The life of CoCo Puff the Puff Ball

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Thankyou Pani for your kind words, I look forward to regularly updating my blog on the life of a special little girl Coco Puff :) im blogging from my phone and sometimes the auto correct doesn't work so some of my words might be all over the show so bare with me :) - Shaan
So Today Coco is at a specialist to take further X-rays, a neurological Scan & to do some dental work. Because Coco lays on her right side her teeth have worn down in a diagonal- they aren't extremely bad but I just notice while checking her last week her teeth arnt perfectly straight. Tara the rabbit specialist is going to get a complete diagnosis as she is now and work out a plan to allow her to live a comfortable life & depending on the findings could recommend some surgeries.

I'm very protective of Coco and find it hard watching someone hold her as I hold her a special way so she's comfortable & it doesn't make it any better when Coco is staring straight at me thinking what's going on! but Tara was doing a good job. I was in tears as usual worrying about Puffy as she had to stay at the Vet for the day for tests & the poor darling won't no what's going on but Tara assured me she was in good hands. I took her brother with her too for comfort as Darcy her dad stresses easily and hates the car so it was Alfie as comforter for the whole day which he won't be happy about!

Well the next post will be the prognosis of what they found out today so fingers crossed it all looks great and Puff ball won't need a big surgery and will live another 5years or so :) - Shaan xx
So I Just arrived back from the vet, turns out Cocos pelvis and hips are in good order but the problem now is she has an old healed fracture at the top of her neck near her shoulders, this is a deeper U shape than normal as in from the shoulders to base of neck it bows deeper than normal & the healed fracture is interfering with her spinal cord somewhere in that region. The reason why her previous diagnosis was thought to have a dislocated hip & a fracture in her leg was because the neck fracture was sending a message to her legs saying go straight out and on examination by the vet there is joints and bones going everywhere. My prev vet said she could do X-rays but it wouldn't help her situation as I didn't take her to the vet till 2weeks later but in between then i was giving her Metacam for pain- I really regret that now because if I had have gone straight away they could have done something about her kneck? When she first did her accident she was still able to hop so I left it hoping she would gradually get better with my help and pain Meds & when she twisted and went sideways that's when I took her! The vet said it would have been very hard to fix the fracture on her neck but may have been able to support it to heal a more even shape but thats a tricky one. Then I feel even more **** for letting her out in the play world when she was 5weeks!!!! Gosh this is horrible!

So my vet is going to speak to some specialist neurologists on the net and share around her X rays for other opinions so we will meet up next week for another check up. She said she wants to find out if its painful for her & think about her Welfare- this made me ball my eyes out again! I spend all day with Coco as I'm a stay at home mum & my instincts with her is she isn't in continuous pain. I understand very well that rabbits don't show pain, I have horses and they are exactly the same but because I train horses you get their feelings, body language etc and I can always tell if something's up because I spend alot of time riding, feeding, grooming etc & with Coco I know she isn't ready to leave this world! Not alot of rabbit vets here deal with disabled bunnies & this situation my vet who has practiced in the UK & NZ has never come across it before soo how would she know she would be in continuos pain? And she said she didnt know & thats why she wants to ask around. The day Coco puff looses her appetite (She looooves food!) looses the spark in her eye & is uncomfortable & not settled is the day I will help her cross the rainbow bridge but untill then no one is going to make me put her to sleep!

She is so happy!! As soon as I got her out the car & put her in the bunny world she went straight to eat her dandelions & special feed & nibble on hay and snuggled her teddies, we had a cuddle & a scratch & she was licking me back- that doesn't seem like a bunny in pain? And she just spent 1 hour in the car! What I am going to do is start her on Metacam for the next few days and if I see a good improvement then I will keep her on that for as long as she needs. I'm also wondering if some acupuncture in her neck area would help? That's something I'm going to find out to.

I'm not giving up on my girl & my main priority is her! If she decides she doesn't want to be here anymore then I won't keep her alive just to save my own heart from breaking, I will do what she needs and get a vet to come to my house to pts otherwise she is going to live for aslong as she wants and I will continue to do my routine twice a day & care for her!

Thanks for reading my long story everyone, I really appreciate it :)

Shaan xx
Hi there, I think it's fantastic that you're so dedicated in caring for a special needs rabbit :) She's beautiful.

