The Irish Bunnie's Burrow

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Hello everybody,

I hope you are all having an amazing Christmas so far! Well Christmas Day is almost over :( I decided to come on and tell you how my day went since I'm not doing anything right now, might go watch some telly with the family after I post this :)

So basically we got up at 6.40am, we have a rule in our house that no one is to get up till 7.00am, but they were close enough :p My little brother came running in shouting ''Santa came! Santa came!''. So, blurry eyed we all got up and opened out presents. I got some really good presents! Way more then I was expecting to get!


Rabbit Cage


Rabbit cage (hasn't arrived yet though)
Leather Jacket
Curious perfume by Britney Spears
Pink Tickets!!
50 euro

So I'm very happy :) We had Christmas dinner around 2.00pm, turkey from my uncle's farm, ham, spuds, roasties, potato stuffing, carrots and gravy, yum :) and profitorolls (sp) for dessert.

We can't drive anywhere because the roads are too bad, so we couldn't go visit relations and exchange gifts. So I've just been hanging around, eating, eating and eating, my friend came up for a little while, messed with my phone and watched old episodes of 'The Royle Family' on telly. :D

I gave all the animals their Christmas presents, except the bunnies, I just gave them some treats but I'm waiting till tomorrow till I clean out their cages before I give them the rest of their stuff, I don't want to give them toys until their cages are spotless.

I thought while I have time, I might make a video of the baby bunnies tomorrow or Sunday, and maybe one of the older bunnies or maybe just pictures of the older bunnies, we'll see :)

Think that is about it!

Merry Christmas!
I took some pictures of the bunnies today and also the video of the babies I was talking about taking :)

Video: You can turn down the sound if you don't want to listen to me blabbering.







Princess, I couldn't really get any pics of her because she never quite licking me!



Her and a baby



Playing hide and seek!









They are so cute!I want one! Hmmm.... if I hop on a plane now, I can be there in 8 hours!:biggrin2:
I might be getting Thumper neuteured soon *fingers crossed*. I'm going to ring the vets when they are open again and find out exactly how much it will cost, plus I need to make sure they are as good as I think they might be.
Good luck with that. I hope they turn out rabbit savvy. Are you going to bond him to Misty or Princess then?
Sabine wrote:
Good luck with that. I hope they turn out rabbit savvy. Are you going to bond him to Misty or Princess then?
Probably with Misty, because Princess has Ebony already, and Princess absolutely hates Misty. So it works out better that way. :)
I'm getting a shed for the bunnies in a few days, it's going to be really small so I'm not sure how many I'm going to be able to fit in there. Still can't wait, my Dad organised a spot where he is going to put it. I'll be able to collect it once the roads clear off, the ice is starting to melt though thank God! Have been stuck in my house for the last couple of days and I'm starting to go mad.

Bunnies are all good, so are the other animals. I brought Holly for a walk today down to my friend's house, it was so slippy she was skidding all over the road :D Silly dog, my neighbour's love her, she is really friendly with a cheeky side to her! I'm going to try and get some new pictures of her since I haven't shared recently.

I'm also planning my new blog, I think I have settled on a name for it, but still trying to think of better names. I don't know what kind of layout my new blog will have, I am probably going to keep it simple because if I make it too complicated I'll get too lazy to update :D

Merry Christmas!
I've just been down at the neighbours, we have no water in our house because there was a leak somewhere and the huge tank our water is stored in was drained. We all need to wash, my neighbour has an outside tap that is thankfully still working so we are filling up buckets of water from that and bringing them to my house and putting them into a barrel, I got drenched trying to carry the buckets home, and slipped a couple of times on the ice but I did enjoy petting the donkey and horses :)
I might have to go down there again so I'll try snap some mobile phone pics :)

Merry Christmas!
irishbunny wrote:
I've just been down at the neighbours, we have no water in our house because there was a leak somewhere and the huge tank our water is stored in was drained. We all need to wash, my neighbour has an outside tap that is thankfully still working so we are filling up buckets of water from that and bringing them to my house and putting them into a barrel, I got drenched trying to carry the buckets home, and slipped a couple of times on the ice but I did enjoy petting the donkey and horses :)
I might have to go down there again so I'll try snap some mobile phone pics :)

Merry Christmas!
I think it'swonderful that you have a great attitude! You can take a bad situation and turn it around by finding something postitive like enjoying your neighbor's animals.:highfive:
hln917 wrote:
irishbunny wrote:
I've just been down at the neighbours, we have no water in our house because there was a leak somewhere and the huge tank our water is stored in was drained. We all need to wash, my neighbour has an outside tap that is thankfully still working so we are filling up buckets of water from that and bringing them to my house and putting them into a barrel, I got drenched trying to carry the buckets home, and slipped a couple of times on the ice but I did enjoy petting the donkey and horses :)
I might have to go down there again so I'll try snap some mobile phone pics :)

Merry Christmas!
I think it'swonderful that you have a great attitude! You can take a bad situation and turn it around by finding something postitive like enjoying your neighbor's animals.:highfive:
Aww thanks :D
They do have really sweet horses, and the donkey is a really cheeky character too!