What is Billy?
A true dwarf? A false dwarf?
I've done a little bit of reading on Netherland Dwarf genetics and the dwarf gene. I know the basics of the double dwarf gene fatal "peanut", single dwarf gene "true dwarf," and no dwarf gene "false dwarf" or Big Ugly Buck / Big Ugly Doe. I have also seen many pictures of Netherland Dwarfs and know what they are supposed to look like. Billy doesn't really look like any of them.
The breeder told us that Billy was the runt of the litter. I saw all his siblings on the breeder's website and they were definitely "Big Ugly Does." The last time I weighed Billy he was 1.8 pounds at 4 months old. We don't have a proper scale so I don't know what he's at now but I doubt he's changed much from that. Billy is a small bunny, the same size as our "true dwarf" Ronnie.
Here he is sitting on the couch:
Billy looks a lot larger in pictures because he has a TINY head. It's something that doesn't translate well into pictures, and you have to see it in person to appreciate it. When we took Billy to the vet at five months old to get neutered, the vet tech remarked "What a tiny head! He's ADORABLE...Valerie is gonna LOVE him." I never knew Billy had a tiny head until we got Ronnie and compared them. Billy looks so silly compared to Ronnie...in a super cute way.
Billy is also very long in body, and athletic in build. I think the combination of small head and long body has given him an aerodynamic shape perfect for running and binkying

. He's skinnier than Ronnie, but he's not emaciated. He's just toned. You can see Billy's leg muscles when he stretches out (maybe from all the running and jumping he does?). Anyhow, here's some pictures showing Billy's athletic build:
So, what do you all think? Is Billy a true dwarf or a false dwarf? I guess it's a possibility that the breeder lied and he's not a Nethie at all, but that would be weird because the breeder only owned Nethies and Holland Lops. All guesses are welcome! Even if you see this post way in the future and want to bring it back up feel free

. Looking forward to your guesses