Just some updates- So the bunnies are all doing good, I still have four of the five babies (that's how hard it is to find good homes here!). They are practically full grown now and are basically adults, my little babies, all grown up

Last weekend I took the girls cage for the guinea pigs since it's quite big, they are ''free range'' so they don't really need a proper big cage. Plus I don't have one big enough for the three of them! Instead I gave them the plastic base off a smaller cage as a place for them to eat their food and they also have a pet carrier filled with hay to snuggle into if they want.
The ''baby'' boys, Alvin and Rupert, are still outside in a hutch. They have not started to fight or anything, and hopefully they won't! I'm still working towards getting them homes, aswell as one of the ''baby'' girls. I could keep them, but, as bad as it sounds, I don't want to. I just think they would be better off in a new home, with more space for them. Currently, I don't have that much space for them until I finally get my own building for the bunnies. When I do get that hopefully everybun will have more space.
This Sunday (my bunny cleaning day) I also have to clip nails and I'm gonna try and weigh the bunnies and give them a good look over to make sure everyone is doing ok, haven't done that in ages!
Next week I have no spare time! I'm in a musical, which is starting on Monday until Saturday, and on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday we have a matinee aswell as a night show, so some days I will be there from 9.30am-11pm. So going to be wrecked tired and probably going to have to get someone else in the family to look after the pets!
Ok so I think that's the end of my essay

Oh and hopefully I'm going to take some pictures of the bunnies, either Sunday or if not, definitely Monday
