The Tails of Simon

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I have figured out..I think....that Simon loves to sit on the very back of the couch. It is probably the highest he can get in the living room. He also seems to prefer eating his hay out of my hand. He will eat more of it if I sit there holding the hay.
He has been such a love muffin tonight. Very very demanding! He has been jumping up on the love seat where I am sitting and starts licking whatever he can. I start petting him and he mellows out, lays down and closes his eyes. I stop and he will even go as far as to climb under my chin and start licking my face.
He has seemed so cranky lately it is nice to see my lovable boy back.
I think he even just ran to go pee in is litter pan instead of on me. He hasn't peed on me the whole day! That is a first, though now I said it he probably will. lol

He is still pooping all over the place. Its ok though, the peeing thing is very annoying. I hope we get to the poop only in pan...but I am sure that is a ways off.

I think we are going to need to go back to the vet. The bill scares the crap out of me, but I will have to manage. Speak of the

Well seeing as I am getting my face licked away as I type...I think I will go. Those baby nails sting
He really does not like being alone..
I knew it...thats what I get for typing instead of petting lol.

I'S BEEN PEED ON! broke a great record..sigh. Tomorrow is another day.
I am off to change my shirt and spray the couch.
Orchid wrote:
I knew it...thats what I get for typing instead of petting lol.

I'S BEEN PEED ON! broke a great record..sigh. Tomorrow is another day.
I am off to change my shirt and spray the couch.
Some day you will look back on this post and laugh (sorta) and be so glad that you put a memory - even like this - in your blog. You'll look at the date and time and record it....just to have it.

I say this to say - I really enjoy your blogs - your random thoughts - etc. I think that as your bunny grows and you see changes and stuff - you'll go back and reread these entries with an even bigger smile on your face....

Keep on blogging....

I bet you're glad he's neutered, but one secret is... To keep him confined to his cage to get his litter habits worked out first so you don't have this problem. The trick is to make the space smaller till they "get it", then you can enlarge the area by using an x-pen or adding nic panels. See how he does with that, if he isn't marking everything there, then you can let him out further;). Hope that helps!

Good Luck! I know it's so frustrating;).
TinysMom wrote:
Orchid wrote:
I knew it...thats what I get for typing instead of petting lol.

I'S BEEN PEED ON! broke a great record..sigh. Tomorrow is another day.
I am off to change my shirt and spray the couch.
Some day you will look back on this post and laugh (sorta) and be so glad that you put a memory - even like this - in your blog. You'll look at the date and time and record it....just to have it.

I say this to say - I really enjoy your blogs - your random thoughts - etc. I think that as your bunny grows and you see changes and stuff - you'll go back and reread these entries with an even bigger smile on your face....

Keep on blogging....

Thanks Peg! Eh I laugh it off now. I tell him he doesn't have to mark me, I am already his, but I guess he feels the need to reaffirm that. It is getting better though. Only once in a whole day and he was out ALOT today. Pretty much the whole day.
I am sure I will look back with a lot of laughter at many of these things..and I will be glad I have them for a hopefully extremely far away time. Thanks..
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
I bet you're glad he's neutered, but one secret is... To keep him confined to his cage to get his litter habits worked out first so you don't have this problem. The trick is to make the space smaller till they "get it", then you can enlarge the area by using an x-pen or adding nic panels. See how he does with that, if he isn't marking everything there, then you can let him out further;). Hope that helps!

Good Luck! I know it's so frustrating;).

Ah see I am sure that is part of the issue..he is still intact and still a baby.
I will have had Simon for three weeks this coming Tuesday and that will also make him...10 weeks I believe. The vet gave him a 12/25/07 birthday. A CHRISTMAS BABY! WOOT! My little speed racer.

I don't have the heart to cage him in close and it doesn't work anyway. He will jump anything and I do mean anything to get into the living room. Which I actually puzzle over. He won't jump to go down the hallway, won't to get into the kitchen when I block that off...but darn me if I think to pen him away from me or Lina...
Plus he seems to like the back of the couch as a perch. If I don't chase him down from it he will come back down quicker on his own than if I stand there and play the catch me if you can game. he will just go right back up the second I turn my back. Sneaky little bugger.
As if it wasn't bad enough you try to eat velcro, the couch, blankets, pretty much anything you shouldn't...we need to add door stopper to that list.
The smallest thing that didn't occur to me. Tried to proof the room as well as I could. I watch you and chase you away from anything that could be dangerous...but the one time...the one time I walk away to refill my coffee.

