The Nethie Boys

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I took Ronnie outside this past Thursday and got some cute pictures of him but never got around to posting them, so I'll do that tonight. Since the bunnies are in an apartment, taking them outside essentially involves me stealing and transporting them so they can be in the safety of my parents' backyard. The thing is, neither bunny actually "enjoys" this so I've decided to make outside playtime an infrequent thing.

Billy and Ronnie are both terrified of birds. Ronnie does well with car rides but all the chirping birds put him in quite a state when we were out there. As a result, he's been scared of me and hiding under the table when I come to see him, for fear that I may take him hostage to see the dreaded birds again! He forgave me today though, and resumed his ritualistic circling and humping behaviors ;)

Off to resize the pics for posting :)

Ronnie was angry that I kidnapped him and didn't want to come out of his carrier


He really didn't like when we removed the top of the carrier



But then he creeped out and enjoyed the grass



Ronnie spent most of his time disapproving from under my chair



He's also a master at the pathetic bunny look


Look how small he is when seen from an aerial view. His dwarfism is really apparent here; as you can see his head appears to be 1/3 of his body.


Poor, skittish Ronnie:p. They're terrified of birds? Haha, that's funny. Snuff once thumped like crazy and started shaking while in his outdoor pen when there were 2 wild buns over 6 feet away from the pen:craziness, while Angel sat there like nothing was happening:p. Silly bunners!

Great pics! I love how you get so close up, I have a hard time with those:?.
Here are some pics of Ronnie standing up. Notice how stubby his front paws are :hearts




He reminds me of the little Monopoly guy in this one...Rich Uncle Pennybags. He just needs a photoshopped monocle, top hat, and cane. First I'd need to learn how to use photoshop though :p


That's all folks! :)
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Poor, skittish Ronnie:p. They're terrified of birds? Haha, that's funny. Snuff once thumped like crazy and started shaking while in his outdoor pen when there were 2 wild buns over 6 feet away from the pen:craziness, while Angel sat there like nothing was happening:p. Silly bunners!

Great pics! I love how you get so close up, I have a hard time with those:?.
Yeah, I was thinking about the bird thing and figured that since Billy and Ronnie are so small, their breed must be more prone to being prey for birds so instinctually they are terrified of chirping sounds. That's my best guess for it. Billy even gets freaked out at the Discovery channel! :D

Glad you liked the pictures :). With my camera set on Macro (the little flower icon) it's actually a lot easier for me to get close ups than anything else. When I take the camera back a bit it has a tendency to repeatedly focus on the white gate behind the bunnies :X
Little Bay Poo wrote:
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Poor, skittish Ronnie:p. They're terrified of birds? Haha, that's funny. Snuff once thumped like crazy and started shaking while in his outdoor pen when there were 2 wild buns over 6 feet away from the pen:craziness, while Angel sat there like nothing was happening:p. Silly bunners!

Great pics! I love how you get so close up, I have a hard time with those:?.
Yeah, I was thinking about the bird thing and figured that since Billy and Ronnie are so small, their breed must be more prone to being prey for birds so instinctually they are terrified of chirping sounds. That's my best guess for it. Billy even gets freaked out at the Discovery channel! :D

Glad you liked the pictures :). With my camera set on Macro (the little flower icon) it's actually a lot easier for me to get close ups than anything else. When I take the camera back a bit it has a tendency to repeatedly focus on the white gate behind the bunnies :X

Sound about right as far as their breed and birds;).

I'll have to try Macro, I have it but never used it:shock:. Thanks!
Oh my goodness! How precious! When you took the "roof" off...... he looks to be thinking "OMG! it's a tornado!" or "OMG! I think it's a pterodactyl!"

Definitely thinking of a nethie...... for ME!
Little Bay Poo wrote:
Billy and Ronnie are both terrified of birds. Ronnie does well with car rides but all the chirping birds put him in quite a state when we were out there. As a result, he's been scared of me and hiding under the table when I come to see him, for fear that I may take him hostage to see the dreaded birds again!
That's too funny! My Emma gets madder than a wet hen whenever she hears percussion (especially finger snapping or hand clapping). So why not a dislike for birds?

All this stuff about the bunnies being afraid of birds.......... ours are afraid of the ceiling fans if we put them on high! LOL! they were all afraid of them at first and hunkered down like Ronnie. I am just sure they think they are big birds.
Billy scares me sometimes. Once every 3 months or so he will hunch in his cage like he's in pain or very uncomfortable. The past two times he had stopped eating along with it and either stopped pooping or had soft poops. We pinpointed this to too much oatmeal and reduced the amount to one measured teaspoon per night.

