wet and dirty and that was unlike Simon to tolerate.
He stayed in one corner of the living room and really didn't move much. He would kick out his back legs,...even did some flops and so I really didn't think we were in much trouble. He snacked on some pumpkin and ate one leaf of romain. Took his infant gas drops likea champ and we went on with the day though I watched him closely.
By the evening he wasn't pooping any more. He would not eat or drink anything. I started forcing water on him hoping...hoping that come morning we would wake up like we always have and he would be fine like he always was.
Morning came and he was in the bottom of his cage with his back pushed up in a corner. He wouldn't move...he looked like he was in pain. We rushed him to the ER vet.
She said his tummy felt full of "matter" but that it mostly felt normal except for a few spots where it felt like possible tumors or an obstrubtion. She said he had lost all his muscle mass, he couldn't keep his temp up. She was leaning towards cancer, though rare in one so young she said it did happen.
The treatment plan they offer ranged from 900 to 1300 and that wasn't even with surgery. She felt that no matter when route we took the end would be the same. My ex husband agreed to pay for the vet but there was only so much he could afford. Knowing he was in pain, seeing him unable to move, unable to support his own head broke my heart and I we agreed to put him to sleep.
It was one of the worst moments of my life.
They asked if they could do a quick necropsy because she wanted to understand his internal issues. I agreed so that should another bun come their way like him, maybe they could help, have a better handle on the situation. We waited and brought him home in a cardboard coffen.
Later when I was calm enough I called to ask what they found. All they would tell me is they saw no sign of cancer, no tumors and there was no obstruction the vet could find. I have no further answers then that.....
During the courseof his life, from when we brought him home on Feb 12th 2008, we had spent Somewhere around $900 on the vet alone. This includes our very last visit.
They said his birthday was Dec 25 2007....He came home with us on Feb 12... So he was alive for 1 year, 8 months and 19 days...of that we got to spend most of it with him. Minus two birthday trips to the ocean in Aug 08 and 09.
1 year..8 months...19 was not long enough.
I have all the invoiced from all those visits....and I don't know what to do with them. They just sit in my need to keep them I guess..but I don't think I should throw them away.
I just don't understand and I wish I could....what would could take all his muscle mass away, and make this happen? Cancer sounded like a good explaination...but they didn't find that. From Aug 4 to Sept 13....HOW!?!?
He was eating, playing, drinking and being himself up until the morning of the 12th...
I am sorry to hear about Morti....I understand better now...then I ever wanted to...
I am afraid to get another bun now. What if the same thing happens? I couldn't deal with that least not now....
I found a bun named dipper who needs a lionhead/netherland dwarf born on my daughters birthday.... Aug 2 this year...But I just cant do it.....