I am terrified to leave you out of your cage now. Afraid to look away for one moment.

We called the Vet and Randy. The vet is talking prices I just don't have. exam, xrays, possible surgery. They won't see us without having full payment in the end.
Randy said surgery is iffy anyway. Said he has seen this happen before and we should be ok. Hoping we are ok.

I feel horrible I wasn't watching close enough.

You are running around, binkying, eating your hay and pellets. Snacking on your pellets right now actually. Took a nice long drink about ten minutes ago.
Picky boy that you are...only eating your hay when I sit there holding it for you. Well not only, but you will eat a whole lot more when I hold it.
You curled up next to your pellets on the shelf in your cage, eyes closed...taking a nap. You look so foofy when you sit like this...
Funny how your fur looks now with both your ears down. You rock a mohawk. I love it, but miss your silly ears. They gave you this sweetness. The one will still raise up every now and again when something really startles you, but it is becoming more and more rare.

I have bought you so many safe toys to chew, we have the grass mat, tons of flavors of hay and yet you still want everything you shouldn't have. How do I win this battle with you...for your own good!!! nerves are shot over worry with you. Do you think we could take a break? For at least a week or so? Please?
Orchid wrote:
Funny how your fur looks now with both your ears down. You rock a mohawk. I love it, but miss your silly ears. They gave you this sweetness. The one will still raise up every now and again when something really startles you, but it is becoming more and more rare.
Ourbaby's growing up. :cry4:

sas :popcorn2
I've been trying to sit with Simon as much as he will allow today.
Set up the love seat with a potty mat, the green crock with water, small plate with pumpkin on it and sat and picked out what seems to be his favorite parts of hay.
He doesn't seem to really care for the stalk part of hay. He really likes the leaf parts of the alfalfa. I find if I dig out the leafy parts and hold it in my hand he is more likely to eat it than if it is sitting there like a buffet waiting for him.
So there is a nice little pile of leafy alfalfa minus the stalk parts, sitting next to the green crock which he won't seem to go near, and a slightly touched plate of pumpkin with a couple of pee puddles and a smush of poop that though cleaned up still shows and will until I wash it again.

He got mad any time I put the green crock in front of him. He would bite at it and turn his back on it. Perhaps he doesn't like green. He wouldn't touch the hay.
I brushed him a little bit, gave some nose rubs and he stayed with me napping for a little while. I guess he doesn't feel safe really sleeping unless he is on his shelf.
When I cleaned up his cage the other night I took off the blanket that I had covering the back end to prevent drafts from the back door. Since I took it down he will sit on his shelf again. I guess he didn't like the blanket there, maybe because he couldn't see all around him with it there.

I know it is daytime and he has been sleeping in the mornings and afternoons more, but I am really afraid now. Maybe it was the pumpkin, but I wouldn't have thought it would cause diahrea that fast. I don't have any leafy greens in the house. Figured we would stay away from those till he was older, and now I am afraid to leave the house incase something happens. I always have pumpkin on hand because I like to bake. Though my pumpkin bread never seems to come out as good as my moms. Still can not figure out why.

My neighbor came over to talk to me about parking in the back..she asked what was wrong, said I look like crap. Well I have been sick and than I told her about Simon. Got kinda ticked at her...she said, well he is just a rabbit, I wouldn't worry about it.
Right. Like if her dog, Bim, got sick, she wouldn't worry or be a mess about it???
Like because Simon is "just a rabbit" that means he is less than? *(&*^^&%^$%^#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**

He keeps cleaning his one ear today. Flicking his head every now and again. It is the ear that used to be "up". I checked to see if I saw anything at all. It is normal in color, nothing looks to be inside. I am wondering if maybe he is getting used to it being down.

Keep looking over at him like I expect to see something happen...
Have to give him his meds for the last time today at 4:30pm.
Think I will give the benebac for a couple days longer to make sure we are ok. Can't hurt right?

He doesn't like the camera...when he hears it click on he will turn his back on it most of the time. Couldn't help but take some pics of him though. He looks so cute with his mohawk....

Simon hanging out on what seems to be his favorite perch


Simon giving me a hand bath :)



Cleaning his ear


Jeeze mom - enough pictures for today..


Fine..a couple more...




Oops, sorry about my last post. I must have read that too fast or something.

Don't people just make you so mad sometimes? That wasn't very nice of her to say. Did you say the bit about her dog to her or no? I would've in a second:p!