Just to let you know, I've shifted your thread to the "Bunny Blogs" forum :)
Wow, what a day you had! I'm glad you were able to get your bun to the specialist. It at least gives you an accurate idea of what's going on. I know it's easy to blame ourselves and second guess decisions that we've made, but it's hard sometimes to know what to do in the moment, and it's not always obvious how serious something might be. You care about your bun and tried to do the best thing for her. Even if you had brought her in earlier, it still could have turned out the same. A spinal injury is no easy thing to deal with or treat in a rabbit. It's not something that can just be mended like a broken bone, and even that is no easy thing when it comes to rabbits.

So why exactly did the vet get the impression that Coco might be in pain? I certainly don't get that impression from anything you've written about her. You seem to be very aware and in tune to this little bun, and I would think that if any one would know if something was wrong with Coco, it would be you.

It's not true that rabbits don't show pain, they can just hide it very well, especially to those that aren't very familiar with them or know what to look for, but there are always signs. Subtle clues that can tip you off if you are very observant and know what to look for. Little things like sitting a bit differently than normal, squinting eyes, not eating like they normally would, not moving around normally, just seeming like there is something a bit off. I don't know, but you seem to be really close to Coco and know her really well. I would think that if anything was off with her, you would know it. Remember also that your vet isn't seeing Coco behaving like she normally does at home. So you are going to be the one that knows best if something is wrong. You need to make sure to be the one that sticks up for your bun and explains that she is happy and doing well, to the vet. Know the behaviors that show she is happy, comfortable, and doing well, like happily eating her veggies, having snuggle time with you and the boys, grooming them and you, note all the behaviors that show these things and convey them to the vet. The vet can only go off of what she sees in the exam and what you tell her. And remember, the vet is an advisor, but you are the one that makes the ultimate decisions for Coco.

I think your vet is trying to be helpful, you just need to better convey the situation so your vet understands that Coco has a good life and is happy. And even if she is in some pain, that can usually be managed with pain meds if it isn't too bad. Honestly, if a rabbit is in severe pain, there's no mistaking it, if you understand rabbits at all. But these things can sometimes be hard for a vet to determine accurately, when a rabbit is stressed from being at the vets, and is not acting like it normally does at home. So when you see your vet again, make sure to share how Coco is at home, and all of the good things that show you she is doing well.

The acupuncture sounds like a good idea. I've read of some buns having really positive results. I don't know if Coco has any feeling in her back legs at all, but if she does, I've also read of hydrotherapy being helpful, if you happen to have someone in your area trained to do this with rabbits. Maybe your vet would have some info on it, as it should be done under a vets supervision anyways.

I'm sorry the appointment was so upsetting, but I think with better communication with your vet, you both may be able to find something that can help improve Coco's condition. Just based on what you've conveyed about Coco, I see no reason at all why pts should even be a consideration at this point.
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I´m glad Jenny was on here first as she always manages to find the right words at these times and once again, she´s spot on.

I second her that you know your little Coco best and I am sure you would know if she was in pain, if she´s eating and doing her normal stuff then it doesn´t sound like it. She is such a happy little bun and has a great quality of life. It´s good that your vet is getting more opinions, that can only be a good thing. And don´t beat yourself up about decisions you made before, hindsight is great but you did what you did and it was the right thing at the time based on the info you had.

I know you´ll worry until you get the results back but just keep doing what you do for your little girl, it seems to be working fine so far. And when you have all the facts, decide then what is best for her.

Vent off on here if you feel the need, we´ll all be here with you and feel with you and to cry with you and give you lots of hugs, bunny ones are definitely the best.

The fact that Coco Puff is still here and so happy is a testament to the care and love you´ve given her. Feel so proud of that and you can deal with anything that comes your way.
Good morning from New Zealand- Love Coco Puff x

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She grooms her feet and dew lap every morning :)

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Thank you for your awesome reply Jenny, I have so much to say but just about to go out for breakfast so will reply when I'm back - Shaan x
What a fantastic little girl. You can just see how happy she is and how much those three love each other. I just love REW's, her handsome companions are sooo handsome.

