The Tails of Simon

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It has been a long week.

Still figuring Simon out. He does fine with the Spring mix. He still loves his pumpkin.
We fixed up his cage some so he has a bigger shelf area. He is back to being up there all the time. I don't really see him spending time on the bottom, but I know he does. He really does seem to like his swiss miss boxes. Either that or he really wants them out of his cage. I noticed today the tp roll was empty of hay, which is good.
We built little hay troths. 2 of them. Very simple and yet keep the hay from getting every where. Have tons of ideas now for making more. AJD is going to teach me how to do some wood burning...thought it would be cool to put Simons name on his hay boxes. Will have to see how that turns out.
We are having litter issues again. I took out the carpet I bought for the kitchen and like I thought he went after the tear in the floor, so I have been keeping it covered with a towel. I moved the litter pan into the back corner by the back door. He peed in back of it, so I shoved it back. He peed in front of it, I move it forward, he pees behind it. This leaves me at a loss. In the living room and his cage he uses them alot to tinkle in, why not that corner? Tried switching the boxes, we will see if that made a difference. Perhaps he doesn't like that one??
I have the grass mats covering the shelf and a small piece of wood. He really does seem to like his grass mats.
Lately he has been more and more edgy. He has been humping everything...including my arm which HURTS! Not so much the humping part but he will chop down on my arm and those nails sting. Looked at them last night but they don't seem long enough to clip. He has been nipping harder and more often lately. Doesn't want to be picked up more and more...My sweet Simon is getting cranky. I am hoping the nueter will revert him back to his normal sweet self. He still has his moments and will come lick your face off if you let him. He bit Lina in the face this morning though. Just walked right on over when she was laying down and sort of sneak attacked her.
Yesterday he seemed content to spend time in his cage. Didn't seem to want to be out much. When he is, he is still peeing all over the couch though.
Bought him a set of baby keys...he of course could care less. Made a bid on ebay for a toy...we will see if I win it, but it looks pretty cool. I think he will love it! (I can hope)

Bought a new kitchen table yesterday...and man, Simon seemed intent on chewing on the legs of everything. Hoping he got over far he has left it alone today.
He is stick scratching at his one ear all the time, cleaning it constantly. I keep checking but do not see anything wrong at all. Doesn't smell bad, looks clean. Could it be it just bothers him it flopped down?

I am still concerned about his diet. We need to find a solution to that one. The vet feels the small poops come from not eating enough. Well I can't win. I feed him smushed pellets with pumpkin and he doesn't eat what I put in his bowl. I wait until the bowl is empty and he doesn't eat the smushed pellets. He likes his spring mix but I am unsure how much at a time and how many times a day to let him have it. I will have to think on what else to add to his diet to help him. When he eats the pumpkin all the poos go back to normal, but only for a little while.
I haven't seen smushy poo in a long time now. Very happy about that.
I will have to look through the library on here and see what I can find about a very good diet. If he won't eat enough of the pellets than I will have to make sure he eats other things that will work well for him.
Picky king tut! Spoiled is not the word for Simon. Not even spoiled rotten.

His hair keeps spiking up more and more and I guess it is the lionhead skirt that seems to be showing more. He looks really funny when he lays down with his back legs stretched out behind him. It looks like he has a crown of white fur on his butt. Makes me smile. Lots of what Simon does makes me smile.
He keeps getting his nose all crusted up when he eats the smushy pellets...he will even let me try to clean it up for him, but only tolerates it for a minute. Makes me feel bad to see his face that way. Keep thinking if I had a second bunny that would help. They would clean eachother..Nothing to be done for it right now though.

I think I will wait no matter what to get Simon fixed before I would really consider getting a second bun.

Haven't been on the site too much lately. I don't like spending time on the puter when I have company over. Some how makes me feel like a bad host. Feel like I must be missing out on some great news and not being there to support everyone like they have supported for that I am sorry. :(

Next week I will have plenty of time..or at least I should.
Orchid wrote:

I think Bunnies Are Cute is a little young to comprend long posts. ;) (I wouldn't worry about it).

How's Simon? He'll be back to hissweet self once he gets past the bunny equivalent of the 'terrible teens'.

Has he been jealous or territorial with your company?

You may also want to find some dried organic apple or pear tree branches, they might curb his chewing. If they're not already dried out when you get them, throw them in the oven for awhile.

