The Ballerina
Sometimes I think Billy had a past life as a ballet dancer. He does crazy binkies for me almost daily, as if performing a well practiced act on stage. As many of you know, Billy's stage is the bed.
Billy actually did a couple of big binkies for me on the floor today, and was so overzealous that he jumped sideways about a foot, crashing into the side of the mattress. He took a tumble and landed on the floor, then pranced over to me as if nothing had happened. Too bad I didn't get it on film. Such a silly little guy.
I've been testing out the multi-burst mode on my camera (which takes 16 pictures in one second) by trying to catch Billy mid-binky. As you can imagine, it's really hard to push the button at the exact moment when he decides to jump...I end up catching about one out of every 10 or so binkies on film.
This is the kind of filming that requires a really good camera to get clear, time-stopping pictures. I don't have that kind of camera. What I do end up with is a sequence of very small, mostly blurry pictures put together into a collage that I have to manually separate with photoshop. I usually get one clear one in a set of 16.
It would be really awesome to get crystal clear pictures of Billy doing binkies, but I'm fine with what I'm able to get from my camera. I'm very frugal, and definitely don't spend on electronics

. Here are a few binkies that I was able to catch on film in the past few days. Enjoy! :biggrin2:
A tippy toe landing:
Hover craft:
Levitating Act: