Ok I am sick of the mess that the bunnies have made in the shed, there is shavings and poop everywhere! I sweep it weekly but within 24 hours they have it back to the way it was, they are all poop guns! So tomorrow (hopefully, because I have alot to do tomorrow) I'm going to take out all the cages and give them a major scrub, plus do a major sweep and try and get all the poop out from under everything, they get in behind things and poop and you wouldn't even notice! Plus I want to put Princess and the babies into a new hutch and store away the cage for a couple of weeks until it's needed for the babies. The place really needs to be freshened up. I really hope I can get this all done tomorrow, I feel motivated now but I'm going out tomorrow night and I need to clean my room so time isn't on my side.
I have alot I need to do Bunny wise in the next couple of weeks, I need money badly as I need to invest in some bowls that I can either attach onto the sides of their cages or that are too heavy to topple, they are wasting a ton of food by toppling their bowls and I want to get some hay racks because they are wasting alot of hay, once they stand on it they won't eat it. Plus I want to get Thumper neteured, so I need about 150 euro *sigh*