Little Bay Poo
Well-Known Member
juliew19673 wrote:
Ronnie will binky towards me on occasion when I enter the room. I think I've seen him binky a total of 5 times in 8 months, and some of those times was just the head twitch half binky.
Ronnie is a much calmer bunny than Billy. Not much scares him and he likes to lounge around. However, he's also not as fond of people as Billy (maybe due to the fact that Ronnie was used as a breeder bunny and not socialized?). I mean, he's really good with people but I don't think he necessarily "likes" them as much as Billy likes people if you know what I mean. Ronnie will sit there and let you pet him and he'll groom you back but I think he would much rather have a bunny companion over a human.
Part of me wonders, if Ronnie had not been isolated in a cage for two years of his life...if he had been spoiled as a pet bunny from birth, would he binky more? I don't have an answer to this question because I don't have enough experience with bunnies to know. Maybe there's just some bunnies out there that don't binky a lot, and he's one of them.
I feel kinda bad, like I should get Ronnie a bunny girlfriend because he looks so lonely over there. But I think three bunnies would be a bit overwhelming, and we recently found out that rabbits are considered "exotics" and are not even allowed as pets in the apartment complex! It's a good thing they are hurting for renters or they might actually enforce that policy
Ronnie disapproves of being labeled as an "exotic" pet.
Yeah, the Winston Churchill comment was really funny! Ronnie is the master of disapproval.Curious, Does Ronnie not binky? Is he the "straight-man" in thiscomedic partnership? Loved the comment someone made stating "he looks like Winston Churchill" - Ronnie has that impression down to a "T".
Ronnie will binky towards me on occasion when I enter the room. I think I've seen him binky a total of 5 times in 8 months, and some of those times was just the head twitch half binky.
Ronnie is a much calmer bunny than Billy. Not much scares him and he likes to lounge around. However, he's also not as fond of people as Billy (maybe due to the fact that Ronnie was used as a breeder bunny and not socialized?). I mean, he's really good with people but I don't think he necessarily "likes" them as much as Billy likes people if you know what I mean. Ronnie will sit there and let you pet him and he'll groom you back but I think he would much rather have a bunny companion over a human.
Part of me wonders, if Ronnie had not been isolated in a cage for two years of his life...if he had been spoiled as a pet bunny from birth, would he binky more? I don't have an answer to this question because I don't have enough experience with bunnies to know. Maybe there's just some bunnies out there that don't binky a lot, and he's one of them.
I feel kinda bad, like I should get Ronnie a bunny girlfriend because he looks so lonely over there. But I think three bunnies would be a bit overwhelming, and we recently found out that rabbits are considered "exotics" and are not even allowed as pets in the apartment complex! It's a good thing they are hurting for renters or they might actually enforce that policy
Ronnie disapproves of being labeled as an "exotic" pet.