Glad he's done with the meds. Hoping he's all better now:).

Great pics too.
Watching the clock

1:30pm - Wake up and nibbles some pellets, doesn't even look at his water

1:50pm - Drifts back off to sleep

2:40pm - I wake him up to eat some watered down pumpkin from a feeding syringe.
He ate the whole tsp, but didn't budge an inch from how he was sitting. His eyes look extremely tired.
(I start on coffee cup 5)

2:46pm - He closes his eyes and look to drift back off to sleep

2:52pm - Stretched out with his nose between his food and water

3:26pm - Shift, stretch and drift back off

3:51pm - Up & eating his pellets

3:55pm - Flopped down with his head laying in his dish

4:36pm - up and eating his pellets again

4:45pm - med time, takes all his meds like a champ, no need to make him a taco! - has some pumpkin

4:50pm - pees a lot! - Haven't seen poop in hours

5:23pm - Simon is pooping, but they are itsy bitsy, some normal sized, some seem slimy, others don't - but wouldn't say diahrea

5:28pm - eating some hay & biting at the pee mat

5:34pm - refuses to drink when I offer it

5:39pm - intent on chewing the living room apart, jumping on the couch, peeing on my pillow

5:47pm - eating his pellets from this morning. Gave 1/3 cup in the am

5:50pm - laying down for what looks to be a nap

6:00pm - Simon comes out and lays down next to me on the floor. I give head rubs with my nose and I think - I haven't heard Simon grinding his teeth at all and he smells like oreo cookies. I can hear gurlges in his tummy and his heart beat when I place my ear on his tummies side. (I need to go make Lina some dinner)

6:08pm - Simon jumps into my lap but goes away when I stop snuggling
(he does not seem as active this evening as he had been the previous nights)

What will Simon look like in a molt? I can't tell if that is why he seems...fluffier and sorta dull looking. His hair doesn't seem all over the place, he isn't pulling it and the brush doesn't pull anything off him. Could he be getting more of a skirt because he is growing and has the part lionhead? Is it Lionhead or could it be that fluff bunny I saw a picture of? I wish I knew which breeds he was. His hair doesn't seem to flow, but rather twist together sort of into what look like little spikes.
It tickles when he lightly nibbles my socks. Sometimes it is hard to not squeal and squirm away..

6:13pm - Is he breathing harder or is it my paranoia kicking in?

7:09pm - I gave Lina some pot roast for dinner, made some raison scones, vanilla pudding, did the dishes. Simon has mostly stayed in his cage the whole time. He is awake. He has his butt pushed pretty far against the back of his cage. He saw me come in the living room and did not come run and greet me. That is not my normal Simon. He should be awake, running and playing at this hour. He has not been pooping as much as any other day, but he has been pooping.

7:14pm - Simon comes charging out of his cage right at my foot which is bobbing to music. When I look down he is sitting infront of the green crock and his throat is moving. Did he take a drink? Is he breathing hard? I CAN'T TELL!!!
I wish I had taken some sort of Rabbit class in school. I wish I still had my freaking school books. Why did I have to sell them to the used store. (kicks self in the a**)

7:17pm - Simon is doing the 'hop - strike a pose, hop - strike a pose, hop - strike a pose move'. Stops in front of the couch and starts cleaning his ear. Runs to green crock and smells it. (I promise it really is water)

7:18pm - Looks up at me with a 'what' face and than strikes the egypt pose. Poop on the floor - itsy bitsy's and regular sized ones, they do not look slimy anymore.

7:21pm - More hop n strike a pose. Stands up looking at me. My big toe is getting nibbled n licked. I think that one ear is ticking him off. Seems to keep getting in his line of sight.

7:23pm - Scones are done. Simon does not like the oven timer. Takes off running towards his cage. He jumps up on the loveseat when I sit back down and pees right as I grab the hand towel knowing he is about to pee. Looks at me like nothing happens and proceded to eat his hay I hand picked and sitting right here for him.

Have I mistaken him running to greet me? Is that a charge instead? Well if it is I would rather not know. I like thinking it is he is happy to see me.
Afraid if I move he will stop eating his hay on his own, so I will wait to have my scone.
I wish I could make them like Mrs. White did. MAN those were AWESOME. I always loved her accent. Thought the Irish brogue was so exotic when I was a kid. Heck, still love it as an adult.