Since December he's been perfectly fine, but last night he had a little bout with gas or something. He was sitting uncomfortably in his cage...hunched with his butt slightly in the air. The weird thing is he was still eating and still pooping so I wasn't quite sure what was going on.

After a while, I tried giving him some hay to eat. He started biting on the cage bars while carefully balancing a piece of hay in his mouth, so I took that as a sign that he was feeling better :)

So anyhow, the bout with gas or whatever it was lasted 1 hour maybe 2, and then Billy came out to play. He started doing binkies on the bed again and looked like he felt a lot better.

I'm still not sure what happened, but we gave him very little oatmeal last night just in case. I may have to buy some of that pediatric gas medication that people have mentioned here so that I have it on hand in the future.
Poor Billy! Funny I don't think I've ever seen you pet him before (not suggesting that you don't - he's just always moving)! Glad to see that he improved enough to give a binkie performance!

Wish Icould get my bun to do the hay balance act to chew on the bars - that is SO funny!!
juliew19673 wrote:
Poor Billy! Funny I don't think I've ever seen you pet him before (not suggesting that you don't - he's just always moving)! Glad to see that he improved enough to give a binkie performance!

Wish Icould get my bun to do the hay balance act to chew on the bars - that is SO funny!!
Yeah, Billy is so difficult to pet! Been working on it for a while now with daily pettings, and lets just say he's gotten to the point where he TOLERATES it :p If I pet him too long he will angrily push my hand out of the way with his face as if to say "Enough already!" I think the reason I could pet him while I was taking that video was because he wasn't feeling 100%, so he decided he'd rather tolerate the petting than put forth the effort to get rid of me ;)
I hope that Billy's feeling more like himself now (i.e., even-keeled).

Two particular aspects of the most-recent videos crack me up:

1) the music playing in the background (presumably from a video game?).

2) Billy picking up the piece of hay to return to chewing on the cage bars with it in his mouth.

Is it warm in the house? has it gotten warmer outside or something? He looks like he's hot. Bo lays like that with his butt in the air a bit when he feels good actually.

If we are scratching his back and he's laying on us..... he does that. It's like a cat arching their backs.

I think that he is hilarious that he balances his hay while he licks and chews the cage! and when he licks the bed after he flops LOL! what a goof!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Is it warm in the house? has it gotten warmer outside or something? He looks like he's hot. Bo lays like that with his butt in the air a bit when he feels good actually.

If we are scratching his back and he's laying on us..... he does that. It's like a cat arching their backs.

I think that he is hilarious that he balances his hay while he licks and chews the cage! and when he licks the bed after he flops LOL! what a goof!
It has gotten really warm out lately. I believe it was 87 yesterday, today is supposed to be 90, and as a result it's been a little warmer inside too. So it could have been that Billy was a little uncomfortable with the temperature change...I know when we first got him he had problems with sneezing due to the air conditioner blowing on his cage which means he's sensitive to temperature.

The fact that 1) we haven't changed his diet in the past few months and 2) he doesn't eat vegetables got me a little confused at how he could have gotten you're right in that it may not have been gas at all.

Jenk: Chris was playing Mario Galaxy (I think that's what it's called). I'm not really into the whole video game thing but I thought the music sounded funny too! :D
I bet he was cooling his tummy. That's how Bo and Tony lay on the bricks of the hearth if it's warm in the house. That can be a sign of gas, but Billy doesn't look uncomfy - it's more of a content tummy plaster! LOL!
One thing I wanted to mention re: gas...when Basil gets gas and I catch it very early on he's still always pooping and eating. Basil seriously never stops eating, even when he's sick. But I can feel gas bubbles in his tummy and he's pressing his belly, so I start with simethicone and belly rubs right away and he's fine in an hour. So it could begas that you caught early as well.

I love the new pics! I missed the Ronnie ones you posted before. This one is my absolute favorite:


He has the 'how dare you?' look down pat! lol
I hope Billy is still feeling ok? That's odd how he sometimes just goes like that :?, poor little dude.

Just had to say, ohmygosh at Ronnies face, haha! He does that twisty mouth thing with bug eyes that Sakura does when she's feeling scared, so cute :p.