Looking forward to more reports, but don't sweat it, be a good host. ;)

sas :bunnydance:
Pipp wrote:
Orchid wrote:

I think Bunnies Are Cute is a little young to comprend long posts. ;) (I wouldn't worry about it).

How's Simon? He'll be back to hissweet self once he gets past the bunny equivalent of the 'terrible teens'.

Has he been jealous or territorial with your company?

You may also want to find some dried organic apple or pear tree branches, they might curb his chewing. If they're not already dried out when you get them, throw them in the oven for awhile.

Looking forward to more reports, but don't sweat it, be a good host. ;)

sas :bunnydance:
hey sas!

Thanks for letting me know...was a bit confusooled by

No he hasn't been, but my friend was with us when we bought Simon, and here for 2 days after he came home. Than he was back when we needed to go to the vet and back again now. Sometimes it actually seems like they have bonded more. If that is possible. Simon will spend time grooming him. Will lick his face, try to clean his beard, hair etc. He will even put his feet on his head and like push him back down if he trys to lift his head away from Simon. He will jump right into his lap and look at him as if to say, Pet me NOW! Also...he NEVER pees on him...WHY WHY WHY! lmao...
Actually, Simon hasn't peed on me in awhile. He is doing pretty good with only going in the litter pans...except for what is in the kitchen. He will NOT pee in that one. So I put a towel down next to it so at least that would soak up the pee and not leave him soaked in pee. Well, can you guess what he did? Thats right, he peed NEXT to the towel and litter pan. What is the deal with that huh? lol
He just will not use that pan in the kitchen.

He has been marking everything in sight. Me the floor, couch, table, his stuff,...I mean anything! I find it cute watching him rub his chin on everything.
He does seem to nip at my daughter a little too much. Not sure how to work that one out.

He has been flopping left and right every where! It was pretty cool last night. My friend laid down on the floor and right when he did, Simon walked right next to him and flopped down. Later on I was laying on the floor and Simon walked over to me and flopped right down next to my arm! Was so cute!

For the most part he is still himself. He has just gotten a little more grumpy, growls every now and again, humps everything in site...and doesn't like being picked up now. Other than that he still seems like himself.

We are still getting these tiny poops...and I try to give him more food but it doesn't seem to be doing much good. I am out of pumpkin now so I need to buy more. When he has the pumpkin he poops great. He has been eating more hay I believe, still the same amount of pellets. Out of spring mix now too.
He has had no tummy upsets. So I figure I will try cucumber or green peppers next or maybe zuccini. Those things we eat a lot so they wouldn't go to waste. Simon is so small he doesn't eat much. Or maybe he just doesn't like eating much. I have wheat grass too. So I figure we will carefully try one of these at a time and if he does well with them I will give him a salad of sorts a couple times a day. Maybe that will help with this issue.

From what I have read it says small rabbits taken too soon from mom are likely to have a world of GI issues all their lives. I don't know exactly what that may or may not mean for Simon. Perhaps we will always need to add extra fiber to his diet to ensure everything stays on tract. When he gets the pumpkin everything stays good. If I stop or miss his breakfast plate of it, I see the small poops return.

I am going to start a bit of cucumber and see how that goes. Perhaps if I can get him on enough good things we will not need the pumpkin.
I have been trying to read up on how much and how often to give which. Seems like everyone has different opinions on everything.
So for now I rinse of the spring mix, put it in this shallow baby bowl I have, sort of filled up you could say and I give that to him 2-3 times a day. I had been giving him pumpkin like 3 times a day, but would like to back off that as I am concerned this is why he is not eating his pellets. So I have started giving this at night. I put a dab on the plate and keep refilling it till he doesn't want anymore. I would say he is probably eating 1-2 tablespoons? But that is a guess.
In the end I would like to be able to give him a nice salad in the AM of cucumber, wheat grass, spring mix, green peppers. At dinner some pumpkin and zucinini.
And hope that he keeps at least eating the pellets he is.

Hate to tell you this, but don't count on it. Cucumbers and zucchini are not very popular as a rule. They are the two veggies none of mine will eat at all.

At least for sure nobunny would even nibble at zucchini --cucumber may have had a bite or two from the piggy bunnies who eat pretty much anything I give them (except cucumber and zucchini -- and mustard greens).

sas :bunnydance:

Well we will see what happens. The store only had rotten looking peppers so I am gonna try cucumber first and see how that goes.

Thanks for the warning though :)
A girlfriend for Simon?

Pondering it, mulling....hmmmm..