7:29pm - HOLY POOP BATMAN! That can not be a blocked bunny. 30 little round poops.

Think maybe I will relax in my worry some. I think I will make a normal appt to see the vet on Monday though. Just want the poo checked, his tummy etc. It would give me peace of mind.

7:32pm - Egypt pose! His tail is straight out.

7:35pm - Takes off running and leaps onto his shelf, settling right in front of the water crock...and...wait for it....DRINKS! Still drinking....drinking, flicks his head and starts in on the remaining pellets.

7:43pm - Jumped down, stretched big and a mild flop.

7:49pm - He seems intent on his foot? Keeps cleaning it and than like sorta rolling onto to his back but not all the way. Maybe he is licking the carpet?

8:07pm - Sitting here having a scone after some snuggle time. AJD comes over n Simon takes off to his cage. Comes back out, bites my leg, bites ADJ's leg, walks over to the green crock ADJ actually got for him, and decided NOW he will drink some water from it. Little bugger. Drinking again. (Em throws her arms up in the air and just sighs)

- ADJ takes over the lovings so I can get something more to eat and take a shower.

9:07pm - Was able to get that shower in. Feels good to be all clean. Simon however does NOT like my pink foo foo bathrobe. I sat down on the floor for some nose rubs and he was like what the heck...and started digging n digging at it.
Just did a speed racer lap, jumped up to pee on the pee mat, jumped down and threw himself into a flop.

9:14pm - speed racer has come out with a binky thrown in and for a finish, a lap around the room with a leap onto my bare legs to end. OW!

9:17pm - Simon agrees with me he should eat his hay over the hand towel.

11:13pm now - Had some din din so Simon was locked up for a little while. His poo seems to have returned to normal. I did see him eating n drinking, munching his hay. He seems determined to eat AJD's jeans. lol...
I am wondering if he is straining to pee or not. I am going to call the vet on Monday and ask them how they test and how much it is. I should have some money to work with by Monday. There is poop all over the floor again. Simon has been flopping all over the place. All in all I think we are cool. Hoping we are cool. Randy said 24 hours would put us in the clear. AJD thinks I am being a worry wart and I know I am, just can not help it.

11:21pm - Going to take a break now, get some snuggles if I can and watch a movie before bed.

11:40pm - Did a little warm wash cloth cleaning. Simon was not diggin the idea. He tolerated it for a few minutes but started tearing into the towel sitting on the couch and as I don't want him ingesting anymore crap I gave in. He is sitting in his swiss miss box eating his hay.

- He is flopped out right in front of my bobbing foot, seemingly fixated on it. I hope this does not herald an attack on my nakes toes! It tends to tickle more than it hurts. His belly looks really fat laying like that.

I am pretty tired now. I only slept for like 3 hours last night. Not sure why, just couldn't really sleep. Now it is about midnight and I am feeling pretty secure Simon will be ok. Wondering about his tummy. Concerned he is possibly having an issue and so I will more than likely take him to the vet on Monday if for nothing else so they can check him over. Probably going for the night unless I can't sleep.

You know, it was a lot harder keeping up with what he did when, than I thought it would be...but it was fun! Kept me calm
Awesome post. :big kiss:Hangin' on every word.

And honestly, I can relate. It's amazing how attached we can get to these little furballs and how they can worry us so.


sas :bunnydance:
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Oops, sorry about my last post. I must have read that too fast or something.

Don't people just make you so mad sometimes? That wasn't very nice of her to say. Did you say the bit about her dog to her or no? I would've in a second:p!

Glad he's done with the meds. Hoping he's all better now:).

Great pics too.
No I didn't....She is the property manager as well as my neighbor. Living in a triplex now and I am the middle unit. Been here about 5 weeks now I guess?
I have to say I can see already there is going to be so much drama. I am going to try to stay out it as best I can. Just try to keep my mouth shut, and mind my buisness.
She seems like the kind of person who will run and tell Person A, that person B doesn't like something but only because SHE doesn't like something. You know? Put the blame on someone else to get what she wants?

Simon takes some cute pics. thanks!
I believe I read somewhere that if a bun is taken from mom too soon that it will lead to a lifetime of problems. I am wondering if that could be the case.
I am guessing that he was 7 weeks. Don't know if that guy told me the truth or not, but if he did, Simon was too young.

He has been laying flat on his stomach a lot. His fur does seem duller than normal. I noticed some hair in his poop today. He is having lots of these tiny poops. I think he growled at me this morning. I think that is what I heard. I hadn't heard him do that before. Still seeing that elastic type (musous?) in some of the poop.

