The Irish Bunnie's Burrow

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your nanas stables look like some out buildings near me..
i love old stoney irish stuff.
the little cousins are really cute!!!!!!!
and your "face behind the blog" is really preety! you look lovely!!!!
[align=left]This is Princess all relaxed after getting a head massage, she looks so cute![/align]
[align=left]Just some pictures of Misty Babyface[/align]
[align=center]Nethie dissaproval lol![/align]
Ok, I am not religious at all, but I'm so happy I'm inheriting a statue of Our Lady that was given to my Nana (RIP) by her mother! I'm delighted, it's something that ment alot to my Nana and it had been in her room for years and was there the last time she was ever in her room. Plus, I was the only one who knew that it had been given to her by her mother, and I said it to my aunts when we were organising her funeral. It's like it was ment to go to me. I don't know why but it just feels so special.
The following pictures are taken at my Nana's house, I want to keep them here so I can look at them whenever I want and for safe keeping, incase I lose them off my camera, computer or photobucket, I would be devastated because my Nana's house will be gutted out eventually and these pictures will be a reminder of her and the memories in that house.

Funnily enough it's only really hitting me now that I will never see again and it feels like someone has punched me in the stomach.














I haven't updated this in ages, mostly because I'm too lazy to open internet explorer, it won't work on firefox. Ok well it was my birthday just over a week ago, I got lot's of pressies and lot's of money and I'm going shopping in the nearby city on Sunday! Woo hoo! Clothes and makeup! It also means I will be able to visit the big petshops :)

School finished today! Woo hoo! Well the classes part of school did, which is the worst anyway. I signed up for 9-4everyday study week starting Monday, then I have to take big exams from the 3rd-17th of June and then Summer holidays till September! All the classes will change next year so I won't have the same people in my class or the same teachers :(

I don't think there is anything else really, the bunnies are all good no major news there, I need to update with pictures soon!
Darn, I missed to say happy birthday on your actual birthday:( Belated wishes! Enjoy spending the birthday money:)
I'm on my Summer holidays! Woo hoo! Exams are over and it's time to relax! Today was really boring because my best friend, the only person my age that lives near me is back at her aunts babysitting for God knows how long! At least the baby bunnies are fun to watch as they grow and change everyday. I was watching a hare bouncing around and doing big hare binkys outside for awhile, took some pictures but they came out dark :(
I have a few updates and recent pictures to share with you all.

[align=center]1. I finally figured out how to make one of those animated avatars! It's nota work of art by any means, but I love it anyways![/align]
[align=center]2. We have a bunny staying with us, he's very cute and seems to be settling in well, I have seen him drink and poop since he arrived anyway! His name is Chez[/align]
[align=center]3. Chez's owners bought a new hutch especially for his stay here because their hutch was too awkard to dismantle, and they think it's too much hassle to dismantle this one so I scored a lovely new hutch :biggrin2:perfect timing because I was going to buy one soon for when the babies are being weaned![/align]
[align=center]4. My Mam bought me a new run so their won't be anymore bunnies on the missing list for 24 hours! Thanks Mam! Picture was taken just now and it's dark but you get the jist of it.[/align]
[align=center]5. The babies got out in the run for the first time ever yesterday, they really enjoyed it and munched on the grass! They are almost three weeks old![/align]
[align=center]We are keeping one of the male babies![/align]
[align=center]We have no idea which ones are males and which ones are females yet! I had a peek but I think they are still too young to really tell. We are bringing them to the vet at six weeks and I'll have a try myself to make sure. It's going to be hard to choose which one of them to keep though :shock:My plan is to hopefully get Thumper and the new male neuteured and bond them with Princess and the other with Misty. The get the girls spayed, I feel physically sick with worry at the thought of Princess getting spayed though :tears2:[/align]
Fantastic. It's great to see them being able to snuggle up to each other. I know how you feel about the spays. I am glad all of mine are over with and i have no more surprizes:biggrin2:
Great pictures, Gracie! :)

Also, if you think you get clear pictures of the babies genital area, you could post those in the Rabbitry & Showroom and we might be able to guess their sexes ;) I was able to tell my kits' genders at the age of 3 weeks.

Thanks Emily,

I'll try and get some clear pictures when I get my camera back, not too sure if my camera would be able to take them without them being blurry. I'll keep trying myself and I'll know for sure if I'm right at the vet :D

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