Went on CL to see how bad the Easter adds might be and was suprised to see that there was only like 2-3 adds and they all seemed like decent adds for the most part. Cept one giving away free rabbits...kinda cringed at that.

So I saw her...


and I emailed with some Q's...and this is what she said...

Hello, I still have her. I have been asking $50 for her, her cage and accessories but am negotiable. She is not spayed and she is about 6 months old now. Right now she is on Nutriphase, an alfalfa based pellet since she isstill young. She gets Timothy hay free feed anda variety of fresh vegetables every day. I have not found many fruits that she likes.She has only been around my 8 year old neicewho is very good with animals and she did great. She hasn't been around another bunny since I got her whenshe was just over 2 months old. I got her from a local pet store.She has been to the vet (Hemlock Bluffs) just for a check up and had no problems then. She hasn't had any issues with her ears or teeth but is still young so I can't guarantee anything. She lovesto chewso she keeps her teeth pretty worn down. Rightnow she is in her cage for the majority of the time unfortunately so she has a lot of energy and doesn't like tobe held much. After she is allowed to run off some energy,she isvery sweet and loves to cuddle. I simply don't have enough time for her to have the kind of life I would like for her. I hate having her caged all the time. From all the questions, it sounds like you know about rabbits. I would like to find a home for her with someone that has experience with rabbits and has time everyday to either have time out of her cage or is able to let her have free run of a specific area indoors. I have tried litter training her, but had little success. I believe her cage was just too small for the litter box I had. If you have anymore questions I will be happy to answer them.

--so I am thinking it over..told her I need to think about it....a second unfixed bun in this house...I wonder how crazy Simon would get with humping everything in site now, much less smelling and seeing a chick of his own.
Talked to Bowman about nueter:

Pre surg - cbc - kidney liver,

Pre med - Buprenex - Pain Med

Intromuscular inj- keta & valium

Isoflurine - no sevo

Sent home - Buprenex - oral meds

IV fluids -

Total - 281.00

Drop of morning of - Travel cage- bring hay and food -
Evening pick up After 6pm

Night stay $ 50.00 per night

Only good for 30 days - Tell them Jenna has copy -

I've been really happy with how things are coming along with Simon.
I feel like he is doing rather well in the scheme of things. He has started using that litter pan he was refusing to tinkle in.
He didn't want to eat his spring mix this morning which had me a little worried, he usually gobbles that up in a second. He got around to it a little while after I gave it to him. Ate up a bunch of pumpkin and I even had to demand he return to his cage for at least a little while. He was awake the WHOLE morning...was worried about him lol. He konked out something fierce though. Wiped himself out!
Couldn't help but take some shots! He didn't even flinch...I KNOW he was out
Simon ALWAYS moves when he hears the camera.




I was at AC Moore yesterday. I saw these little hats and I thought...wouldn't that look cute on I bought one for him. It actually stays rather well on his head and he doesn't seem to mind very much at all....Not all the shots came out well, but there were a few that I thought were to die for.


I know you can't see his face but I love that shot!


Simon taking a bow


"You talkin ta me??"


Looks like he is dancing to me!


"I'm eatin over here!"

Really happy with how much he has been munching on his hay and since I started adding the other pellets he has been eating more of those too. Seems like without the Spring mix and pumpkin he get the small poos. Concerns me, but I don't mind in the least getting that for him everyday. He didn't seem to care too much about cucumber. I don't think I will bother with that one again. Perhaps some parsley next. I have raspberry bushes I planted this year,...picked a leaf and boy he enjoyed that. At least I know there is nothing on that leaf lol.

As always..Simon and I hope everyone & bun is doing well! Thoughts for those that need them and wishes that those who don't, won't!

How's Simon? Those pics are adorable. Love his coloring on his ears and around his eyes:).

Hey, sorry I missed some of your posts, but as far as the small poops? That is due to not drinking enough water, not needing to increase food intake:?. So if he has a bottle, just add a bowl he can drink from as well and if that doesn't work, add a little apple juice to the water to entice him to drink more, that should help. Greens like Parsley will also help with this as it's high in water content:).
Thanks Dawn!