This morning when I got up about 9, I checked his cage. There was only like 4 poops in his pan, I don't know if that was from last night or not. He did have a drink, ate some of his pellets and I did offer some watered down pumpkin. His mutton chops are now orange lol. Brought out the heating pad but he didn't seem to want to stay. Seems very cranky this morning. He is back sitting on his shelf and snoozing out.

My SS check hit the bank this morning. Have to use most of it for rent but it leaves me some extra to take him to the vet on Monday. I don't know how much I will be able to do, but at least he will be able to be seen, they can listen and check him over, look at his ears too. He keeps scratching and shaking his head, but I do not see anything going on with his ears. They look, smell - clean and normal.

I know I worry too much about everything, but I just can't stop with Simon. Maybe it is because he is so young and buns are so new to me. I just haven't had the chance to know Simon to really know what his normal is either. I feel like I am getting worn out with worry though. I tried to eat this morning and just couldn't.
As much as I would be devasted to have something happen to Simon, it would kill Lina. I feel like I am surrounded with worry about what ifs and maybes.

Nothing to be done now till Monday, but we are going on Monday.

He just came out and I have to say I am amazed it seems he was able to clean the pumpkin off his face.
Looking up info -

CULTURE AND SENSITIVITY test. This laboratory test is the only way to determine (1) the species of bacteria causing the infection and (2) which rabbit-safe antibiotics will be most effective at killing them.[/size]
If your rabbit is sneezing and/or shows signs of nasal and/or ocular discharge, especially if such discharge is whitish and thickened, she needs to be seen by a veterinarian and have a sample of nasal discharge taken and sent to a laboratory for culture and sensitivity testing. Once your vet receives the results of the C & S test, s/he will be better able to prescribe the particular antibiotic (or combination of antibiotics) that should be safest and most effective for your rabbit's infection.
Antibiotic therapy may need to be continued for several weeks, and it should always be continued for several days after symptoms have disappeared to ensure that as much of the bacterial population as possible has been killed. Follow your veterinarian's instructions carefully, and be sure to complete the full course of antibiotics, even if the symptoms go away before the medicine is gone. The reason for this? Even the most effective antibiotics might not kill some of the more resistant bacteria right away. Removing the drug too soon will leave only these particularly hardy individuals to be the progenitors of the new population of bacteria in your rabbit's sinuses, and these will be genetically better able to resist the antibiotics you have been using (i.e., the population has evolved resistance to the antibiotics). Don't stop the antibiotics early, and don't put off treatment! A seemingly simple condition such as sneezing could develop into a potentially life-threatening problem, such as pneumonia or a systemic infection.

Lower Respiratory Infection A rabbit with pneumonia may show symptoms such as loud, raspy breathing, and may point his nose high in the air and stretch his neck in an attempt to get more oxygen. A rabbit in this condition is critically ill, and in need of oxygen therapy at your veterinarian's clinic. Experienced rabbit veterinarians will often nebulize such a bunny with oxygen as well as products to open the airways (e.g. aminophylline) and to loosen the mucus and infective material in the lungs (e.g., acetylcysteine solution, brand name "MucoMyst"). In some cases, the veterinarian will add appropriate antibiotics to the nebulization mix, depending on what a culture and sensitivity test indicates.

A rabbit suffering from urinary tract problems may experience loss of fur in the genital region and hindquarters. The baldness and red, irritated skin are caused by "urine scald," and it can happen to any bunny whose urine soaks into the fur around her vent and is in constant contact with her delicate skin. There are many possible reasons for a rabbit to dribble urine and/or sit in urine,

