:heartsGrace's Blog! :hearts[/align]
Teacher Rant![/align]
[align=left]Ok, so I have this teacher that teaches me two subjects, maths and technology. Lately, he has been on my case the whole time! Ok, I will admit I was a bit lazy in technology and could have worked harder at the start of the year, I had a really good summer (lot's of campouts and of course, I got the bunnies!) and just felt depressed to be back at school and a couple of times I forgot to bring in my exam papers, I was good in maths though.[/align]
[align=left]He called me up and gave out to me, told me that I was a very bright girl , with the potential to get an A in technology, (which I don't) and I was throwing it all away. I deserved that giving out to, to wake me up a bit and I did start to work harder, did my work like everyone else and brought in my books when I was supposed to.[/align]
[align=left]That was all fine, and I thought it would be the end of it, but he continued to pick on me even if I tried really hard and thought I did something well, he picked out all the bad things and said mean stuff, now, for some reason he loves my friend Claire, and she sits beside me, we are both about equal in intelligience and he says she has the potential for an A too. I might have work done better then Claire, but mine would be bad and Claire's would be good![/align]
[align=left]Everyone in the technology class agreed that he hates me and loves Claire. I just got on with my technology project and tried to ignore his mean comments and him putting me down.[/align]
[align=left]Maths had always been fine, until today, I had forgotten my maths copy, no big deal, it happens to everyone and he never flipped the nut. I wrote the answers into the book, my exam papers. From the top of the class he said 'Grace, what are you writing on?' I said 'My exam papers, I forgot my copy' then he said 'Right, well that's a penalty sheet'(a sheet with words that you have to copy out).[/align]
[align=left]I was pissed, I mean, people always forget their copies and never get in trouble, except me! So I took the sheet and gave him the finger behind his back and stuffed the sheet into my book and sulked for the rest of the class. My friend, Sinead, sitting behind me, tapped me on the shoulder and said 'God, he really hates you, he's never done that to anyone else'.[/align]
[align=left]So, at the end of class I was packing up and talking to my friend who sits beside me in maths, Orla, when he said, 'Grace, can I have a word with you'. So, I told Orla wait outside for me.[/align]
[align=left]This is the conversation that went on:
Him: Show me your papers
Me: *gives him papers*[/align]
[align=left]Him: *Flicks through it* Now, why did you delibrately disobey me and right in the papers?
Me: I didn't, I had no copy[/align]
[align=left]Him: Couldn't you write on a sheet
Me: I would lose it
Him: When your mother tells you to do something do you do the opposite like this?
Me: No[/align]

o you think that I was so thick that I wouldn't see you were writing in the papers?
[align=left]Him: Do you need to have a chat with Ms. Lydon to sort you out
Me: Err, no![/align]
[align=left]Him: I don't know what's wrong with ya, I can't seem to control you at all, your not listening to me at all or working in both maths and technology (WTF! I was bursting my balls to work hard to get him off my back in technology and was working, fine like everyone else in maths).
Me: *silent*[/align]
[align=left]Him: What are you going to do to make up for it?
Me: Dunno[/align]
[align=left]Him: Maybe an apology to me? (FOR WHAT!!)
Me: Ok, sorry?[/align]
[align=left]Him: Ok then
Me:*storms out and bitch about him to my friends*[/align]
[align=left]I mean, what the hell! I work harder then lot's of girls in both subjects. In technology I've done lot's of my project, while other girls are doing nothing and haven't started. In maths, I work away fine and do my homework, lot's of girls don't. The girls in both the subjects who do nothing never get their faces eaten off EXCEPT ME![/align]
[align=left]It's not fair, and it's really getting me down, no one at school understands why he's being like this to me, I don't know what to do, and I don't want to be sent to Ms. Lydon, she's really scary. :cry: School sucks now...[/align]
[align=left]Sorry guys, I just need to take this out somewhere! xx[/align]