Hey Angel,

He seems ok for the most part. We had a mess of poop that seems covered in something. I talked to the vet. She wants no more spring mix and to mix bannana with his hay to encourage him to eat more of his hay. I had thought he was eating his hat well enough..but I don't know.
I didn't give any pumpkin or spring mix today and the stringy whatever that has been in his poop seems to have tapered off, but the small poop are still there.
He actually won't drink from a bottle, so I keep a little crock in his cage and I cage it 3-5 times a day. Depending on if he made it a mess, or how much he drank.
I tried the apple juice thing when he was on the albon and he refused to drink from it. Perhaps the pedilyte?
He seems to be cleaning himself more. Seems very happy if all the kisses and flops are on the money. I never hear grinding unless he is getting a nose rub.
He lets me know when he feels his litter pan is too
He will shove it out of the corner it is in and push it to the front of his cage. It is actually really cute because when I clean them out, it is like he has to jump in, snif, chin rub and flop in every pan before I am allowed to refill and replace them. :)

He doesn't react to noises much anymore. Like he has gotten used to what is what.
Still follows you around and will run to me when he sees me. I think he knows his name. Seems to come when I call him and he pays attention to "no" unless he is all wound up. He likes hanging out on the kitchen mat by the sink. Will curl up and sleep there for a good long time. He enjoys his self alot and gets a good kick out of destroying his grass mats.

As a thought...maybe he doesn't like my water? A friend of mine commented the other day it tasted metalic. Perhaps I will pick up some bottled water and use that.

Thanks for the idea!

You're welcome! If your water is icky, that could be why. Maybe you could just go get one of those pitchers that filter the tap water? That'd be cheaper and you could use it as well and your guests if they can tell the water tastes funny:). You could also try the Pedialyte added to the water.

As far as getting him to eat more hay, another thing is to spritz that with some apple juice to get them to eat it:). Ah, the little secrets we learn...:D
Man...things just keep getting weird.

My sweet baby has turned into a grumpy boy. Acting quite weird lately. It feels like forever we have had Simon now and I think I forget at times just how short a time it really has been. What a month? A little more?
All the poo issues, the vet visits, everything..just wow.

He throws fits...will toss things when he gets mad. Shows me his back more and more which I read means he is ticked at me. He has been grunting more and tonight he sounded like a pig.
I was cleaning his litter pan, the one from his cage and he kept circling me and sounded like a pig. When all was said and done, he jumped in them, checked them out and went on his merry little way.
He WILL NOT stay in his pen, which is set up to be a Simon Safe Zone.
We change it as need dicates. Like right now the living room is off limits because the contents of my daughters wardrobe is filling it. Doing that whole what fits and what doesn't thing. So he is restricted to the kitchen till it is all cleared away.
I have just chased him (not really chased but you know) back into his pen 4 times in the last few minutes...make that 6. Is this a new game? Make mom chase me?
Jumps out, I put him back, he goes and runs to the litter box in the corner, which he won't use...surrounded by pee and poo and will flop in it!!
When I come and sit back down, he jumps up, looks at me and makes a dash for it.
If I can say Simon NO before he jumps...he won't..till a second later when I look away.


So i sit here typing this in my pee soaked shirt, cause why bother to change it till play time is over and it is bed time.
Why the heck would he want to lay in his pee n poop? Does he not notice or just doesn't care?

Cheeky little man that he is. He really does have some tude on him. When I am nudging his butt back to the cage he is dragging his to say NO MOM!

And the poo thing...this started today. His litter pan sits in the right back corner of his cage. He has started pooping in front of it and than moving the pan till it covers what he left on the floor. What is that all about!?

Well we just had a conversation. He sat there and pretended to listen very intently to what I was saying...licked me to be contrite and than whoosh---Speed racer came back. He is really soaked in his own pee now and I am just too tired to give him a bath. I am hoping he will clean himself up some. More than what I could do with the towel at least.

He is back to chewing on his cage I called it quits after the 30th time....and he is now in his cage as I get ready for bed.

He has seemed really ticked off lately and I don't know what i could be, or not be doing to cause this. I don't know if it is just the "teen" years of buns, or will the neuter make a difference...sigh.

I miss my sweet Simon that would let me do this...


And just are some more cute pics...

Simon in his red neck get up...


Simon with his new hay box..



What not to do with your bunny:

1:DO NOT make the mistake of thinking he will be happy to spend time with you while you take a bath.
(here I thought perhaps he needed some attention and I could at least talk to him while I took a bath before bed)

2: DO NOT think you will be able to get out of the tub smelling nice. You will have to clean up poop, pee and while you try to do this, fend off a bunny trying to hump your leg)

3: DO NOT bother to bring water, hay or litter box with you into the bathroom. They will go completely ignored. If said bunny does decide to check back out his litter pan, he will only sit in in for 3 seconds before he hops out and pees on the floor right next to it.