Bladder sludge
  • All rabbits normally excrete excess calcium and oxalate salts via the urinary tract, and the residue of normal urine will often appear "chalky." However, when excessive amounts of calcium/oxalate salts precipitate in the urinary tract, they sometimes manifest as a thick, curry-colored "sludge" that sometimes has a consistency as thick as toothpaste. This can be very painful in the bladder and when it is passed, and sludge buildup can cause urine leakage and incontinence. Although some vets suggest reducing dietary intake of calcium to help control this problem, we have not found any correlation between dietary intake of calcium and severity of sludge. Rather, this seems to be a metabolic problem suffered by a few individual rabbits, and may be an endocrine problem, rather than a dietary one.
    Treatment for bladder sludge may include bladder flushes (in severe cases), or simply helping the bunny flush the bladder by administering subcutaneous fluids and a small dose of diazepam (Valium) to help relax the bladder sphincters. Your vet will know best how to treat your rabbit's particular problem, if this is what it turns out to be.
Bladder stone (urolith)
  • Diagnosed via radiography, a bladder stone is a mass of calcium and/or oxalate salts that has precipitated into a solid mass. Like sludge, a urolith can cause urinary incontinence and dribbling. Unfortunately, the only viable treatment at this time is surgical removal.
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • Bacteria can infect the urinary tract (kidneys and/or bladder), just as they can many other organ systems. The best way to diagnose this particular ailment is via cystocentesis: inserting a sterile needle into the bladder and extracting a sterile sample into a syringe. This is then sent to a laboratory for Culture and Sensitivity Testing. This will reveal (1) what species of bacteria is causing the infection and (2) which rabbit-save antibiotics (with good urinary tract penetration) will kill them. Unfortunately, urinary tract infections are sometimes caused by "fastidious anaerobes": bacteria that die upon the slightest exposure to oxygen. If this is the case, then the culture and sensitivity test will come back negative. However, your vet may be able to determine if a UTI is likely by examining the urine under the microscope for signs of blood and white blood cells in the urine. If there is a good chance that your bunny has a UTI, even if the culture comes back negative, your vet might wish to put her on a course of antibiotics such as chloramphenicol, which is effective against many anaerobes and also concentrates well in the urinary tract. Your vet is the best person to advise you on the proper course of action in case of a UTI.

The Color of Urine
  • Healthy rabbits excrete excess calcium salts via the renal system, and this can give the urine a chalky or opaque appearance. The urine will often dry to a white, chalky residue. Unless the residue is thick, pasty, and the color of mustard powder, this is normal, and should not be considered "sludge." Normal rabbit urine is usually pale yellow in color, but upon exposure to the atmosphere, compounds in the urine may oxidize to darker yellow, orange, red, or even dark brown. This isn't unusual, and--by itself--is not necessarily a sign of a health problem. Blood in the urine, unless it is from a hemorraghing uterus or very serious problem, is usually not readily visible to the naked eye. Test strips are available at most pharmacies that will tell you whether there is blood in the urine or not, but your vet is the best judge of whether your bunny's urine is normal.
    Urine that is very dark immediately when it emerges may indicate that the bunny is dehydrated, and should receive more water, either by mouth or--in more serious cases--via administration of subcutaneous Lactated Ringer Solution.

(litter issues)
In order to check out our suspicions, we removed the pine shavings for a period of time and did the blood tests again. Nothing else in the rabbits� environment was changed. Results were consistent when we began retesting a month later. Liver enzymes were back in the normal range. Meanwhile, opportunity allowed us to conduct an informal survey. As HRS members in various parts of the country reported deaths of their rabbits due to liver disease, we asked what type of litter was being used. It has been invariably some kind of softwood shavings.
Although our data do not qualify as a truly scientific experiment, there is enough evidence to suggest using caution. Documented scientific research has already shown that aromatic softwood beddings are potent enough to alter biological functions of the liver.*
What is it in the wood that�s doing damage? Apparently it�s not a result of ingesting but rather inhaling the fumes, which contain phenols, or toxins which pass in the fumes from the lungs to the blood and are finally filtered through the liver.
The fact that a large number of indoor house rabbits live in an environment of pine or cedar may account for the large number of deaths due to liver damage and anesthesia fatalities.


