That vetbed fabric looks so comfy and soft. I'm sure she'll like having that snugglesafe too, when she gets a bit cold. All of these fun pictures of new bunny stuff, makes me want to go out and get some new stuff for my buns

I just love all of these pics. She's so cute with her stuffie. I think it's so cute how some buns really love having a stuffed animal to cuddle up to.
That's actually so amazing that you might be able to do hydrotherapy with her. It seems like it's kind of rare to be able to have access to somewhere that it can be done with rabbits, but I just thought I should mention it in the off chance that you might be able to do it. That will be so interesting if it works out. I don't really know a whole lot about it except what I've read. I know that it needs to be approached very carefully, because of how some rabbits can react to water. But I'm sure Coco is used to being bathed, so that would probably help some. I feel a bit funny suggesting it, as rabbits and water is usually considered such a big no no. But I know that disabled buns are pretty much an exception, as they are often exposed to water, because of their bathing needs. And with her medical need, it certainly seems like something worth looking into. It would probably be good to also consult with your vet about it. She may be able to contact other vets with actual experience with it, and find out any particulars that would be good for you to know. Here are a few links I found on it if you want to read up on it.
I think that's a good call on the metacam. Usually it is considered relatively safe for rabbits, but there is always a chance of a bad reaction occurring with any medication. That's what it sounds like happened with her, some sort of negative reaction, either to the actual medicine or the fillers or suspension liquid that it is in. It may have even been an allergic reaction. It really doesn't sound like she needs pain meds anyways, if you didn't see any noticeable improvement. That's interesting about the poop though. Not sure why that would happen unless it somehow stimulated her GI or brought down some existing inflammation. That's so interesting that she knew to associate the syringe with her negative reaction with the medication. I'm glad she ended up being ok after it all.
With their ears, they will feel a bit cool when a rabbit's body temp isn't hot and they aren't needing to cool themselves. Their ears will feel warm or hot when they are hot and trying to cool down. It's when a rabbits body is cool as well, that it's a problem. Their ears will also feel extremely cool from the low body temp.
I just wanted to say how happy I am and appreciative, that you started this blog. I love hearing about Coco. I'm also very interested in rabbit health and find your personal experience with your bun so invaluable. I haven't dealt with a disabled bun and just know things from what I've read, so I really appreciate being able to learn more from your first hand experience. I can't wait to hear how the acupuncture goes. I'm a bit shocked though, to hear how that one lady picked up your poor bun by the ears. I guess it just always surprises me that some people still think it's ok to do that.
Lovelops, I'm so sorry about your mom. It sounds like the medical system really failed her and you. You sound like a wonderful daughter and did everything you could to help her.