Love the nethies and their pretty friend :p
Now, if those aren't three happy bunnies, I don't know what is :)
Ditto here, think that's one of the cutest bunny photos I have ever seen :)
You really put things into perspective for my Jenny in regards to rabbits and pain & your totally right! She isn't in constant pain, there may be times she might be because she is disabled and can't hop but there is no continuing pain. When I first took her to the vet both vets were amazed that she wasn't in pain as they manipulated her body & the only time she grunted up then was when they pinched her toes to check for sensation! She is still the same Coco puff every day & when she is out in the bunny world I check on her ever 1-2 hours max to scratch her body & see what she's upto and she is always chirpy, exploring or having a sleep. So you right, I do know her extremely well & she is happy as she is :)

Tara the vets first reaction from seeing Puff ball as she is and seeing the bow in her spinal neck area which curves a little deeper than normal she felt her welfare and quality of life might not be good as she thought there was something she could do with her. I told her that I wasn't expecting to come here and see puff ball hop again but just wanted to finally get a specialist diagnosis. I didn't come here because I felt she was in serious pain or I was at my last resort I just wanted a check up and see we're we are at. I also told her that I wasn't interested in putting her to sleep untill she let me know she was ready and right now she is happy as can be- She then preceded to tell me that I wouldn't be able to tell as rabbits hide their pain. I then related to her puff balls routine, characteristics & my caring for her routine & that she eats all her food ( she had a fat belly on the X-ray) & enjoys joining in her cart & that she grooms me in return for me grooming her & that she does nor come across at all like a bunny who is in pain & hating life! This is when I started getting abit emotional & thinking a sorts of things & then needed to vent on here and get loving bunny owners opinions :)

After abit more of a chat she said to people that are seeing Coco for the first time might think it heaps worse than what it is and in fact she might be fine m & that could be her case but she wanted to get some opinions from neurological specialists & give me options but not directions & we agreed there and rebooked an appointment for next week.

I was a little bit angry at her when I went to give Coco a hug as they had layed her on her wrong side putting her in an awkward uncomfortable position for how long I don't know- but she apologized & said they were being careful with her! I'm glad she won't be at the vets alot!!

They also can't perform any surgeries for Coco as she said there really isn't anything they can do. I have booked Coco in for an acupuncture session this Sunday & will be doing that for a while routinely to gets done benefits for her there. The crazy thing is you mentioned hydrotherapy- one of my Poms had the Femal ball of his hip chopped off in September so he does hydrotherapy treadmill sessions every week & we had discussed putting Puff Ball in there but I thought it might just stress her out to much & my other Pom gets acupuncture at the same place so really I have all those facilities to use so will chat with Vicki on Sunday.

We Thankyou once again for you lovely encouraging words Jenny & also for listening to my massive reply, it's so lovely to have you all for support & to keep my mind at bay with you amazing knowledge and wisdom, I really do appreciate it - Shaan x
So today I went Shopping for Coco puff. - I can't buy her treats because of her sensitive digestive system so I but her brushes in stead :)

These are what I bought

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This is her Favourite brush now & the little mini brush sets get teeth purring! We got lots of loose coat out today which is important otherwise the will turn to Matt's

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I also brought her some colloidal silver spray for the area near her bits & pieces to cleanse it & get any urine off & some organic elderflower balm made with only olive oil & bees wax- I thought rather than just Vaseline I could use something to soothe & repair so we will see how that goes! I also bought her some bunny wash, I use an organic basic baby wash which works great but it doesn't condition her hair were as this one does so I will try it out & if it isn't as great then I will keep using the other one. I use it to wash her bits and pieces in case she scoots in her wee or finds something she shouldn't eat and gets sloppy poo stuck on her hair!

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I also bought her a hearing pad- she doesn't really need it but today a southerly wind came up from Antarctica & it can get abit chilly so I can pop that near her little nook on chilly days and the heat radiates off it to give extra warmth as she wouldn't want to lay on it.

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I also bought her se more of this sheep skin kinda stuff that keeps her dry if she wee's in bed at night plus it keeps her toasty warm & it's really soft and cushiony as she likes sleeping on pillows & so do the boys!