4: DO NOT be shocked when you see your rabbit eat his poo for the first time. You already know he eats cecals. Don't bother to ask what he is doing, he will be too intent on chewing to answer you.

5: DO NOT make the mistake of thinking your bathroom is bun safe. They WILL find something, anything to chew on that will make you jump out of the water, scaring him and yourself as you grab for something to stop your fall.

6: DO NOT think toilets can not be chewed. They can.

7: DO NOT think a space is too small to squeeze into. A small rabbit can indeed fit himself inbetween a wall and washing machine with ease, even if you can not fit your hand in there.

8: DO NOT expect to have a calm relaxing bath with your favorite furry friend running around loose in your bathroom. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN!

9: DO NOT expect to stay warm while you chase your bunny as he runs right out the door after you open it. You will be running around wet trying to hold your towel as you hop from leg to leg to avoid the nails of said bun while he tries to hump you and than dash away into some dark corner you have no idea where he went.

10: DO NOT expect to have a cordial goodnight from said bun. He will be too mad that you put him back in his house, so you may sit and try to enjoy yours.

DO expect to smile and laugh a lot at yourself and said bun after all the stress of what should have been a relaxing time is over.
There was no poop in Simons litter pan this morning.

What poop I am seeing is beyond tiny, dry and very little of.

His waters seem untouched, but his pellet dish was empty.

Fresh hay, sprayed has been given.
So was pumpkin which he ate.

I filled a syringe with Peditlye which he drank all down.

Man...I have to say I am tired of this. My worry meter is broken from over use.

When I take away the pumpkin, greens..this happens. Keep thinking it would be best to just get him on his hay and pellets...can we achieve this?

He is still peeing on the floor and flopping in it. He is getting very gross because of this. Why is he doing this???
I have opened the whole house back up. The three bedrooms and bathroom doors are all closed off. The kitchen and living room are as open as they can be..and the hallway. I had to put NIC around my loveseat. To keep Simon from crawling in there. He has decided he loves to dash for the back and crawl underneath. So it is blocked off and now he has run of the house again. He hasn't tried once to get jump on any of the couches. Hasn't peed or pooped anywhere either. I am wondering if he is using his pans. Left out some pumpkin and he was like whatever...
Baked up three pine cones and he seems to like chewing on them. Loses interest fast but comes back to them. At least there is one free toy I can supply him with!
He has been eating his hay, only drinking when I offer it in a syringe and knocked over his pellets. I think when he does that he is unhappy with the location or something because he only does it once in awhile.

I am wondering if he was mad or sad at not having the run of the house. Maybe that is why he has seemed so cranky. Simon has never cared for being alone at all. Maybe he felt too alone. Or too confined...I don't know...but either way he was NOT having it.

He seems more perky now and not as cranky.
Sorry to hear you're having these issues with Simon:(. The peeing outside the litter box should stop awhile after he's been neutered.

As far as the small poops, just keep pushing water;). About how much is he drinking a day?

Love the new pics, I'll get to the video a bit later:).
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Sorry to hear you're having these issues with Simon:(. The peeing outside the litter box should stop awhile after he's been neutered.

As far as the small poops, just keep pushing water;). About how much is he drinking a day?

Love the new pics, I'll get to the video a bit later:).

Yeah..he has been a turd lately, but I still love

He was doing great with the litter boxes and now he is going everywhere AND laying it in...just don't get that one. I can't wait to get him fixed! As soon as I have the cash we go...

As far as I could tell today...he hasn't drank anything on his own. If he did, it was when i was not looking...which is possible because I am not staring at him every minute...but past that..I used one of the big syringes I have - 2tsp one -
I filled that up 3 times and he drank all of it, and a couple other times he drank a bit and than walked away. He had two crocks out, but we hit the 2 day mark and I had to chuck the pedilyte. Going to try to cook some up with the recipe I saw in here and see if he likes that.

He has been acting much better since he has room to do as he wants again. Licking, loving, jumping to sit with me and even let me give him a hug. Has been eating his hay like a mad man...
I am wondering if it is because he just can not stand being alone. I saw a cute lionhead in a local rescue that needs a home. She is already spayed so it wouldn't be a problem there...but I just don't know if they would even get along. I suppose I could always take him with me to meet her and see what they think of eachother before we went ahead with anything.

Eh, we will muttle through it.


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