If your rabbit has a messy bottom due to either runny stool or urine leakage, the most important thing to do is to determine the source of the problem, starting with a full exam by your rabbit-experienced veterinarian, and including a full dental examination and blood chemistry and cell counts.
A messy bottom is both uncomfortable and unsanitary, inviting worse problems such as skin scalding and even fly strike. While your vet does the detective work, it's up to you to keep the bunny comfortable. One way is with a careful, gentle "butt bath" to keep caustic bodily fluids away from the skin. There are two methods one can safely use to clean a messy bunny, and of the two, a DRY BATH is preferable. If the bunny is extremely soiled and very smelly, a wet bath may be necessary. Instructions for this procedure follow those of the Dry Bath.
[line] Dry Bath Procedure
  • 1. Purchase a container of Baby Cornstarch Powder (DO NOT use Baby Powder or any sort of powder that contains talc, as talc is a respiratory irritant and may even be carcinogenic!) from the grocery store baby section. You can use either unscented or scented cornstarch powder. DO NOT use commercial flea powders or other pesticides on your bunny. Use only baby-safe cornstarch powder for best, safest results. 2. Place bunny is a comfortable position so that the soiled parts are easily accessible. This may involve placing him in your lap on a bunched towel so that he feels secure, or simply laying him on the floor in a comfortable position, if he's calm and won't try to run off.
    3. Liberally apply the cornstarch to the soiled areas, and gently work the powder down into the fur, around messy poops, and down to the skin.
    4. Work the powder around any stubborn clumps of debris gently. As the cornstarch coats the mess, it will slide away easily.
    5. Once the largest bits of mess have been removed, use a soft-tipped brush to gently loosen any remaining dirt and debris.
    6. Pat the powdered areas well to remove loose powder.
    Bunny should be clean and fragrant in just a few minutes! Rabbits generally enjoy a dry bath, and will sit quietly as the soothing powder takes away the sting of urine burn.
[line] If your bunny's bum is very messy, wet, and smelly, it may be necessary to give him a wet bath. Here's how to do it: Wet Bath Procedure
  • 1. Purchase hypoallergenic, non-medicated pet shampoo from your veterinarian or pet supply store. Hy-Lyte is a good choice, but any similar product will work as well. DO NOT USE ANY TYPE OF HUMAN SHAMPOO ON YOUR RABBIT. Rabbit skin is far more delicate and sensitive than human skin--especially the scalp. Even baby shampoo is far too harsh, and can make the problem worse, not better. 2. Fill a bathroom sink to about 2.5" depth with lukewarm water.
    3. Mix in about a tablespoon of shampoo, and mix well.
    4. Being firm and gentle so that the bunny cannot jump and injure himself, lower his rear end into the lukewarm shampoo/water, and gently lave the solution onto the soiled areas until they are clean. If the bunny is very messy, you may have to change the water and do this twice.
    5. Rinse with lukewarm, clear running water very thorougly, leaving NO shampoo residue.
    6. Towel dry carefully, being sure not to rub to hard against irritated skin.
    7. Blow dry on low, keeping your hand close to bunny's skin so that you can tell if the air flow is too hot. The last thing you want to do is burn already inflamed skin!
    8. When bunny is fluffy-dry, carefully clip away the fur on the areas where the skin is irritated. If you can't see the skin, or are doubtful where skin ends and fur begins, then *do not clip!* Rabbit skin is *very* thin and stretchy, and even a small wound can expand to alarming proportions!
    9. Apply a soothing balm, such as Calendula (from the Health Food Store) or triple antibiotic ointment (e.g., Neosporin, but NOT Neosporin Plus, which contains lidocaine and is not recommended).
    10. Repeat as necessary, but do not continue if rabbit seems unduly stressed by the experience. Whenever you handle a bunny, it's important to be firm, gentle and ready to release the bunny at ground level if she starts to struggle violently. As you probably know, one good kick can dislocate or even fracture the spine. Always keep the bunny's safety *first* in mind if you attempt a project like this.
    And remember, the "butt bath" is nothing more than treating a symptom of a greater disorder. The most important thing to do is to discover why your bunny has urinary incontinence or runny stool problems, and get to the root of the ultimate cause for a complete cure.
    For tips on how to determine what's wrong with a sick bunny, please visit Rabbit Health Central. Good luck!
The last few days has seemed strange to me.

Simon has not seemed very active. I tried looking up the effects of Albon to find that pushing water is very important as it can cause crystals. No one told me that. Kind of annoyed by that.
I listened to his stomach over the last few days. I am not hearing loud gurgling, just these soft sort of little rumbles. I believe these are normal and good sounds.
I have been feeding lots of pumpkin and I have noticed there is a change in his behaviour and eating habits now. When I give the pumpkin, watered down, he becomes more active, will sit and eat a lot of hay right afterwards and the poop seems normal. It does seem more moist but the shape and size go back to normal.
When I woke up this morning and checked things over, I saw he had peed, but there were very few poops and the ones I saw him leaving on the carpet were itsy bitsy, some connected by a strand (sort of) of mucous. I think it is mucuos.

Is it possible, I am wondering, because of the fact he was taken away from mom too young and can be possible he will always have some sort of GI issue, what I can do about this. Can I give pumpkin for all his life, a few times a day to ensure he will have normal poop? Or would I be covering up an underlying issue?