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You have to excuse my typing as I'm writing this blog off my mobile on the rabbits online app & some times my auto correct doesn't work & I don't know how do edit the words afterwards? You will have to bare with me :/
And lucky last some photos of Coco puff getting ready for bed before the boys come in. I like to have teddies for her as the support her from falling & the can snuggle them like she does with the boys as the are usually in the garden during the day so she doesn't feel all alone. Some days she tells the teddies off by pulling their hair & flinging them around & rearranging them & then other days she snuggles and grooms them, so i guess it just depends if she feels loving or not that day :)

This is Coco getting into her hay dinner

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And this is Coco grooming her self after her dinner or hay & pellets

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And now for some feet cleaning, teeth purring & relaxing time with Mr Bun Bun Ted

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You know, I've just read your story of what the vet said about Puff and it really smacks of what happened to my mom.

My mother fell on Christmas Day and had problems walking. What we later found out was it was NOT anything in her lower spine and the doctors we took her to were quack and it was all in the thoracic area. Myself and my sister became educated on the spine and spinal problems after this happened with my mom. We read up on everything we could to learn more so we could communicate with the doctors and surgeons.

It was in my moms upper thoracic area that needed the surgery and it was a para midline thoracic disk herniation. What I saw here in the US is that doctors will always try to push that stuff off and not want to do surgery because it's not 'easy' surgery. They are also scared of being sued, which is what happened in my moms case also but we lost because the jury in South Carolina took pity on the doctors and said anyone can make a mistake... I felt that when the doctor made a mistake that resulted in the individual being paralyzed for life, that was more than just a simple mistake. Oh well.. I cannot go back and change time.

I found out too late for my mom that was what she really needed instead of a laminectomy which is what the doctors did on her which messed her spine up more and paralyzed her. Then after we found what what REALLY needed to be done, the doctors gave us this line, Well your mom will have to be opened up through the back and it's really painfull and after all she's been through you really don't want to subject her to all that do you?

To walk again? HELL YEAH?

But we could never get the doctors to agree to do the surgery. They kept bowing out and
that really upset me. They just didn't feel like doing the surgery and passed if off to us putting her in a nursing home to keep her 'comfortable' which sounds to me like the same line they were giving you about Puff and 'her welfare'.

Well sod that.. for Puff and in my mom's case and these doctors I was dealing with was NOT from some idiot hospital.

They were from Georgetown University Hospital in Washington DC which is also a teaching hospital and is among the top medical universities in the United States. They were of the opinion that she should just 'adapt' to being paralyzed and learn how to 'tranfer' from the bed to a wheelchair and get on with it. I think it's highly easy for a doctor to give someone advice like that and especially in your case, advise about Puff being in pain and thinking about her Welfare without taking into account the full weight of what the words and the actions really means.

I've been the one in ICU with my mom fighting with doctors about her advance directives and what her wishes were one time when she got really bad and I had to make the decision to put her on a ventilator when she was really sick one time and had problems breathing to give her lungs a rest or let her die. I got highly incensed because I specifically asked the doctor would she live if put on the ventilator and he said yeah but do you want her to live in that state- meaning not being able to walk...and that she would pull through she was just taxed from being sick and the doctor admitted for people who were NOT paralyzed they would put them on a ventilator just the same but was asking me to make a decision, which I made. She was going on the ventilator just the same as the non paralzyed individuals!

There seems to be a stigma against people, animals, what have you that cannot 'walk', has a disability, is different etc not the same as 'normal' indivdiuals and I do not get it. The doctor in the time my mom had the flu just wanted me to let my mom die so she would not have to deal with being paralyzed any more. What a wonderful doctor.

What does that say about what he really thinks about having to deal with patients that are not 100% able bodied? Or have a disability? Do you think they are going to get fair and honest treatment? I think not. He was also implying that I would not have to worry about taking care of my mother any more with all the additional work she must have been putting me through.

If you can check around and see if there are some other spinal specialist I would do that and do not be discouraged.
You know her well and know if she is in pain or not..

Hang in there and we are here for you!
All the best
Ohhh my gosh - the photos of Coco grooming her dew lap and having cuddles with Darcy and Alfie are MY FAVOURITES! They're so cute! She's such a lucky bunny. :)
Just love all her new things, all perfect for her. The heat pads are so useful, I'm sure she'll love it although she has her boys to keepher warm. I am amazed how good she is keeping herself immaculate, she does take her cleaning seriously. Love the pics with her stuffies, bit like relationships, arguing one minute and cuddling the next. I do love her colouring and she has the sweetest face.

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