The Irish Bunnie's Burrow

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Hey everyone,
So basically I need a new title for my new blog which I'll be making on the 1st of January :) As most of you probably know, most members usually make a new blog every year. I ment to ask you all if you had any ideas one what I could call my new blog. I'd love something creative :)

Thanks to MRS. PBJ's blog post, for reminding me to post this. I've been trying to think of a name but I'm not very creative lol!

Thanks everyone!
So I'm pretty excited right now. Only bunny people would understand it though ;) My neighbour sold off a lot of their poultry and they have some stuff they don't want and they offered it to us. So, basically it's a 8x4 shed, which I really cannot wait to get, I've needed a separate building to my Dad's tool shed for ages. Although it is small, it will do for some of the cages! Also some pens and another small chicken coop, all of which can be made into runs and hutches etc. for the bunnies!

I'm not sure when we are going to collect the stuff, I forgot to ask my Dad that part lol! I'm post more about them in a separate thread once I get the stuff.

One man's rubbish is another, err, girl's treasure :bunnydance:
Brrr, the weather is getting really cold these days. Last night it was -6 degrees celcius (21.2 degrees Fahrenheit). Rupert's bottle froze, he's my only bunny who has a hutch outside, the rest are in the shed. I was worried about them, but this morning they were all looking at me like 'What's wrong with you?'.

I let Rupert out for a run around to warm up his muscles, and defrosted his bottle. That's the first time any of my bunnies bottles have ever froze! It's gonna be a cold Winter, which I like :) I like cold frosty Winters, it feels Christmassy!

What would be even better is if it snows!
Presents for the bunnies arrived on Thursday :)

I got two between them all


This is what's in them


They were around €3 per box (approx. $4)

Then I spotted these in the €2 shop, basically everything in there costs €2 (approx. $2.86)

Holly's present


Heidi's present


I'm hoping to pick up some treats for the guinea pigs too if I can get money, they guinea pigs are arriving tomorrow, so I should be getting €90 (approx. $128) tomorrow, just in time for Christmas :)
Important Topics Of 2009!

Since we are coming towards the end of the year, I'd thought I'd put links to all my important topics of 2009. Some of them are of happy events, some of funny things, and one about an event where I found it hard to even keep going.

Before I leave this blog, which will be in the first of January, I want to make a special post, not sure exactly what it's going to say yet!

Topic where I introduce Misty when I first got her

Please Hope For A Miracle!- Topic about the lead up to and the death of my Nana, an extremely hard time for me, I still can't read it, hopefully someday I will

My Chicks Just Hatched!!!!- A topic about chicks one of my hens hatched out, includes like of pictures of very cute baby chickies :)

So Worried!!- This topic was about Misty, the time she went missing for 24 hours. A mod changed it to not so worried after she was found :)

Baby Bunny Updates- Topic I made to update everyone regulary about a litter of babies I had during the Summer :)

New Additions!- Topic showing off four new ducks we got

3000 Posts- Topic celebrating that I reached 3000 posts on the forum!

Puppy arriving today!- Topic about my Holly when I first got her :)

Happy First Gotcha Day Princess!- Topic celebrating Princess' very first Gotcha Day

My New Cavies!- Topic about Gizmo and Pinky when I first got them

Huge Surprise- Topic about the three week old litter I found

Some pictures I took of my little herd that ''free range'' in the shed. It's made up of Princess and her six kids. Ebony being the oldest, she is six months, and then the 5 little ones that are about 5 weeks.

Like most teenagers, Ebony gets left to mind the little ones all the time


Close up of two of them


Princess grooming me


OH I hate this it's not fair I'm a teenager I should be going out on the town having a good time with my bunny buddies not a home minding these toddlers IT'S SOOO MEEAN !!!!
Sabine wrote:
OH I hate this it's not fair I'm a teenager I should be going out on the town having a good time with my bunny buddies not a home minding these toddlers IT'S SOOO MEEAN !!!!
Haha yeah, that's what she looked like she was saying!
It's snowing here today and I wanted to bring the bunnies out on the harness for a run around, but my Dad broke it :grumpy:
So I can't bring them out, just out into the run where there is no snow!
So I ordered a rabbit cage off a site called zooplus, at the exact same time that ordered their Christmas presents. Well, I got the Christmas presents a few days ago so I contacted them over the weekend to ask where my cage was. They didn't know where it was basically :grumpy: So they are sending it out again and I should have it in a few days, but because I live in a rural area they can never find my house, a few days always turns into about two weeks. So chances are, I won't have the cage for Christmas, it was supposed to be one of my Christmas presents too.
I'd say you'll have the cage by Xmas alright. Zooplus often send big orders out seperately and sometimes they arrive at different times.
Yeah, only problem is I live in a rural area and zooplus don't give out your phone number with the order, so when the courier hasn't got a clue where to go with the package they don't even seem to bother contacting Zooplus, so usually I have to push zooplus to send my number to the courier so I can get it.

I'm hoping they send is with An Post, they sent the treats out with them and it only took a week, since the post man knows where the house it.
So now the babies are just as good as the other buns for eating and drinking, as soon as I go out to the shed they all come running up looking to be fed. I have to be really careful where I step since they are all running around me. It's really cute when I put down their feed they all pile around a bowl together munching away. I'm guessing that now they are about 4 weeks old, coming up on 5 weeks around the weekend.
Ahh that sounds so cute, I really wish I had baby bunnies, Thankfully all my bunnies are all altered so I can't get any ideas or "Accidents" lol!
I'm really looking forward to Christmas now, just a few more hours and it will be Christmas Eve :p
I can't wait to get my new phone especially, that is the present I'm most looking forward to. I really want my new rabbit cage too, but the changes of it arriving before Christmas are pretty slim. Oh well. Hopefully it will be here soon after :)
I was excited about tomorrow, but now I'm not sure, tomorrow evening is going to be weird, usually we go to my Nana's house on Christmas Eve, but some will know she passed away a few months ago. So I really have no idea what we are going to do tomorrow, maybe go to my Aunts.

I almost caved today and gave the bunnies their Christmas presents, but I really have to wait until tomorrow at least. I'll regret it if I give them to them now, then they will have nothing for Christmas lol! Not that they would really care.

Right now I am waiting for Paul (paul2641) to put his bunny Sebastian on webcam for me lol! Then I'm going to go and have some Christmas time with the family, going to have some drinks and watch Christmas music videos (cheesy I know). :p

I'm just feeling very greatful right now, greatful that I have such great family and friends here for Christmas and of course greatful for all my pets, especially the bunnies, but don't tell the rest of them that :p

I'm also really greatful for RO and all the good friends I have on here, love you all!

I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas!
