The Irish Bunnie's Burrow

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Okay I'm rather dumb.. I had forgotten I had comented on your b log before and I was like whats your buns name and what do they look like on MSN now I remember :D


Becca wrote:
Okay I'm rather dumb.. I had forgotten I had comented on your b log before and I was like whats your buns name and what do they look like on MSN now I remember :D

haha, don't worry about it your forgiven :)


Hey again everybody! I took two cute pics of my little Princess today. Here she is checking out the hot bucks here on RO hehe, she took a particular fancy to HoneyPot's cute little Charlie!



She's such a little cutie!


BSAR wrote:
Your blog is nice! Your bunnies are really cute! Wow 8 humans!
Thanks lol, yup eight humans! My mam and dad my sister (19), me (15), brother (12), brother (7), brother (5) and sister (2). There is a big gap between the youngest and the oldest but my mam had my older sister when she was 17 somy mam isnot really old or anything :p

Hey guys,
I was just out playing with the bunnies and I had Princess out and we were having a grooming session were I rub her and she licks my pants lol, well when I was around her neck I noticed loose fur so I kept pulling and got out a whole little bundle, she was totally relaxed and then got up and started licking my pants! So it wasn't hurting her, is the loose fur a sign of a false pregnancy, since it's a characteristic of pregnant does?


It's mixed with a little hay here because I left it in her cage



Both of the bunnies had loads of fun today and both got to go out all day today at the same time. I secured the vegetable garden and put Thumper in there and I put Princess in the normal enclosure. I made them natural style shelters out of branches, they loved it and weren't too happy when it was getting dark and time for bed.

We are also sharing our Christmas with five little guinea pigs. I run a petsitting service and these little cuties are staying with us for three weeks



Santa brought me a digital camera for Christmas that has 12.1 megapixels, it's the camera in the pic. So my blog will have better quality pictures in it! Santa also brought me a surprise mobile phone and a bronzing kit woop!


On Christmas eve, 24/12/08, Princess gave birth to a surprise litter of four babies, they were so beautiful but unfortuantly, none were alive. Princess is doing well and sprung back to her normal self. RIP little baby buns.:bunnyangel::rainbow:


I just realised I never update on Thumper, he's just such a well behaved bunny and I never have any problems or anything to say about him. I've never seen him spray or anything, even though Princess is in the cage beside him. He got to run around in one of the runs today. Princess had to stay in because Thumper managed to get into her run yesterday, but luckily nothing happened. Except Princess attacked my leg lol. So I need to secure the runs even more.

He's an outgoing rabbit and isn't afraid of anything, when the cats pass his run he'll run up to the wire and start sniffing them lol. He doesn't like to be snuggled as much as Princess but he likes to have his head massaged.

So even though Princess is a little drama queen and steals all the lime light he's still my good little man. :biggrin2:

Today I bought the rabbits a harness at the pet supermarket while I was buying shavings for the guinea pigs. I just gave Thumper a quick go on it today to test it out but tomorrow they'll both get a good go on it and I'll take some pics with my new camera. I also saw a lovely REW rabbit there, verycute.

Princess went on the harness for the first time today. She was really good on it and it didn't bother her at all.









I just spent the last 20 minutes trying to resize them on Photobucket, when I posted them on another forum the damn things were still huge! :X