Money wise, we are averaging one visit to the vet a week since I brought Simon home. I can not afford that. I want to be able to do whatever I can to ensure he is well and well cared for, but I just do not have those funds.
I need to find a solution.

His fur seemed so dull. Last night I gave him a bath. Man did he get ticked about it. He was throwing his stick and biting at the towel. It took him a few hours to forgive me. Now, I am wondering, is it because he is not cleaning himself well? because he seems to be forever licking some part of himself and his fur really does look like crud compared to after his bath. What does that mean? Maybe it means nothing...but I don't know. I have tried brushing and gently pulling at his fur to see if it is perhaps a molt, but nothing really comes off at all. He does not like it either.

Why are we having these tiny poops and what can I do to fix it?
Why is his fur dull?
Is it he is getting into more of a routine and just has been more lax than I am used to?
Did the Albon have some sort of reaction?
Why do his ears seem cold one moment and not the next?
How do I get him eating other hay than just the alfalfa?
Come 6 months old that is going away, so how do I ensure he keeps eating his hay?
He does not like the stalk part of hay. He likes the leafy parts of the alfalfa.

I am so worried about so many things and need to find some answers, and a solution for my pocket. I had planned on doing the nueter when this tax relief check came in.

So for now, I am going to go to the vet today, buy a new bag of alfalfa because we blew through the one bag in a day. I am going to ask for a detailed list of the nueter pricing. I am bringing some poop with me. I am going to ask to see the doctor and talk to them about all these questions I have. I will not settle for a tech.
I know they will say they want to see him, I am thinking maybe I should bring him with me...but the money part of stuff is seriously messing me up. Maybe I will bring him and get a weight on him anyway.

I hate being worried all the time that something is wrong with him.
I will see what they say, we will see what happens and I guess I will go from there.
Went to the Vets and just getting back.

The poop is getting tested again to see if we did indeed get rid of the cocidia. Waiting for the phone call about that.

He weighed in at a little over 2 & 1/2 pounds.
The doc had this to say- His ear issues may or may not be a sign of an infection. It could very well be that it is just annoying to him how they have dropped. I am going to give it a couple weeks and see if it continues. If it does I will have them looked at. They are not crusty, black, red or anything at this time.

She feels the small poos are a sign he is not eating enough. Could tend to be why he has been a bit lazy lately.
The ears she says are what regulates body temp - (think that is what she said) and why sometimes they feel cold and at other times hot.
She feels we should be feeding the critical care once a day at least. Suggested getting an older rabbits poo to feed to him possibly because he was taken from mom so young. She would prefer to see us lay off the pumpkin and make sure he is eating his hay and pellets.

We picked up two grass mats, 2 bags of alfalfa and a bag of oxbow pellets to see if perhaps he prefers them, as he has barely been finishing his 1/3 cup in a whole day.
I threw some of it in now with his other pellets he has been on. Thinking if he seems to prefer it we will switch over and I will donate the bag of purina I have to someone who could use it. Stick on the alfalfa hay alone for now and they feel he seems a little skinny. At least he is gaining and not losing or staying the same.

Looked over the estimate for a neuter:

Small mammal neuter - $143.00
Perioperative package - $41.50 - which includes the following, Assisted feeding, Fluid Therapy multi inj SQ, ip per day and the isoflurane. It will cost 12 more for the sevo.
ECG Monitoring - $18.50
Physical Exam - $39.50
FlavoRX - $5.40
Meloxicam - $20.00
Biosyn - 4-0 Suture cut needle - $10.10

Which would total $290.00

Add on the blood work which I am unsure if I should do or not and it becomes - $340.00

If he needs to stay in the hospital at all -
Doctor Eval- $19.00 per day
Hospitalization - $27.50 per day

not to mention whatever else they would need to do for him if something went wrong.

About the only thing I can decline it seems was the fecal float.

There is also the tech appt 5 or so days later @ $7.50

So he will be old enough in 2 weeks...but I was hoping to wait for the check we are all supposed to be getting relief or whatever...but thats not till june I believe.

He growled at me last

And here is Simon being cute:

So sorry to hear your little Simon is having all those problems, Orchid. I hope he gets well soon.
It's horrible that those petstores sell those little babies from Marshall and other mass-breeders, many of which seem to have lots of problems, and so many undoubtably end up in shelters or worse, abandoned :X.
It's great to see you are taking such good care of your little one. :hug:


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